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Archived Translation White paper


Jul '18

The White paper is the most important document of any cryptocurrency and has considerable influence on investors when faced with the decision to be involved with a project or not.
Making an analysis of the visitors to the White paper pages on the pivx.org website I have come to the decision to provide our translation service for specific languages with a high interest in the PIVX Whitepaper. Strontium has worked with me to determine the best potential markets and prioritise translations accordingly. The goal of the White paper translations proposal is to attract more valuable and technically-minded investors to the PIVX project who thoroughly investigate all benefits and drawbacks before investing.

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Team & Background:
I am leading the translation team. My efforts include the organization, hiring, coordination, and reports for translation efforts undertaken by the vast translation team. Also, I focus on providing a decision based on analytics of preferences of visitors to the official PIVX website to organize the further strategy of translation development.
I have a master’s degree in system engineering and a Business Diploma. My experience includes working in an international company for a long period of time and arranging two outsourcing projects and one process improvement project. During last year, I managed the translation of PIVX.org and further translation of all possible PIVX documentation, news, and organizing subtitles support of the most of PIVX video production.
The PIVX translation team has supported the PIVX community during last 9 months and earned the reputation as a responsible and professional translation team. We focus on providing quality and prompt translations for a variety of media productions in different languages.
PIVX Translation Support V3
PIVX Translation Support V4
Strontium: Strontium’s efforts include writing an extensive PIVX white paper; helping direct the PIVX 2.0 website efforts; aiding many PIVX core and community members in various writing focused tasks; strategising on marketing, bizdev, and PR; as well as working in his role on the QA test team.
We have experience working together on the PIVX core language guide and I hope for further effective interaction and coordination with core developers to solve technical issues, and answering possible questions from the translators during the translation effort of the white paper.
Previous related proposals:
PIVX White Paper 1
PIVX core language & terminology and style guide localisation - proposal 2
The comprehensive White paper consists of 130, 000 words; an effort we cannot manage to translate in just one month. Technical documentation is serious and requires much more effort and research than blog translation and so I am asking for 20 PIV for 1000 words.
White paper 130 000 words one language 260 PIV
Translation into 5 languages 1300 PIV
Hanna effort 100PIV
Strontium effort 60 PIV
Refund for the proposal 25 PIV
1485 PIV per month for next 2 months
2970 PIV In total
I am planning to arrange the translation
First month: German, Korean, Russian, French and Chinese
Second month: Dutch, Turkish, Spanish, Italian and Japanese
My team doesn’t have a Korean translator, so I would like to inform you that in case I cannot find the professional translator during the first month I will transfer the budget of White paper to members of the Korean community who can spend this money for their needs based on their priorities.
Vote in favor or Yes:
"mnbudgetvote many 231047f4ebdd1bb5ba2d16d6ec519a6dd71fb12fd7af54f46a04a099fc1c9f0b “yes”
To Vote against or No:**
"mnbudgetvote many 231047f4ebdd1bb5ba2d16d6ec519a6dd71fb12fd7af54f46a04a099fc1c9f0b “no”