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  • Hawtch
    Description I am wanting to create a satirical video that I can use for Youtube video ads and general promotion. The intent is to use...
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  • Hawtch
    Hawtch replied to the thread Active Marketing-Hawtch.
    - Asking for feedback for the Olympic vids here
  • Hawtch
    Hawtch replied to the thread REVIEW: World Sports Vid.
    The desktop version can be hard to see unless on actual desktop, so I have made a Mobile ratio (Youtube Shorts) version as well: VIDEO Here
  • Leander
    Leander reacted to Hawtch's post in the thread REVIEW: World Sports Vid with Like Like.
    Feedback Due Date July 25th Thursday 8pm PST Posting Date July 26th Friday 5pm PST Details The "Worldwide Sports" events that are...
  • Leander
    We completed the event successfully and we would like to thank everyone who supported us in this process. The municipality teams of the...
  • Hawtch
    Feedback Due Date July 25th Thursday 8pm PST Posting Date July 26th Friday 5pm PST Details The "Worldwide Sports" events that are...
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  • talhatr
    talhatr replied to the thread Active CryptoEventTurkish.
    The event is just a short time away. About 20 days. New speakers and sponsors are being added. I believe we will have an active 2 days!
  • talhatr
    We completed the event successfully and we would like to thank everyone who supported us in this process. The municipality teams of the...
  • PIVX Labs
    PIVX Labs reacted to Robin's post in the thread Active Marketing - RedByrd with Like Like.
    Name: Marketing-RedByrd Term: 1 cycle Cycle Amount: 12,500 PIV Total Amount: 12,500 PIV Author: RedByrd Receiver: RedByrd Address...
  • Hawtch
    Hawtch replied to the thread REVIEW: Crowdstrike Graphic/Ad.
    Unfortunately this will be delayed until later this evening. I need to adjust the video so it is atleast 15 seconds long or Youtube...
  • Rwenzori
    Rwenzori replied to the thread Active Supplementz.
    I would like to say there is 5k left in the budget, if passed we will convert into a masternode to fund the daily freerolls.
    • Screenshot from 2024-07-22 22-34-02.png
  • Jeffrey
    Jeffrey replied to the thread Are you a C++ Developer?.
    Can you share your GitHub. Also our GitHub is public so it’s advisable to prove yourself by resolving issues or finding areas to...
  • Isabella1
    Isabella1 replied to the thread Are you a C++ Developer?.
    I have worked with C++ on a real-time simulation system for a financial application.
  • Isabella1
    Isabella1 reacted to LeacyMcK's post in the thread Are you a C++ Developer? with Like Like.
    Hi Isabella1. Thank you for reaching out. If you would be so kind could you please state your experience with C++ work and other...
  • Isabella1
    Isabella1 reacted to palmtree's post in the thread I am new here with Like Like.
    That's great! An easy way to get noticed is to have a look at and make a PR to an...