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      Shahrokh replied to the thread wallet.
      Thank you so much.
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      Shahrokh replied to the thread wallet.
      Thank you, but is there any way to reduce the time? its 6 years now :D:unsure:
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      Shahrokh replied to the thread wallet.
      How can I sync my wallet? and how can I have found which block is that?
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      Shahrokh reacted to Liquid369's post in the thread wallet with Like Like.
      It takes time for a wallet to sync, if you sent the coins in block 1000000, but your wallet is only at block 10, it has to get to the...
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      Shahrokh posted the thread wallet in General Discussion.
      I made my windows wallet and transferred my PIVXs in some cases, but it hasn't been moved yet. How can I track?
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