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Active Marketing-Hawtch


Name: Marketing-Hawtch
Term: 3 cycles
Cycle Amount: 24,000 PIV
Total Amount: 72,000 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Address: DSU4tLh6hXHdgQrGvy97KS25hhKJbkMqWY
Created: Sept 09, 2024

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing PIVX to outside and within the crypto space. As you can imagine, this isn't an easy task. It is, however, one that I am proudly stepping up to do alongside the amazingly talented @Robin . We are now working as a team and most of the things posted below are a collaboration in some shape or form. I have enjoyed my time at PIVX thus-far and look forward to much more!

This month I am changing things a little. I am proposing 3 months so it is easier for me to focus on what I'm doing. I am also going to be putting a separate proposal for Paid Ads in order to organize between my work and paying for ads (ADS PROPOSAL LINK). This seems like a better solution as it's easier to track, and if the amount requested for ads is not what people agree with, it doesn't mean my work gets voted down.

Focusing on paid ads on Youtube will significantly help us to get out there and be seen - growing the channel, promoting our vendors/usecases, and promoting any large updates or news we may have (ie added PIVX tech, updated UI, big partnerships). This is shown by the latest Youtube Paid Ad (link) I posted. It has 4000+ views and has already brought in 16+ subscribers.



  • Youtube Videos
    • Videos wanting to produce in tandem with @redbyrd (1-3 months period): New Intro video, Multiple PIVX vendor promo/ads, Chats #2, 'How-To's', Listings (Template for standard, custom for big), Comparison Vids (10 reasons PIVX wins vs Monero), Event vids or possibly PIVX Paladin street interviews.
  • Shorts/Reels (10 per month minimum)
  • Paid Youtube Ads
    • I want to start creating ads and short videos that feature the ability of PIVX to be used practically anywhere on anything. If we can promote PIVX, our vendors/merchants, AND the fact that we have strong usecase...well, I think people will see PIVX as more than just an ol' faithful coin or an investment. The hope is the vendors/merchants will help promote us and share in return, and it will get people talking about us more.
  • Merch (Side): Design 1-3 Merch designs the community can print and use (Might take a while, but plugging away at it)
  • Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum.
  • Focused efforts on supporting Jeffrey and what he is doing with PIVX listings, partners, and growth.
  • Planning for Future Campaigns/Growth (In tandem with Redbyrd, Jeffrey, and others)
Note: These may fluctuate more or less given big news, last minute priority tasks, or anything else that may take precedence demanding design/marketing help. I give a list of Deliverables because it gives a task of substantial items to work on and show to the community - this and it also keeps me accountable to you all. In no way am I intending to do LESS, but I feel like this should be said because there is a level of flexibility that is necessary with these types of roles. This is my ideal and intended schedule. Saying that, I will still be putting in the same hours and effort!

Funding Breakdown​

  • Work Hours: 24,000 PIV { (($50cad x 30) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.25cad per PIV }
  • Costs: (Ads on different proposal: LINK HERE)
  • Cycle Length: 3 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 24,000 PIV /month (72,000 PIV total)

Last Month Summary​

  • 1 Youtube/Rumble Video (minimum)
  • Shorts/Reels (10 per month minimum)
    • Posted 16 Youtube Shorts. These were all based on the ‘CHATS Ep.1 (part 2). Some were effective (getting around 400 views) and some weren’t. This was a good testing ground to refine how to promote Youtube Shorts.
  • 2 Quick News / Fastvertising ads/shorts
    • I created a paid ad (Link), and I have begun efforts on further ads/promotional videos.
    • I was able to start posting static 'posts' on Youtube to coincide with things happening on X.com. This won't always be consistent as it needs to take a backseat to the video work, but we will try to post bigger news when it comes out (Link).
  • Youtube Paid Ads(4100 PIV unused in wallet) - static and/or vids
    • Location of the owing ad money: D5hLZRKeqeoxSw1N4hTgXMFerDh2XBAB5H
    • I have used 4100 PIV from the above wallet address to pay for the Youtube Ad (link) up until September 28th. Around this time I will be, hopefully, getting the proposal ad money for October and I will either continue this ad and/or use it for additional paid ads.
    • CRAZY GROWTH: The ad has done amazing in comparison to any other video we have. Within two days of posting it has 4100 views (currently), has added 16 subscribers, and has a retention rate of 18-30 seconds (that's really good since no one has an attention span for ads/commercials).
  • Merch (Side Project):
    • Haven't had time to do a ton of work on this, but we will talk with our Turkey team to see if we can get some Official branded stuff and see how we can help.
  • Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum
    • Discord: Now consistently posting. See the #marketing channel Threads.
    • PIVX Forum: Now consistently posting. See the General Discussion area.
  • Focused efforts on supporting Jeffrey and what he is doing.
    • We have created hype rhythm videos for Bitmart and Changelly.
    • We have been brainstorming ideas for ads and marketing material - we have some storyboards and ideas in the mix (see General Discussion area of the forum or the #marketing channel 'Threads' in Discord).
  • Planning for Future Campaigns/Growth(September)
    • We have ads and plans for a couple campaigns. We will share in the coming weeks requesting your thoughts and feedback. The beginning of us doing strong marketing is the Satire Ad video (link) we recently posted on our Youtube.


  • I am doing a 3 months proposal. This, for me, helps with de-stressing myself around proposals and frees up time to work. I WILL HOWEVER still be posting monthly to let everyone know what I and Robin have been doing.
  • UPDATED YOUTUBE BRANDING! Wooho! We have finally updated the branding to our current logo and material. Check it out if you have a sec LINK HERE.
    • We have also done research into proper tags, hashtags, description styles, and Youtube Algorithm mumbo jumbo. Things are looking positive as we reach to higher heights of professionalism and growth. This is partially the reason I wanted a different ad proposal. It's useful (in my opinion essential) to have a strong amount of money flowing towards paid ads if we want to really get out there. I want to propose a bit bigger ad budget, but don't want to be down voted because of it if people contest that amount.
  • I'm now on a general task list rather than an exact task list of deliverables. This is due to the nature of how long video vs flat graphics take vs needing to prioritize something pressing such as big listings, quick edits and ads, or an important event. I do try to share specifics though and consistently as for feedback in the forum for larger projects.
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I made a mistake on my submitted proposal - please don't vote for the 72,000 one - I didnt know that it would send 72,000 each month instead of automatically split into 3.​

The new FIXED proposal is named 'Mrkting-Hawtch-Fixed'.
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Updated the Outros for our vids (Shorts and Full)​

Desktop (full) https://cloud.pivx.org/s/MCnFGgnKyPZZpSd
Mobile (Shorts) https://cloud.pivx.org/s/gMqtKcbdFJYA7pL

NEED CC: Travala Ad​

Started a thread about the Travala ad we are working on. This is meant to highlight our merchants and hopefully foster some cross collaboration/promotion between us and them!
We are also making a full desktop version as well - it will be a bit longer.

View the Forum post and give feedback at:

Uploaded This is Fine ad to Rumble.

Looking into Rumble ads once again this next week due to Google's unyielding policies around DeFi.
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Apologies - I've been a bit quiet because my whole house has been bedridden for the last week. Brutal cold or flu.
Saying that, we have....


1. Our Paid Ad has over 17,000 views. This is a gold mine for learning analytics and getting out there. If we do this consistently, I foresee some great things in terms of growing brand awareness.
2. After @LeacyMcK shared this (below attached) with the Travala team, they loved it and will promote it once we put it out there. This is a huge win on our part and hopefully theirs - benefiting both parties in marketing and hopefully showing our other vendors that we treat our partners/vendors very well.

View attachment 2221
View attachment 2222
Household has had a plague-like flu/cold for the last 2.5 weeks. Apologies on the silence.

Here's what I've been working on:

Travala Ad​

Posting today (Oct.14) at 3pm PST. This will be boosted as a Youtube Ad either late tonight or tomorrow (Thanksgiving here in Canada).

I have removed the end CTA (Call to Action) with PIVX.org and Wallet info due to previous ads being copyright striked. I don't want to compromise the main intentions here: Growing a solid partner/merchant with PIVX and reaching as many people as possible with the ad.

MPW V2 Video​

Youtube Short is scheduled for Wednesday Oct.16
Full vid is being worked on. We'd like to go through it and do a walkthrough of all it's updated features and general features. This is, obviously, going to take a bit more time and effort, but it's well worth it. If the wallet doesn't change too much for the foreseeable future than it will be quite a useful resource for our community.

To The Moon Ad​

We believe this is well worth putting time towards, but just like any creative endeavour it takes time to wrestle over making it perfect. Ads should be quality so we are putting in the time needed to make it that.
Here's an updated version of the WIP: https://youtu.be/8kcMz8Viyzw

Rumble Ads Prep​

I tried to use my credit card to register with Rumble Ads. It was declined and so I emailed them asking why. An employee messaged me back describing how they need full landers, potential ad, branding, and services/company info. This is positive, in my opinion because atleast we are dealing with a human rather than Googles crappy automated ad help. Google Ads don't even give you details about why you were given a violation. You have to research and guess.

I take this very seriously since Google Ads has already given us violation strikes and Ad platforms seem to be wary of Cryptocurrencies.
Due to all this I am creating static images that go alongside the 'This is Fine' ad so we have a full ad package we can use. Hoping to send all of this by end of week.

Ad $$$ Safe​

Due to the delayed nature of signing up for Google Ads Campaigns and dealing with Rumble, I have not been able to spend all the ad money on schedule. This is 100% fine and I somewhat expected it. This is also the reason I have not submitted an ad proposal for November - the ad money I have will continue into November for the ads. If there is any extra after scheduling all the ads, I will carry it over into December. I plan on putting together analytics and report on the ads success by next proposal. If I can figure out how to peacefully do paid ads on Google Ads and Rumble Ads (ya know, without violations and strikes) I may ask for more in November's proposals. December can be a really strong month for investing and markets.

PIVX Paladin​

This is a fun little side project, but I have bought some armour and I am in the process of creating a PIVX Paladin Costume so I can do IRL videos that are different and compelling. Since I would be wearing a helmet all of the time, other people in the community could take it and run with it - dressing up as PIVX Paladin/Privacy Paladin and go to events all over representing us.

I am thinking of creating a whole brand around 'Privacy Paladin'. This would do silly videos, news, memes, gaming/streaming where I always play a Paladin (Elden Ring, Skyrim, WoW, Diablo, BG3, etc), events, react videos, and fairly neutral videos about both PIVX and other coins. I would do this on Rumble, Youtube, and Tik Tok. This could easily be shared on X and various platforms using official or community accounts.

The intention is to be promoting PIVX with the logo on my costume, but not focus on that - instead be much more neutral so it doesn't seem like some corporate shill (which isn't my intention anyways). Obviously this takes a strong second place to my work with PIVX, but I think if I can slowly build this it could really help with organic growth from outside our crypto bubble.

I'd love to hear all your thoughts or possibly ideas on this! I just want to have fun with it!

Coming Up​

- Working on video resources/tutorials to help navigate our various websites and software.
- Animating and refreshing old ads + posts.
- Further ads to grow our brand and public image, and spread PIVX awareness.
- More Merchant feature videos in order to boost PIVX practicality, and grow our relationships with them.
- Christmas Holiday video.
Travala Ad is approved by Google Ads and moving. Already 7.9k views and over 60+ organic clicks.

No violation strike by Google Ads. This is a good sign if it isn’t because it shows the violation is judged by the video and not the channel.


  • IMG_2489.jpeg
    942 KB · Views: 7
can you post the stats youtube etc provides for everything please :) the travala video seems to be getting loads of views. the privacy one has got loads more than all of them. why are the other videos failing to get above 100 views?
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can you post the stats youtube etc provides for everything please :) the travala video seems to be getting loads of views. the privacy one has got loads more than all of them. why are the other videos failing to get above 100 views?
Yes I can post that by end of weekend.

The primary reasons, I believe are:
1. Google leans obnoxiously towards their ads rather than organic growth (ie pay to win)
2. After a large break on YouTube of building our brand, we essentially are growing from the ground up again. I am trying more and more to refine our metadata, tags, and descriptions but it’s a bit of an uphill battle against the YouTube Algorrithm.

But yes, the main reason those vids are blowing up is because of Google ads. I will send data by the end of the weekend here
can you post the stats youtube etc provides for everything please :) the travala video seems to be getting loads of views. the privacy one has got loads more than all of them. why are the other videos failing to get above 100 views?
Here is a screenshot PDF of the analytics. It contains Youtube Overview, Toolbox V2, Chats Ep.1 (2/2), and This is Fine Ad. The results are positive, but without Google Ads, our videos are behaving as if we were a small channel trying to grow - consistently building our brand.
