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Clarifying the PIVX Budget & Governance Proposals Process


New Pivian
Hello everyone,

I am new to the PIVX community and I am trying to better understand the budget and governance proposal process. From my research,,, it seems like proposals are crucial for the development and growth of the PIVX network. However;, I am unsure about a few details.

How exactly does the community vote on a proposal: ?? Is there a minimum threshold that needs to be met for a proposal to pass: ?? Additionally.., how are funds allocated once a proposal is approved: ?? Are there any reports or transparency measures in place to ensure the funds are used effectively: ??

Lastly;, I noticed that some proposals get delayed or rejected. What are the common reasons for this and how can a proposer improve their chances of approval: ??

I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from more experienced members of the community. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this important aspect of PIVX governance !!

Looking forward to learning more !!

With Regards,
Daniel Flutter
Hello everyone,

I am new to the PIVX community and I am trying to better understand the budget and governance proposal process. From my research,,, it seems like proposals are crucial for the development and growth of the PIVX network. However;, I am unsure about a few details.

How exactly does the community vote on a proposal: ?? Is there a minimum threshold that needs to be met for a proposal to pass: ?? Additionally.., how are funds allocated once a proposal is approved: ?? Are there any reports or transparency measures in place to ensure the funds are used effectively: ??

Lastly;, I noticed that some proposals get delayed or rejected. What are the common reasons for this and how can a proposer improve their chances of approval: ??

I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from more experienced members of the community. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this important aspect of PIVX governance !!

Looking forward to learning more !!

With Regards,
Daniel Flutter

To vote on a proposal, you need to be running a PIVX Masternode, with that you can then sign/send a vote to the network for the proposals that are available. A PIVX Masternode requires owning 10,000 PIV.

There is a minimum threshold for a proposal to advance, and you can see more about it on the pivx.org/proposals page. The threshold is a 10% NET Yes, so that needs 10% of the total active masternodes above the no votes to pass.

The forum is the place for the transparency of the funds, every proposal must include an address, which can be verified on the blockchain. The proposal should break down the idea of the funds if it is going to something or a salary. Generally, there are updates on the respective proposals or in the subsequent renewals. Masternode owners must decide if they're okay with the proposed methods or request changes.

Common reasons for rejections? That is not easy to answer because it's really a whole range of issues. Potentially too much cost, not seen as needed, bad explanations, bad breakdowns, budget shuffling, etc.
In order to get the best chances I would suggest being detailed, many prove themselves to become known in the community before they submit proposals so there is a bit of trust or at least familiarity.
Hello everyone,

I am new to the PIVX community and I am trying to better understand the budget and governance proposal process. From my research,,, it seems like proposals are crucial for the development and growth of the PIVX network. However;, I am unsure about a few details.

How exactly does the community vote on a proposal: ?? Is there a minimum threshold that needs to be met for a proposal to pass: ?? Additionally.., how are funds allocated once a proposal is approved: ?? Are there any reports or transparency measures in place to ensure the funds are used effectively: ??

Lastly;, I noticed that some proposals get delayed or rejected. What are the common reasons for this and how can a proposer improve their chances of approval: ??

I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from more experienced members of the community. Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this important aspect of PIVX governance !!

Looking forward to learning more !!

With Regards,
Daniel Flutter

Welcome to the PIVXcommunity!
Have you visited Discord.PIVX.org yet? If not, when you have a minute drop by and say hello. Community members go there to be updated on what is going on in PIVX, to chat with fellow PIVians, and if you have ideas, share them and possibly work with the team in making it come to a realization. :)
You asked about how funds are allocated.

Every block, 10 PIV are allocated to the Treasury. Note, they are not created at that time. Just allocated.

Every 30 days, there is a special block called 'Superblock', that triggers the process. Coins needed to pay passing proposals are created at that time, and sent by the network to the addresses for those proposals. There is no human intervention to fund the proposals. No escrow. They are paid at superblock by the network.

The max possible that can be paid out is 432,000 PIV. (30 days of 10 PIV allocated per block, which is every minute.) Coins allocated for the Treasury that are not paid out, because there are not enough passing proposals for example, are not carried forward to the next cycle. They are not burned either, because they are not even created if they are not needed.

Hope this helps. Please ask if you still have questions.