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  1. M

    import private key from the now defunct magnum online wallet to the pivx wallet

    I think it might be a scam site because their support doesn't answer, the telegram group is not being monitored and in the telegram group it says magnum wallet is suspended. Why do you think it's a real site?
  2. M

    import private key from the now defunct magnum online wallet to the pivx wallet

    where did you get that screenshot? Where did you log into magnum? Magnumwallet.Co is up but doesn't work.
  3. M

    import private key from the now defunct magnum online wallet to the pivx wallet

    they don't give seed phrases, only private keys
  4. M

    import private key from the now defunct magnum online wallet to the pivx wallet

    is it possible? I go to Debug - > Console and put in importprivkey "S1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0jklmnopqrstuvwx" not the actual key, it's a lot longer like a thousand characters remember it's the magnum private key so it might not be compatible. All the current online magnum wallets are scams...