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Draft PivxAi: Your Personal Assistance


New Pivian


To develop the PIVX AI Assistant, an advanced educational and service bot on Telegram designed to empower users and developers in the PIVX ecosystem. The bot aims to enhance accessibility, simplify interactions with PIVX’s privacy-focused tools, and foster community engagement through education, governance insights, and utility features.

Key Features​

1. Knowledge Portal

For Users:
  • FAQs: Instant answers to common questions about PIVX’s ecosystem, privacy-focused tools, and services.
  • Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for staking, masternodes, and private transactions.
  • Glossary: Definitions of technical terms related to blockchain, privacy, and PIVX.
For Developers:
  • API Documentation: Access to PIVX’s developer tools and libraries.
  • Dev Tutorials: Guides for building applications on PIVX.

2. Explorer Integration

  • Transaction Tracker:
    • Real-time transaction status.
  • Wallet Insights:
    • Balance Inquiry: Check wallet balances in PIV and other supported tokens.
    • Portfolio Analysis: Overview of masternode collateral, staked assets, and transaction history.

3. Governance Portal

  • Proposal Summarizer:
    • Digestible summaries of governance proposals, including background, key objectives, and potential impact.
  • Voting Guide:
    • Overview of voting pros, cons, and community sentiment to assist users in making informed decisions

Development Phases​

  • Phase 1: Knowledge Portal and Explorer Integration.
  • Phase 2: Governance Portal

Benefits to the PIVX Ecosystem​

  1. Enhanced Accessibility: Simplifies user and developer access to resources and tools.
  2. Improved Governance Participation: Encourages active involvement in PIVX’s decentralized governance.
  3. User Retention: Engages users through educational content and personalized notifications.
  4. Developer Support: Facilitates onboarding with detailed documentation and interactive guides.
  5. Brand Loyalty: Positions PIVX as an innovative and community-focused blockchain platform.

  6. celobot.png

Budget: 15,000$​

Phase 1: 3000$ for the demo version
Phase 2: 6000$ for the Knowledge Portal and Explorer Integration.
Phase 3: 6000$ for Governance Portal

* We can add some other features if needed, looking forward for your feedback.


The PIVX AI Assistant represents a significant step forward in enhancing user experience, promoting community participation, and solidifying PIVX’s position as a leader in privacy-focused blockchain technology.
My biggest problem with this is that Telegram is really not used by many PIVians. 90% of the posts on Telegram are scammers or spam! The largest activity on TG is the 3 or 4 moderators cleaning it up. Another 5% is cloned from PIVX News and another 4% is someone reaching out for some collaboration, fake exchange offering, or partnership, etc.

Recent Days Posts
  • Jan 17 - 1 post
  • Jan 18 - 5 posts from 4 people
  • Jan 19 - 2 posts
With that said, I find it hard to see the benefit to PIVX.
My biggest problem with this is that Telegram is really not used by many PIVians. 90% of the posts on Telegram are scammers or spam! The largest activity on TG is the 3 or 4 moderators cleaning it up. Another 5% is cloned from PIVX News and another 4% is someone reaching out for some collaboration, fake exchange offering, or partnership, etc.

Recent Days Posts
  • Jan 17 - 1 post
  • Jan 18 - 5 posts from 4 people
  • Jan 19 - 2 posts
With that said, I find it hard to see the benefit to PIVX.
Thank you for your feedback.
We can build the bot to run on Discord or as a web-based solution, but we believe there is significant potential on Telegram, it can help attract more real users and increase awareness about PIVX.

Are you in either of the 2 PIVX Discord servers? Trust is a big factor in the success of a proposal receiving funding. Best to become part of the Community - at least a little bit - and start with a small scope proposal.

Your write-up defines 2 Phases in one spot, and in another defines 3 Phases.

Our Labs Team is WELL versed with AI, and has already integrated it into our Discord servers. So, in my mind, Phase 1 (The 'Demo' version') is a waste. We are already completely sold on what AI can do. Plus we have the skills in-house to implement what you propose. Having said that, I am not understanding Phase 2. That seems to simply use the current data we already have organized in our docs and explorers. Again, if there was significant value added with that functionality, our Labs Team would implement it. I just asked our AI a test 'support' question and it was instantly answered well. For Phase 3, I do not see any value added. If a proposal needs a summary, then the proposal author needs to improve their presentation.

Given the above, this proposal does not have my support.

Good luck!

Are you in either of the 2 PIVX Discord servers? Trust is a big factor in the success of a proposal receiving funding. Best to become part of the Community - at least a little bit - and start with a small scope proposal.

Your write-up defines 2 Phases in one spot, and in another defines 3 Phases.

Our Labs Team is WELL versed with AI, and has already integrated it into our Discord servers. So, in my mind, Phase 1 (The 'Demo' version') is a waste. We are already completely sold on what AI can do. Plus we have the skills in-house to implement what you propose. Having said that, I am not understanding Phase 2. That seems to simply use the current data we already have organized in our docs and explorers. Again, if there was significant value added with that functionality, our Labs Team would implement it. I just asked our AI a test 'support' question and it was instantly answered well. For Phase 3, I do not see any value added. If a proposal needs a summary, then the proposal author needs to improve their presentation.

Given the above, this proposal does not have my support.

Good luck!

Thank you for your feedback.
We believe the labs team has extensive experience and can build all kinds of applications, whether related to AI or not. However, success ultimately depends on the idea and how it can provide value.
But in general if the Labs team takes on all the ideas and functionalities, it may limit opportunities for others to participate in PIVX.

We presented the proposal for discussion to gather feedback and are open to adding features the community finds valuable, such as a notification system or other useful enhancements.
The demo version is intended to showcase our capabilities as we still new here. We have not requested any upfront funding, as all funding will occur only after the bot is built and tested according to the milestones.
Regarding the phase 3, we consider it crucial to simplify the governance process for the average user. This feature is already implemented in several major projects and has proven to be successful.
Re: "Regarding the phase 3, we consider it crucial to simplify the governance process for the average user. This feature is already implemented in several major projects and has proven to be successful."

Please provide links/examples. I would love to review them.
Re: "Regarding the phase 3, we consider it crucial to simplify the governance process for the average user. This feature is already implemented in several major projects and has proven to be successful."

Please provide links/examples. I would love to review them.

Please see here https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1287#1f318e98-8f69-42f3-a3b7-21fff1774eff (You can see Ai summary for the proposal itself and for the comments also)

And here https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/984
"But in general if the Labs team takes on all the ideas and functionalities, it may limit opportunities for others to participate in PIVX."
Alternatively, growing the Labs team (adding you to the roster) would grow said opportunities, and we're always open to it!
(And, PIVX Labs is not about limiting opportunities, but granting them: we simplify working in the PIVX ecosystem by undertaking the vetting process, proposal process, as well as tight control of workflows and scheduling - which many devs unfamiliar with DAOs find easier due to lower stress levels, thus opening PIVX to a wider base of workforce. 🛠️)

However, we would need to see far more practical work, as well as source code written by you in day-to-day work, for this to be possible.

AI is called the current "grifter market" for good reason, it is incredibly easy to write a ChatGPT wrapper that performs simple tasks with simple tooling (and in all fairness, PIVi is exactly that).

As it stands, $15,000 for this, in my opinion, is the definition of grifting. Unless I can be objectively proven wrong, I have extreme doubts about this proposal, and not only from a technical or data-driven perspective, which for AI, we have plenty of data on from the last 2 years of experiments and projects - also, the majority of the 'planned' features written in this proposal, already exist in a demo form with PIVi, as Eric and myself demonstrated (and yes, we even have Governance Proposal review integration with the forum!).

Alternatively, growing the Labs team (adding you to the roster) would grow said opportunities, and we're always open to it!
(And, PIVX Labs is not about limiting opportunities, but granting them: we simplify working in the PIVX ecosystem by undertaking the vetting process, proposal process, as well as tight control of workflows and scheduling - which many devs unfamiliar with DAOs find easier due to lower stress levels, thus opening PIVX to a wider base of workforce. 🛠️)

However, we would need to see far more practical work, as well as source code written by you in day-to-day work, for this to be possible.

AI is called the current "grifter market" for good reason, it is incredibly easy to write a ChatGPT wrapper that performs simple tasks with simple tooling (and in all fairness, PIVi is exactly that).

As it stands, $15,000 for this, in my opinion, is the definition of grifting. Unless I can be objectively proven wrong, I have extreme doubts about this proposal, and not only from a technical or data-driven perspective, which for AI, we have plenty of data on from the last 2 years of experiments and projects - also, the majority of the 'planned' features written in this proposal, already exist in a demo form with PIVi, as Eric and myself demonstrated (and yes, we even have Governance Proposal review integration with the forum!).

The accusation that we are grifters is both shocking and unacceptable.
We have not stolen from anyone, nor have we taken money without delivering value.
We submitted a proposal with a budget (which is, of course, negotiable). If the proposal or budget does not meet your expectations, you are free to respectfully decline—nothing more, nothing less.
We did not coerce anyone into accepting the proposal or the budget.

You are well aware that some developers charge $20 per hour, while others charge $100. In your opinion, does charging $100 make someone a scammer?
Additionally, since you are using ChatGPT in the PIVI bot, you must understand that there are costs associated with Tokens and various other expenses. Therefore, part of the requested funding is allocated to these needs and not solely for personal gain.

In any case, since you already have a bot we are withdrawing the proposal.
We wish you the best of luck and thank you for your approach!!
Your over-reaction to an observation and opinion speaks a lot to me.

We have not stolen from anyone, nor have we taken money without delivering value.
Nor did I say that. I said, "As it stands, $15,000 for this, in my opinion, is the definition of grifting...", which is a comment on the proposal's current value in the context of a market which is, very largely, full of grifters. It is not a comment on your character, but of a proposal that I personally see as poor in value.

We did not coerce anyone into accepting the proposal or the budget.
Equally, I did not coerce you in to withdrawing the proposal - my response is purely an observation of the proposal in it's current state and value - if you can improve the value of your proposal in a way I feel benefits the PIVX community enough, then I'd gladly change my mind. None of this is ad-hominem or personal, I'm purely putting a keen eye, and light pressure, on what you're proposing to the community.

In your opinion, does charging $100 make someone a scammer?
No, but you must be worth the $100 you're charging - my position is simple, can you prove your proposal is worth that? As it stands, I would disagree, but it is your job to prove me otherwise.

since you are using ChatGPT in the PIVI bot, you must understand that there are costs associated with Tokens and various other expenses.
Exactly, thus I know from experience that we can do the tasks you've written in this proposal for VASTLY cheaper. These APIs are not expensive, certainly nothing near what this proposal requests.

In any case, since you already have a bot we are withdrawing the proposal.
There is room for more bots, always! It just has to be worth it. Building the same thing twice isn't an efficient thing for the DAO to do, if you can build something we haven't already done, at a decent enough cost? I'll absolutely support you.