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Recent content by quins

  1. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    "address": "DMgA8fnwwNqNsMXNPz1diyKzzXXvGS5LYJ", "isshield": false, "scriptPubKey": "76a914b561e829df7ff14e65f8cda1f3036f44c81b56a588ac", "ischange": true, "ismine": false, "iswatchonly": true, "label": "pvcoins", "labels": [ { "name": "pvcoins", "purpose"...
  2. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    or how can i chache to the wallet with the pivx
  3. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    i kant see the balance on top it in this wallet that i made within pivx for the node
  4. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    i kant see the balance on top it in this wallet that i made within pivx for the node
  5. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    oke wallet is now open but how do i get to the pivx its in a wallet for makin the masternode
  6. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    hi so your telling me i could whitdraw al these years ? just had to complete the sync is the wallet getting any form of staking rewards ? i have the wallet.dat file back up now im waiting for the sync if this doesnt work i wil try the snapshot keep you posted thank u quins
  7. Q

    backup wallet pivx wallet

    i time ago i tried to setup a masternode and while the wallet was sync i sended 10000 piv becauce i didnt saw the ballance i had downloaded the wallet again this action overwrite the wallet where i sended the piv onl wallet adres DMgA8fnwwNqNsMXNPz1diyKzzXXvGS5LYJ