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SiggeB's latest activity

  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Eric_Stanek's post in the thread Socials! with Like Like.
    Er .... @LeacyMcK doesn't have access to all accounts. She can't post to them anymore than she can post to your accounts. Further, it's...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Liquid369's post in the thread Socials! with Like Like.
    Do you think low-effort posting is going to get us somewhere? Copy and pasting is not the path to success as each has different formats...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Prof Metaverse's post in the thread Socials! with Like Like.
    There are many things I would like to say, but few are helpful in an online thread. Things easily get off topic, out of context or...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Jeffrey's post in the thread Socials! with Like Like.
    The website for automation is a vulnerability. If the sites or solutions ever had security flaws and leaked access it could mean the...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Prof Metaverse's post in the thread Socials! with Like Like.
    The core of decentralization is community involvement and participation on the one hand and dealing with different points of view on the...
  • SiggeB
    I chose to renew this proposal for another three months. Hopefully pou're happy with my work in the past. Check also PIVX's CMC page...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    I would like to invite you to explore a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) that I shared in my recent proposal: "To position PIVX as one...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB reacted to Hawtch's post in the thread Active Marketing-Hawtch with Like Like.
    UPDATE Holidays have been NUTS! Wife and I recently became foster parents and it's been absolutely bananas. I've been grinding but I...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    I'be been basically volunteering since 2019, and proven to be loyal to PIVX and its values.
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    It looks like there's a huge misunderstanding about my intentions. I thought I had been clear, but maybe I haven't. My goal was never to...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    Thank you for your feedback. I agree that starting with the community to determine the BHAG (Option 1) is a valuable approach and aligns...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    No. You have already stated that you'll vote No. That's fine wilth me. You have already made up your mind. Why should I try to change...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    Here's an interesting read for masternode owners, which has just been published. The Ethical Responsibility of Voting in PIVX
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    Thanks for making your political views a part of this. I'll just ignore them. I'm perfectly fine if my proposal is rejected. I will...
  • SiggeB
    SiggeB replied to the thread Active DAO Community Coach.
    Of course, opposite views are welcome and often ver valuable. Everyone needs to feel though that their opinions are welcome. If they...