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Some ideas on how we can ALL "Just Keep Building" PIVX.


Well-known Pivian
Hello everyone,

What follows is a list of thoughts/ideas/concerns I have compiled and wanted to share.
These are not in any specific order, and are not meant to be comprehensive.

Basically, I want to capture my ideas to promote discussion, and send the message that I feel these are ideas worth tackling.
They just need the right person/people to take the lead.

Perhaps I am wrong, and some are stupid ideas. That's fine. Just let me know and add your thoughts to the discussion!
Assuming my ideas pass the sanity check of the Community, the point I am making is that I would support efforts in these areas.

It should also be understood that; "Ideas are easy. Execution is hard." These are just ideas. It doesn't mean they are good ideas. It also doesn't mean that executing them is even possible, let alone easy. But, there is always positive outcomes from discussing ideas, even if that outcome is that they have major issues, or aren't even possible etc.

If there are others that want to add to this list below, please do so in the comments.

Anyways - here we go ....

1. Social Teams:

Years ago, we had well organized teams for various social channels like Twitter, Reddit, Facebook etc.
Not sure why that fell apart. Certainly not for trying! I know key people worked hard at it.
To me, it seems when the price goes up, people get active on socials.
They should be consistent - or at least the opposite and more active when the price drops!
I know it can be significant work, depending on the level of involvement. That can wear a person down.
But, there is a minimal level of effort, that should be easy for every single PIVian to contribute, since everyone is on at least one social media channel anyways.

Engaging on Social Media is the baseline effort every PIVian should contribute, both to prove your character when you join PIVX, and ongoing so you can share your knowledge as your expertise grows. I don't just mean 'lurking' either. Every PIVian needs to be LOUD and be PRESENT!

Q: What can we do to re-start Social Teams? Better organization? Badges? Prize money? Channel Champions?

2. Push-Back on BTC, Verge and Monero etc.:

In the past, we have been afraid to push-back against larger projects. Don't be! PIVX is freaking AWESOME!
The BTC Maxis know they are in trouble, and many different influencers are having success being extremely critical of BTC issues. Same for Monero, and well, Verge doesn't count, because they are a joke and can't push back at all. But, we should put them in their place!

Sigge has shown over and over that we can make truthful statements comparing how PIVX is superior in many ways, and is MUCH MUCH closer to satisfying the vision Satoshi had, compared to Bitcoin etc. The BTC Maxis just ignore hard truth. That's fine. We're not trying to convert them. Maxis are a lost cause. We just want to reach their audience that are not brainwashed BTC Maxis yet.

Ideally we should have a short list of non-debatable critical points against BTC, Monero, Verge, and have graphics made for them. Then combined with Social Teams (See 1 above) we can all be far more efficient.

Q: What are your thoughts on this? Please comment below.

3. The Face of PIVX:

We need a 'Face of PIVX'. There are very few that can fill this role, because it requires a unique character, and expert knowledge of PIVX at a technical level. It also requires extensive travel and time commitment. Further, it is a big ask of anyone, because it breaks privacy. I propose we solve this by breaking the role into 3 parts.

The first part would be a REAL person. That could be Jeffrey. (Do I have a 2nd nomination? lol) He is willing to be dox'd with 3rd parties when appropriate, has all the knowledge necessary, and the strong ethical and charismatic character that fits perfectly. What he doesn't have, is extra time. Hence the idea to break up the role into 3 parts. (Note: Liquid could fill this role too - but I am not sure he wants to break privacy.)

The second part could be a AI character. This would be controlled by Marketing. Not sure how to divide responsibilities between Jeffrey and the AI character, but the goal would be to offload effort from Jeffrey whenever possible. Also, we would make it clear, the 'face' is an AI character. Perhaps a male and female, and they could have interviews/AMAs together.

The third part should be the Ambassadors. It should be a requirement for Ambassadors (see separate section below) to show their face online. The rest of their identity can be private, but their real face and voice should be used. They would then be the 'face of PIVX' for each of their respective communities they are Ambassador to.

Q: Is AI ready to be the 'face' of PIVX in this 'supporting' capacity?

4. A new Ambassador Program:

We need to design a new Ambassador program. It needs to be organized, and managed. There should be some basic requirements etc. and common material shared and translated as needed. Each Ambassador should be responsible for teaching and supporting individuals in their geographic region, (1 on 1 if needed - but 'Zoom' sessions would be better.) via various ways. At some point, they should be paid, but perhaps that is when they become a regional Ambassador, and there is justification for multiple Ambassadors on their team? Thoughts?

A well organized Ambassador program will be needed to launch circular economies. Best we start getting organized soon! I think RedByrd is considering this one.

Q: What do you think would make an Ambassador Program unique and leverage PIVX strengths?

5. Teach AI LLMs to use MPW:

This is where I am likely to be way out of my league, and don't know what I am talking about. But, the point is simply this ...

An AI can't walk into a bank and open an account. Possible, but with difficulty, an AI could setup a PIVX Core wallet for itself. However, an AI could very easily create a MPW account! Further, it could also easily use swap services to exchange BTC etc into PIVX. The easier we make it for AI LLMs to know how to work with MPW, the better the odds that AI driven apps just start using PIVX!

I have no idea how we go about 'teaching' LLMs. But, someone should tackle this ASAP.

Q: Is this easy? Hard? Stupid idea? If possible - how do we do it?

6. MPW Lesson plans:

MPW is done so well, that I can't really see why any sort of lesson plan is needed at all. But, that's the point - every other crypto out there does need 'lesson plans', and therefore that is what the non-PIVian user base expects!

I think it would be great if we had 5 or 8 really short lesson plans, designed to be presented live in a 'Zoom' style (Jitsi instead please) meeting. The Ambassador for the region would lead these sessions. We can make them short - no more than 15 mins, with say 15 people max, and they need to register first come - first served etc. (Use Calendy etc.) The first 5 mins can be just 'meet and greet' with each attendee stating their first name and what country they are from etc. Then the lesson. Then at the end, each attendee gets a small amount of PIV by holding their receive address to the screen, and a reminder to join our Discord. Plus, they can be rewarded for attending all 5 or 8 lessons too. The idea is that the lessons are so freaking easy, they will sold on PIVX and every other crypto project out there will seem frustratingly difficult (rightly so!) and they will just stay in the PIVX Community. Each session can be recorded too fore marketing purposes.

Lessons could be; 1. Installing MPW, and storing your seed words. 2. Receiving and sending PIV. 3. Recovering a MPW wallet. 4. Cold Staking. 5. PIVcards. 6. PIVX.promo. 7. Governance. 8. Vector. etc. etc.

The 'Meet and Greet' should be part of each one, because it will be a different set of people each time. They will each be more comfortable meeting others in Discord, knowing they are from the Zoom sessions. In fact, newbies could perhaps be given a special Discord Badge.

The lessons should be organized such that students are motivated to complete all of them, either with additional PIV sent to them each time, or with prerequisites etc. and when complete, they get a new level badge etc.

These lesson plans can be constantly improved and the new material distributed to all Ambassadors. Eventually, perhaps a new 'Trainer' role is created. Students who participated in each lesson could apply to teach the lessons. They could earn a very modest amount of PIV for doing that etc. Rinse and repeat. Build the team to 50 Trainers teaching 10 lessons of 15 students each week, and we are then on-boarding 50 x 10 x 15 x 52 = 390,000 PIVians per year. Perhaps those are crazy and unrealistic numbers - but the point is clear that there is a huge opportunity there.

7. Partner with other Communities:

There are many many other Communities full of people who would love to learn about crypto. Let's make it easy for them to learn with PIVX!

Imagine reaching out to a group of 'Couponers' and finding that a large portion of them want to learn about PIVX and PIVcards? Get them to go thru the MPW Lesson plans, and maybe we have a 3rd party offering them coupons as motivation to complete the lessons?

Or maybe there is angle where we can attract Homeschooling Moms, to learn so that they can teach their kids, or just get their kids to take the lessons?

There are TONS of other Communities we could attract. Just need the right process and material.

8. Community Feedback on Proposals:

The number of proposals is climbing. The price drop will scale it back for a bit, but the point is, as price increases, so do the number of proposals. This is making it difficult for MNOs to perform their Due Diligence and vote properly. Those in the Community that do not have a MN can still provide valuable critical constructive feedback on proposals, and therefore have a strong influence on MNO votes! There should be more people doing that. How do we motivate people to do so?

9. Proposal Reporting - Best Practices.

The PIVX Labs Team is doing a stellar job reporting out on proposals. It makes it MUCH easier for MNOs to vote properly. It would be awesome if those 'Best Practices' are documented, so that other teams like Marketing can follow the same process. Granted, it might need to be adjusted, because for example Marketing does not use GitHub to track their work etc. but you get the point.

This task should not be started by Labs, until there is a Team Lead wanting to learn - but if that's you - please reach out to JSKitty for guidance, after doing your homework reviewing what Labs reporting looks like.

10. SnapCraft.io, FlatPak, Docker:

PIVX Core is available on SnapCraft.io.

Why don't we have both PIVX Core, and MPW available on SnapCraft, FlatPak, and Docker?
I totally get that it is kinda useless because it is so easy to install both, but the end user WANTS these options, so we should be providing them.

I see Monero, Bitcoin Core, Electrum, Firo, Verge, Dash Core, Dash Electrum, etc. etc. all on FlatPak AND Docker. But, not PIVX. This needs to change.

11. Getting 18% with Optimized Staking.

Recently, we discovered an address on chain that is staking a large amount of PIVX. They are earning approx 18%! That's far more than running a Masternode or the approx 13% 'normal' stakers earn! I guess they are earning this amount because they have a setup that is well connected to the network etc. When a different wallet is selected to stake, and they lag too much, the network picks another better connected server. This is likely one of the reasons they earn so much. What would be great for users, and the network, is if everyone knew exactly what changes are needed to optimize the same way. Hopefully there is someone willing to put in this effort.

12. AI Tools. Just Grok it.

About 18 months ago, I had a chat with JSKitty about the current state of AI and if it could help PIVX. Then, the answer was - and I am paraphrasing; "Not without significant effort, and only in specific use cases." I haven't asked him again, because the answer is now obvious. I don't care what you do in life, let alone PIVX. If you are not using AI, you are working harder, not smarter. Now is the time - You need to change - Get on the AI learning curve.

I have some custom scripts I slapped together 2 years ago to manage MNs. This past week, I took each one and asked Claude.ai to 'improve' them. I was absolutely floored at the amazing job it did, in seconds. The same effort would have taken me days.

Now, you might not be doing software development. Don't worry. AI is definitely going to make you WAY WAY more efficient regardless. Anyone who is going to Google to search anything, should be asking AI the questions instead. Just Grok it.

Sure, every AI is different, each suited to a specific use case (coding, general knowledge, image/video creation etc.) and they are all changing every day. Don't let that stop you. Play with free versions of ChatGPT, Grok, Venice.ai, Claude.ai etc etc and experiment. Also, how you formulate your questions, makes a huge impact on the quality of the output. Research AI 'prompt' Cheat-Sheets to quickly learn what I mean.

13. Leverage AI tools.

It's no longer just about AI answering questions. Now there are AI Agents, and AI Operators. These are game changers.

AI Agents can complete repetitive tasks for you. AI Operators can interact with your online accounts (dangerous - but powerful) for you.

We really need a dedicated AI Tool Expert in the Community. I know people in PIVX Labs have these skills, but they are slammed for time building PIVX.

An example of what would be cool, is if someone could build a flow in www.n8n.io to see when a new PIVX Tweet is posted, and automatically turn it into a YouTube short and post that. Then, with that example in place, work with the social team to optimize it and leverage AI for PIVX!

14. Gleam.io.

This is not AI driven (At least I don't think so - but likely will be soon if not already), but is a tool that according to Jeffrey, many other crypto projects have used with great success. I know RedByrd and Hawtch are researching it and climbing the learning curve, but I describe it here because it likely has many use cases in PIVX.

15. Guerrilla Marketing.

This is so easy to say, and so hard to do. Everyone sees viral videos and think they are easy to create. Sure - creating the video is easy. Getting it to go viral - that's a whole different ball game. Even 'experts' at creating viral videos swing and miss over and over again before getting a home run.

Well, Guerrilla Marketing is different from viral videos, but is just as hard. Still, when stuck with a small budget, it is worth considering, because when it works, the value from a super small spend, is incredible.

Not sure what I am asking with this post - but, discussion will help!

16. White Label Program:

I believe that Labs is already planning for this, or at least considering it.

The idea is that MPW have functionality where it can easily have different branding.

So, 'natively' it is MPW in PIVX purple as it is now. But, by applying a different theme/skin it can be 'Pizza Points' or 'Coffee Credits' etc. In addition to the colors, name and logo changes, it would then have messaging somewhere that clearly states the app is 'Powered by PIVX' etc., because those 'Pizza Points' or 'Coffee Credits' etc. are actually PIV. In those use cases, unknown (at first) to the person buying a coffee or a pizza, they aren't really earning loyalty rewards, they are earning PIV! Conversely, anyone with MPW and PIV to spend, can use them then as 'Coffee Credits' or 'Pizza Points' directly from MPW, because 1 PIV == 1 PIV == 1 PIV.

17. Loyalty/Rewards Program:

Continuing on from the White Label Program above, formalizing the idea and actively doing Business Development to expand this to other businesses, would be an incredible use case, and would support milestones towards a circular economy.

18. Circular Economies:

This is the ultimate goal of PIVX. Communities where PIVX is exchanged Peer to Peer, and not to other crypto/fiat currencies. We've got a really long way to go to achieve this, but there is nothing wrong with coming up with milestones now, and starting marketing for it. Then perhaps Communities will approach us, instead of us trying to find them.


That's my brain dump for now. Hope this helps promote discussion. While we all know that PIVX should "Just Keep Building!", it is important to understand that doesn't just mean Developers keep coding. The act of 'building' PIVX crosses ALL disciplines. Where can you get involved?

Thanks for reading all this! But don't stop now. Pick something and JFDI!

Multiple points in this forum post are mentioned in this proposal just submitted. As such, it should be reviewed as well before commenting here.
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Here are my thoughts.
1. In my opinion, it is only natural for new persons to jump on the bandwagon when prices are soaring. We experienced a bit of this late last year when the Poloniex listing was announced. This brings me to my second comment on social teams. It will be impossible to enforce a "minimal level of effort" since folks are here for different reasons. For restaring social teams, I think paid volunteers should spring up, rotatable, and with clear cut milestones and KPIs.

2. As much as I support setting the records straight, I try as much as possible to avoid being confrontational. Our competition is not other cryptos but fiat, if you ask me.

3. Yes, I support the idea of Jeffrey being the face of PIVX, if he agrees. We already know that AI sometimes returns outdated info about PIVX. How do we plan on circumventing this? Secondly, I don't see how AI avatars will fit into AMAs and interviews unless the avatar will serve as just a coverup for a real person. As for the ambassador program, I completely support this idea for local initiatives and penetration but we should start with one region - one step at a time.

4. Let's go for it... I'll have more comments on this soon.

5. No comment

6. We could just call this a "Learn & Earn" program. I can't remember the project that launched this but I know it was quite popular back in the day. Rather than put this in the hands of the ambassadors, we can kick this off immediately with existing partners and social media platforms.

7. Same as above, Learn & Earn - a possibly gamified approach to learning about crypto and PIVX.

8. As someone who has been active in over a dozen DAOs, voter apathy is real. People will naturally avoid leaving a feedback if they feel their contribution would not make any difference. But can we try a gamified approach were people accumulate points for REASONABLE contributions?

9 - 14. No comment/idea

I'll provide more suggestions on the remaining points when I settle in. Overall, this was a very interesting read, kudos @Eric_Stanek
Here are my thoughts.
1. In my opinion, it is only natural for new persons to jump on the bandwagon when prices are soaring. We experienced a bit of this late last year when the Poloniex listing was announced. This brings me to my second comment on social teams. It will be impossible to enforce a "minimal level of effort" since folks are here for different reasons. For restaring social teams, I think paid volunteers should spring up, rotatable, and with clear cut milestones and KPIs.

2. As much as I support setting the records straight, I try as much as possible to avoid being confrontational. Our competition is not other cryptos but fiat, if you ask me.

3. Yes, I support the idea of Jeffrey being the face of PIVX, if he agrees. We already know that AI sometimes returns outdated info about PIVX. How do we plan on circumventing this? Secondly, I don't see how AI avatars will fit into AMAs and interviews unless the avatar will serve as just a coverup for a real person. As for the ambassador program, I completely support this idea for local initiatives and penetration but we should start with one region - one step at a time.

4. Let's go for it... I'll have more comments on this soon.

5. No comment

6. We could just call this a "Learn & Earn" program. I can't remember the project that launched this but I know it was quite popular back in the day. Rather than put this in the hands of the ambassadors, we can kick this off immediately with existing partners and social media platforms.

7. Same as above, Learn & Earn - a possibly gamified approach to learning about crypto and PIVX.

8. As someone who has been active in over a dozen DAOs, voter apathy is real. People will naturally avoid leaving a feedback if they feel their contribution would not make any difference. But can we try a gamified approach were people accumulate points for REASONABLE contributions?

9 - 14. No comment/idea

I'll provide more suggestions on the remaining points when I settle in. Overall, this was a very interesting read, kudos @Eric_Stanek

Also great ideas! I love the Learn & Earn move!
Thanks for mentioning me up there.

Being nice to everyone and keeping a defensive stance won't get us anywhere. I would love to see PIVX build up their self-esteem, and I mean a lot. PIVX, the whole community and all of you brilliant and hardworking contributors deserve not only a clap on your shoulders, but also celebrations of your achievements. Such can come in many ways, of course. But one that I personnaly think we should increase is the public celebrations of what PIVX as a whole has achieved, and is achieving each and every day.

Way too many people think that PIVX was dead, died after 2017. We won't reach these people, nor new people, by being quiet and gullible. I'm not saying we should go and spread lies (like Verge does!). Shout out the obvous facts that people need to know, to make better investment decisions. Why not call this 'marketing'.
Marketing is working best when it's igniting emotions. Emotions are the magic that keeps people interested. I propose that we let people feel safe, knowing that their money is protected by PIVX SHIELD.

PIVX being one of the best privacy coins out there is not only an opinion, it's a fact. Let's make the world aware of this. PIVX is worth climbing up to the TOP 3 market cap of privacy coins! There are many ways to contribute to this, as Eric described above. Each and every one of us can and should do what they can to help.
Hi all.

1. Social Teams:
There are programs that can be implemented that align social marketing and allow for advanced planning and multiple platform posting (simultaneously). This would require all Social contributors to either use the same platform and work together to organize and manage OR elect a Social Director that all of the content creators can send their material to push out to all platforms. It takes time to setup and there is a cost associated with these platforms, but in the end it can be much more efficient.
Also agree with Clem. I think paid volunteers would be a great avenue to pursue to help drive traffic and interaction.

2. Push-Back on BTC, Verge and Monero etc.:
Re: The idea of pushing back, REALLY like the idea of having a short list of non-debatable critical points against BTC, Monero, Verge.
Aligned messaging is important to help unify our creative efforts as well as our target markets.
I also agree with Clem, but people like Sigge have a nice tone that delivers the messages while not being confrontational.

3. The Face of PIVX:
I agree in some ways. I think the community is our face, but that said I think we do need more ambassadors to help promote the word.

4. A new Ambassador Program:
Agreed. This is not a small ask, but I think if we build as we move along it can be achieved.
I have a draft outline for a program that I will be adding into my next proposal for discussion, but I’m happy to share it a channel on Discord earlier for discussion earlier to get things moving.

5. Teach AI LLMs to use MPW:
No comment for now.

6. MPW Lesson plans:
I think this can be aligned with an ambassador program. Just a different name. The materials I believe would be very similar and could be re-cycled. Thoughts?

7. Partner with other Communities:
Lot’s of potential everywhere. The question becomes where are we going to get the most bang for your buck so to speak.

8. Community Feedback on Proposals:
Not sure.

9. Proposal Reporting - Best Practices.
Love this idea.

10. SnapCraft.io, FlatPak, Docker:
No comment for now.

11. Getting 18% with Optimized Staking.
I don’t think I know enough to build this content but if we have a volunteer to help build the base directions / discussion, we can push it out with appropriate creative.

12. AI Tools. Just Grok it.
Yep yep

13. Leverage AI tools.
This would integrate well with the role of a Social Director mentioned above.

14. Gleam.io.
Our first tester campaign for Gleam is in the final stages prior to launching. Excited to see how this progresses.

15. Guerrilla Marketing.
Sadly I think this is what we all want all the time.

16. White Label Program:
I think this is a great idea.

17. Loyalty/Rewards Program:
I think this is a great idea.

18. Circular Economies:
I’m still wrapping my head around this one and how this can be achieved. I’m certainly not saying it can’t be done, I just don’t see the roadmap in my head yet.

Final 2 cents.
Overall, I think all of the ideas are amazing and I love the idea of more discussion, feedback, comments to help drive us in an aligned direction. The community members are our best tool. Getting them to interact is the challenge.
The question becomes where to focus our efforts. There is unfortunately only so much time and so many people. If we have a priority list (at least from a marketing / creative perspective) it will help us align and efforts will be less diluted.
I think a more integrated approach overall is ideal. I feel that there are a lot of independent silos within PIVX. Which of course is needed to get ANYTHING done, but it also makes aligning efforts for larger impact more difficult.
Liquid and Jeffery’s Town Hall’s that have been hosted I think are a perfect way to help keep the time commitment low, but also keep everyone in the loop. In my mind, it would be ideal to have a Master TownHall that includes all facets of paid PIVians (or at least a representative from each). eg: 1 / month. From there each sub-section can have their own 'Mini-town Halls'. I do have a draft outline I created last year that could help organize and build a frame-work if we want it to be more structured with minutes, agendas and recorded results. It would take someone to take on the role of managing the organization of it both before and after the meetings.

Mostly, I would like to duplicate all of our dedicated PIVians and paint the world purple. Can someone do that for me? ;)

Thanks for getting this discussion rolling Eric.
I really appreciate all the feedback. One thing that I didn't realize until today though is that, approx 13 of the 18 points I made, directly involve/require a well managed network of Ambassadors. This is a KEY observation and makes it a priority to act on. I am reasonably certain a specific trusted PIVian is ready to take the lead on building a new Ambassador program. We'll see. But, as always, with PIVX being a Meritocracy, anyone can step up and compete for the role.

Please keep the feedback coming!
This is exactly what I was talking about approximately 5-6 months ago. As you also mentioned, the only thing that will enable all the processes outlined above to take place is the Ambassador Program.

PIVX is a meritocracy—we all accept that. However, in order to be more active, reach more people, and ensure that control remains entirely in PIVX's hands, a well-planned Ambassador Program is not just a necessity but an obligation.

An ambassadorship program should be launched, and a dedicated channel for this program should be created on Discord. Additionally, all communities should have a local room on Discord. This will encourage participation in Discord.

A space should be established where ambassadors can share their weekly progress reports. This way, experienced PIVIANs within the community can review these reports and contribute to the progress.

In reality, no one has to take on extra work. Once the fundamental framework of the program is planned, it will naturally progress on its own.

Many ideas, many plans... But above all, this program needs to be considered first.
We should start building a list of things a person should do BEFORE they can become an Ambassador, and also what the expected responsibilities are WHEN they become an Ambassador.

Also, are they paid at the start? Or, should they be paid at all? Perhaps they get paid after they've demonstrated they meet certain requirements? Or, should pay be task based?
We should start building a list of things a person should do BEFORE they can become an Ambassador, and also what the expected responsibilities are WHEN they become an Ambassador.

Also, are they paid at the start? Or, should they be paid at all? Perhaps they get paid after they've demonstrated they meet certain requirements? Or, should pay be task based?
Each designated ambassador should receive a fixed monthly payment. However, it would be better to specify this amount in USD because if PIVX increases in value, the payments might become too high. Therefore, my suggestion is that ambassadors should receive a fixed monthly amount in the range of $350–$400.

Additionally, social media-based rewards should be offered to boost ambassadors' motivation and encourage community engagement.

The most active ambassadors should be awarded titles such as "Ambassador of the Month", publicly announced on social media, and receive an additional 100 PIVX as a monthly reward.

With a system like this, we can both ensure that ambassadors have a guaranteed fixed income and increase the level of competition (in a positive way) through performance-based incentives.

For selecting the most active ambassador, the following criteria can be evaluated:

  • The community’s last 28-day KPI statistics
  • Events organized
  • The ambassador’s activities on Discord and Telegram

Earning an income will also be a sign of how seriously individuals take this role. If there is no disciplined work and proper service to PIVX, there will be no payment.

However, new individuals found by ambassadors within their communities (sub-ambassador candidates) will not receive a share from the ecosystem until they prove themselves as volunteers. They can only receive small performance rewards during this period.
Obviously, PIVX is not a stable coin and not tied to any fiat currency. The budget system reflects this, as requests are made in PIV, not USD. It would be up to the proposal submitter to take risk and reward into account when deciding on an amount to request. There is no way to get around this.

Also, $400 USD is the equivalent to a full time salary in many countries. We don't have new requirements defined yet for Ambassadors, but it most certainly isn't going to be 40 hrs per week.

How about we start with the very basics of what an Ambassador should be responsible for?
In a potential ambassador program, won't there be a dedicated fund allocated for this? So, you’re saying that rewards will be given in PIVX.

If the target countries are low-income regions with high crypto adoption, this might be acceptable.
However, the key question here is: What do we expect from ambassadors? If we provide them with a comfort zone, allowing them to become full-time PIVX employees, the efficiency we gain must be compared to a scenario where they receive a $200 monthly reward in PIVX while also working in another job. This performance difference should be analyzed carefully.

Of course, it is obvious that we do not have an unlimited budget. However, I believe that analyzing this at the beginning plays a critical role in the progress of the program.

Or there could be a gradual progression. A gradual approach seems healthier.

The core responsibilities an ambassador should have:

Education and Awareness:
Ambassadors are responsible for teaching people what PIVX is, why it is important, and how it works. This can include organizing local meetups, introducing new people to PIVX, or sharing informative content on social media.

Community Engagement:
An ambassador actively participates in the PIVX community and collaborates with other members. Being active on communication platforms like Discord, keeping track of the community’s pulse, and supporting new members are all part of this responsibility.

Promotion and Marketing Support:
Ambassadors help expand PIVX’s reach to broader audiences. This may involve encouraging local merchants to accept PIVX, promoting PIVX at events, or providing marketing teams with photos, videos, and other materials.

Local Representation:
Each ambassador becomes the face of PIVX in their region. For instance, they can contribute to PIVX adoption in their country by involving their friends, business contacts, or communities.

Coordinated Work:
Ambassadors should translate official PIVX announcements into their local language and monitor posts to prevent any disruptions.
There are going to be Ambassadors who don't want to be paid. There are also going to be Ambassadors that are just in it for the money. Most will be somewhere in between.

We have to start small. That means Ambassadors submitting their own proposals and competing against others in their same region. Once we have enough Ambassadors working consistently, then it makes sense for a 'Regional Ambassador' to manage them, report our for them, and distribute funding. But, we are nowhere near that point yet. So, for now, we just need to focus on;

1) What should we expect a person to demonstrate before they are even considered to be an Ambassador and represent PIVX?

2) What are the minimum requirements for an Ambassador to maintain, to make it easier for MNOs to compare their performance and payment request?

There is no way that a MNO can do proper Due Diligence on 10 different Ambassador proposals. So, at some point, it makes sense to have a 'Regional Ambassador'. For example, maybe 2 regions with 5 Ambassadors each. Then the 2 Regional Ambassadors would be the ones submitting proposals and reporting out.

We don't need to spend time on that next level ..... we just know it is the goal to get there. For now, let's decide what proves to the Community a person has earned the right to be an Ambassador, and what they need to do as an Ambassador, assuming their proposal is accepted.

Your list is a great start, and we can grow the list as Ambassadors set examples of things that are important that we didn't think of.

1. Qualifications a Person Must Demonstrate Before Becoming a PIVX Ambassador

When the ambassador program is announced, there will be a flood of applications. The key challenge is filtering out those who are only in it for the money from those who genuinely care about PIVX.

Key Qualifications:

  • Technical Understanding of PIVX: An ambassador must grasp PIVX’s technical aspects well enough to explain them clearly to others. They should simplify complex topics while emphasizing the project's advantages.
  • Community Engagement: The best ambassadors are those who are already active in the PIVX community. Participation in Discord discussions, sharing ideas on forums, and supporting events are strong indicators of commitment and reliability.
  • Ability to Work as a Team: This is not a solo endeavor. The work spans multiple layers—core team, marketing, content creators, article writers, masternode owners, and community members. If someone can’t function within a team structure, they won’t be an effective ambassador.

2. Minimum Requirements for Ambassadors to Sustain Their Role

  • Time & Commitment:
    Being an ambassador isn’t a side hobby—it requires consistent effort. At a minimum, ambassadors should dedicate a few hours weekly to participating in community activities and promotional efforts.
  • Keeping Up with Developments:
    Ambassadors should regularly follow updates, translate official announcements into their local languages, and maintain an active presence on Discord and forums.
  • Community Support (Non-Negotiable):
    No ambassador should work in isolation. Engaging with fellow ambassadors and the community ensures continuous learning and improvement.
  • Knowing Their Limits:
    Burnout is real.
    Ambassadors should understand their capacity and be able to say "no" when necessary. Overcommitting leads to inefficiency. (I’ve personally experienced this—trying to do too much at once just leads to problems. The tasks must be clear and manageable.)

Performance Evaluation for MNOs

For MNOs to properly assess ambassador performance, these key points should be considered:

  1. Progress Reports: A structured reporting template should be used, and progress updates should be posted in the forums (and if needed, via Google Docs). Reports must be complete and transparent.
  2. Community Feedback: Veteran ambassadors and long-time contributors should evaluate and provide feedback on new ambassadors. MNOs only see the proposals; they need insider insights from those working alongside the ambassadors.

Voting Criteria for Ambassadors (Simple but Effective)

✅ Social Media Management: Ensure local communities receive accurate, well-translated PIVX information.
✅ Activity on Discord & Telegram: Engagement in discussions and community support.
✅ Forum Participation: Share updates and encourage community involvement in the forums.
✅ Effective Social Media Presence: Official regional PIVX accounts must be managed properly, ensuring strong brand representation.
✅ Exploring Local Initiatives: Identifying events or businesses that may accept PIVX (optional but valuable).

This approach keeps the process practical, transparent, and fair.

I sincerely want to say that whether my proposal as an ambassador is accepted or not is irrelevant. For the past 5-6 months, I have been dreaming of this ambassador program and wanting it to start. Personally, I will dedicate all my initiative to this effort because, if done correctly, it has the potential to make PIVX far more popular than it is today.

I love Grok, I write down all the details I can think of and then I edit the template and it's quality content.
I think it would be helpful for MNOs when seeing the first proposal from a new potential Ambassador, that they be NOMINATED by at least 2 existing Ambassadors. This would quickly show a MNO that they have passed a vetting process. It would also force the new potential Ambassador to work with existing Ambassadors for a significant amount of time prior to submitting a proposal.

Does that make sense?
Absolutely the right approach. Keeping the old and the new together will help make things easier for MNO owners and move forward.

This way, evaluation will be easier and it will be fair to evaluate those who have served PIVX for a long time.
I'm thinking we should have a dedicated area on PIVX.org for Ambassadors too. I know there is a section now, but we should be showing more information, like their geographic region, languages they speak, years they have been an Ambassador, etc. etc.

I would also like to see an 'Awards Section' for Ambassadors too.

In Discord, there should also be a 'Badge' for Ambassadors that eventually has 'levels' associated with it.

What else can we make happen to show respect for Ambassadors and motivate them? Maybe allow them to list their favorite charity to donate to?
I'm thinking we should have a dedicated area on PIVX.org for Ambassadors too. I know there is a section now, but we should be showing more information, like their geographic region, languages they speak, years they have been an Ambassador, etc. etc.

I would also like to see an 'Awards Section' for Ambassadors too.

In Discord, there should also be a 'Badge' for Ambassadors that eventually has 'levels' associated with it.

What else can we make happen to show respect for Ambassadors and motivate them? Maybe allow them to list their favorite charity to donate to?
I agree with what you’re saying. Ambassadors are actually doing a really good job and reaching more people. How about motivating them by sending a PIVX kit after a certain period of active work?

The kit could include:

  • A PIVX booklet specially prepared with the ambassador’s name
  • A t-shirt with their name on it
  • A mug
  • And most importantly, a positive note from a PIVX executive, developer, or community leader

Honestly, if something like this were sent to me right now, I would probably be very happy and share it on social media. Feeling valued is amazing for everyone.