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Active Marketing-Hawtch


Name: Marketing-Hawtch
Term: 1 cycles
Cycle Amount: 22,200 PIV
Total Amount: 22,200 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Address: D5hLZRKeqeoxSw1N4hTgXMFerDh2XBAB5H
Created: August 08, 2024

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing PIVX to outside and within the crypto space and ,as you can imagine, this isn't an easy task. It is, however, one that I am proudly stepping up to do. I have enjoyed my time thus-far and look forward to much more!



  • Youtube Videos
    • Videos wanting to produce in tandem with @redbyrd (1-3 months period): New Intro video, PIVX promo/ad, Chats #2, 'How-To's', Listings (Template for standard, custom for big), Comparison Vids (10 reasons PIVX wins vs Monero), Event vids or possibly PIVX Paladin street interviews.
  • Shorts/Reels (10 per month minimum)
  • Quick News / Fastvertising ads/shorts
  • Youtube Paid Ads (4100 PIV unused in wallet) - static and/or vids.
  • Side Project: Design 1-3 Merch designs the community can print and use.
  • Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum.
  • Focused efforts on supporting Jeffrey and what he is doing.
  • Planning for Future Campaigns/Growth (In tandem with Redbyrd, Jeffrey, and others)
Note: These may fluctuate more or less given big news, last minute priority tasks, or anything else that may take precedence demanding design/marketing help. I give a list of Deliverables because it gives a task of substantial items to work on and show to the community - this and it also keeps me accountable to you all. In no way am I intending to do LESS, but I feel like this should be said because there is a level of flexibility that is necessary with these types of roles. This is my ideal and intended schedule. Saying that, I will still be putting in the same hours and effort!

Funding Breakdown​

  • Work Hours: 22,200 PIV { (($50cad x 30) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.27cad per PIV (mth average) }
  • Costs: 0 PIV
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 22,200 PIV

Last Month Summary​

  • 1 Youtube/Rumble Video (minimum) and Shorts/Reels (10 per month minimum):
    • Posted 6 Full Videos. Chats: Privacy man (Part 1 and 2), Olympics, Crypto you can actually use, Crowdstrike, KoinBX Listing, and MEXC Listing.
    • Posted 13 shorts. Not incredibly effective but it helps with SEO and building the brand the more we do it consistently.
  • 2 Quick News / Fastvertising ads/shorts:
    • Crowdstrike Video:
    • Olympics:
  • Youtube Paid Ads (2500 PIV) - static and/or vids:
    • Haven't finalized PIVX ad yet, but have the PIV in my wallet ready for it: D5hLZRKeqeoxSw1N4hTgXMFerDh2XBAB5H
  • 2 Giveaways (500 PIV total):
    • I tried to initiate a giveaway, spending time trying to plan it and make it happen, but it didn't get any response. This was done on our PIVX_Marketing Twitter page and I recognize now that I should have got @LeacyMcK to post on Official PIVX page and made the giveaway less complicated. Going forward I will be remedying this. The funds are still here in my wallet and ready to be used. If they are not I will send to LeacyMck or Jeffrey for a promo or giveaway: D5hLZRKeqeoxSw1N4hTgXMFerDh2XBAB5H
  • Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum.
    • Discord: Now consistently posting. See the #marketing channel Threads.
    • PIVX Forum: Now consistently posting. See the General Discussion area.
  • Focused efforts on supporting Jeffrey and what he is doing.
    • I have started to make hype rhythm videos for the large listings/partners we are announcing, and Robin and I are in talks with Jeffrey how we can make efforts in advance to have marketing material ready in advance. We are also talking about how we can do irl, educational, out-of-the-box, and/or giveaway marketing differently. We need to continue to experiment and refine our efforts, while still building the brand consistently.
  • Planning for Future Campaigns/Growth (September)
    • I feel this has transitioned pretty well into our efforts to work with Jeffrey (see above points) seeing as he has been/continues to make amazing listings and postings.


  • I am moving to a more general task list rather than an exact one with some of my listed deliverables. This is due to the nature of how long video vs flat graphics take vs needing to prioritize something pressing such as big listings, fastvertising, or an important event.
  • The ads have not been paid for yet for a couple reasons.
    • Firstly I tried to get Rumble ads but they require some strong doxxing and personal info connecting. I wasn't comfortable with this since I know that, whether now or later, others will have access to our PIVX Official Rumble or Youtube.
    • Second reason being there aren't any videos now that are 'ads'. I need to create one so we can put that out - this takes time and alot of deliberate work. I'm super excited for Redbyrd being here as she will help with this too. In the mean time I may 'boost' some of our bigger listing vids going forward.
  • Ad money - I have the total of 4100 PIV (partially used in June), and 500 for giveaways still. Once a PIVX video ad is made I will be using this money on that. For the giveaway I will either use it for a giveaway via youtube, or give to LeacyMck for PIVX official twitter giveaway/promo.
  • LeacyMck, the team and I. Things are going well and LeacyMck and I seem to have figured out a decent flow. I am happy with this arrangement and hope it grows exponentially as the team expands.
  • Finally, wanted to give honourable mention to @Meerkat ! She's been a rock these last couple months. She has consistently output graphics and kept on top of things - including not JUST graphics but clean and organized source files that both the translators and other designers can use. She has been nothing but encouraging and friendly. 11/10
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NEED FEEDBACK on the Satire Ad.​

Would appreciate all your perspectives on this seeing as it could have a large reach and I want it to be as effective as possible.

Asking for feedback here
This looks great Hawtch! Above what we have chatted about - let me know if there are any animations that I can help boost any of your material. Thanks for helping me get acclimatized over the last couple weeks!
Hey PIVians! Hope things are great!

Wanted to give an update as to what's going on with the Video/Animation Marketing Team right now (Redbyrd and I).​

We've Created:​

Work In Progress:​

  • Image Posts on Youtube from the strong PIVX Official Twitter posts. Will schedule for upcoming weeks - bringing all socials in sync.
  • Cut quotes from the @guapic interview. Will overlay on top of b-roll with inspiring music.
  • Signed up a PIVX Official Tik Tok (https://www.tiktok.com/@pivx_crypto) and we are planning a series of posts starting in September.
  • Beginning stages of "To the Moon. Again?" promo vid where we show hype to go 'to the moon' and it's lame music and just two people dancing in spacesuits on an empty moon. Cut to people joyous B-roll - saying "It's probably time you chose a crypto more down to Earth. PIVX provides IRL spending, 100% privacy, and consistent growth since 2016. Forget Moonshots and memecoins. Trust your crypto. Choose PIVX." (or something like that).


- I have been quite focused on getting larger work done, quality over quantity and all that. I assure you I've been working diligently (as seen above). I felt like the above post was needed to show that.
- Redbyrd has been an amazing help and definitely has a skillset noone else in PIVX has. She is a major asset and will help us take alot of things up a notch. Her and I are (for the most part) working in tandem with various projects and so I am listing it as OUR work rather than mine or hers, since we both dip our hands into each others proverbial cookie jars. If there is a need to clarify who is doing what, let us know, but I find posting it as what WE are doing makes it much easier to work as a team in mindset and morale.
Is it possible to help promote poker? I see there are multiple marketing proposals, did you know you can make PIV by promoting poker?
Is it possible to help promote poker? I see there are multiple marketing proposals, did you know you can make PIV by promoting poker?
I'd love to chat about how Redbyrd and I can help!

I think it's a great part of PIVX and I think you guys are doing a solid work. Fun and promote PIVX? Yes please.

Satire Ad:​

I have been adjusting the metadata, description, and everything again. I want to make sure the SEO and Youtube Algorithm is great. Let me know what you think if this description and if you would change anything.
Also adjusted the thumbnail. I think I want to go with this. I feel like it's a great compromise between being straightforward but also having that curios odd touch with the NT on 'is'.

I've been taking a deep dive into SEO and choosing the right tags in order to get this out properly and to grow our reach on Youtube.
Additionally, I have updated the branding to our Youtube Home page and made it into a 'Brand' channel. Meaning I can delegate lesser editing access to other team members without compromising security of the channel. In the long term this will benefit us greatly. As a note @Jeffrey has shared access to the channel in case anything may happen to me (God forbid).

Here's the video so far, currently unlisted on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFVKGmDqCls

Turkey Recap:​

I have created this video with the intention of featuring the communities awesome outreach. Hoping we can continue to go down this road. @talhatr is doing some awesome work that looks really great for us as a brand.
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Ad Launches Tomorrow!

I have signed up to launch the Satire Youtube Ad I have posted a couple times here.​

Unfortunately I had to dox myself quite a bit to Google, but I am hoping it's worth it so PIVX can grow exponentially from this. My aim is to prop up all of what PIVX is doing and really get ourselves out there! Nothing like a low market to build something big!

Ad Details (Attached)​

It will be beginning tomorrow and run until September 28th. During that time I will be assessing it's effectiveness and I will be working on other ads we can launch later.

Separate Ad Proposal​

I think I will be proposing a separate ad budget apart from my personal proposal this month. This makes it easier to separate and track the two chunks of PIV.

Preview the Ad​



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