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import private key from the now defunct magnum online wallet to the pivx wallet


New Pivian
is it possible?

I go to Debug - > Console

and put in

importprivkey "S1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0jklmnopqrstuvwx"

not the actual key, it's a lot longer like a thousand characters

remember it's the magnum private key so it might not be compatible. All the current online magnum wallets are scams, btw

anyway I get an error

Invalid private key encoding (code -5)

the Magnum wallet had only pivx in it, how can I recover it with the pivx wallet or some other wallet?
is it possible?

I go to Debug - > Console

and put in

importprivkey "S1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0jklmnopqrstuvwx"

not the actual key, it's a lot longer like a thousand characters

remember it's the magnum private key so it might not be compatible. All the current online magnum wallets are scams, btw

anyway I get an error

Invalid private key encoding (code -5)

the Magnum wallet had only pivx in it, how can I recover it with the pivx wallet or some other wallet?
Did you have a seed phrase for the Magnum wallet? Private key usually starts with a Y, like YPVpuRy..............................N68N8zvUR6PbyqY
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Magnum uses seed phrases. Magnum backups usually look like this. (modified so keys don't work)

Wallet: PIVX (PIVX)
Address: DJtZbJUcrSuKRfFTAtqBHHD7mTDQBy3y5K
Private Key: YRkEcV3YiHk2UNDQkFyNKBdxojapyj32nag1xYAy1x7rdtnfi7U5
Mnemonic: foster market virtual aware diary discover sample simple glance demise talent piano
Derivation Path: 44'/119'/0'/0/0

If your private key starts with an "A", it is likely a private key for a different coin.

Edit: Also look in your downloads folder for a backup file usually named like "magnumwallet-private-keys-2023-12-23-08-39-12.txt"
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If your able to login to Magnum Wallet, make sure PIVX wallet is enabled then select "Download Private Keys"

where did you get that screenshot? Where did you log into magnum? Magnumwallet.Co is up but doesn't work.
I think it might be a scam site because their support doesn't answer, the telegram group is not being monitored and in the telegram group it says magnum wallet is suspended. Why do you think it's a real site?