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  1. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Scheduled for Saturday at 11:30 PST
  2. Hawtch

    Need CC: Merchant Highlights - Travala

    NEED FEEDBACK Full version 1920X1080 (WIP) I added Travala Website reviews and modified it a bit. I need you guys to review for any mistakes or errors, please. DO NOT share this publicly. It's a Work In Progress (WIP).
  3. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Toolbox V3 video highlight - @palmtree Wanted to get all your feedback on it. Feedback due Tuesday September 24th at 3pm EST.
  4. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Updated the Outros for our vids (Shorts and Full) Desktop (full) Mobile (Shorts) NEED CC: Travala Ad Started a thread about the Travala ad we are working on. This is meant to highlight our merchants and hopefully...
  5. Hawtch

    Need CC: Merchant Highlights - Travala

    Requesting Feedback Description I am working on a series of videos that highlight all the different merchants and ways you can spend PIV. This is the first one and will be used as a template going forward. I am starting with the Youtube Short version, which is by nature shorter. I will be...
  6. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Merchant Ads WIP I am working on a series of videos that highlight all the different merchants and ways you can spend PIV. Here's my first vid on
  7. Hawtch

    Poll: Google Ads Violation (Need all of your input)

    Edit Vid and Appeal OR Try Other Platforms? I recently started paying for Google Ads on Youtube. I have roughly $720 in budget left. This is the vid: A Bit More Info: They have said it is a violation for not clarifying Financial Service Information...
  8. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    I made a mistake on my submitted proposal - please don't vote for the 72,000 one - I didnt know that it would send 72,000 each month instead of automatically split into 3. The new FIXED proposal is named 'Mrkting-Hawtch-Fixed'.
  9. Hawtch

    Active YTubeAds-Hawtch

    Name: YTubeAds-Hawtch Term: 1 cycles Cycle Amount: 10,000 PIV Total Amount: 10,000 PIV Author: Hawtch Receiver: Hawtch --> Youtube Ads Address: DSU4tLh6hXHdgQrGvy97KS25hhKJbkMqWY Created: Sept 09, 2024 Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here! I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I...
  10. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Name: Marketing-Hawtch Term: 3 cycles Cycle Amount: 24,000 PIV Total Amount: 72,000 PIV Author: Hawtch Receiver: Hawtch Address: DSU4tLh6hXHdgQrGvy97KS25hhKJbkMqWY Created: Sept 09, 2024 Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here! I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing...
  11. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Ad Launches Tomorrow! I have signed up to launch the Satire Youtube Ad I have posted a couple times here. Unfortunately I had to dox myself quite a bit to Google, but I am hoping it's worth it so PIVX can grow exponentially from this. My aim is to prop up all of what PIVX is doing and really get...
  12. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Satire Ad: I have been adjusting the metadata, description, and everything again. I want to make sure the SEO and Youtube Algorithm is great. Let me know what you think if this description and if you would change anything. Also adjusted the thumbnail. I think I want to go with this. I feel like...
  13. Hawtch

    Ad Idea: "DON'T Invest in Crypto. Sincerely, a Crypto."

    Jeffrey/Guapic responded in DM with: “Investing is OVERRATED” For centuries, markets, whether stocks or crypto have followed the same patterns seen as far back as ancient civilizations. From the Roman Empire to today, trading goods and services has always been the foundation of true value...
  14. Hawtch

    Ad Idea: "DON'T Invest in Crypto. Sincerely, a Crypto."

    I would love some feedback or "Yes and..." to this idea. "Investing is B*llS**t" or "Why NOT to Invest in Crypto. Sincerely, a Cryptocurrency" Explain the track record and history of the stock market and how crypto reflects a trading market even as far back as the roman days. Use that to swing...
  15. Hawtch

    REVIEW: Turkey Events Recap

    Description This is to create a video about the Turkey event/cleanup that @Talhayalcn77 has done with his team. Hoping it represents them well. I whipped it together wanting something to both shout him out, and get eyes on their efforts. Need Review for spelling errors or inconsistencies. Let me...
  16. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    I started a "Conversation" with you. Let's chat!
  17. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    I'd love to chat about how Redbyrd and I can help! I think it's a great part of PIVX and I think you guys are doing a solid work. Fun and promote PIVX? Yes please.
  18. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Videos scheduled to be posted: Bitmart (6pm PST today) YOUTUBE RUMBLE Changelly (6pm PST tomorrow) YOUTUBE RUMBLE
  19. Hawtch

    Happy Satire Vid/Ad: CC + Review Needed

    FEEDBACK NEEDED Hoping to get this paid ad running in the next week or so if I can. Which of the three different thumbnails do you prefer? 1. 2. 3.
  20. Hawtch

    Active Marketing-Hawtch

    Notes: - I have been quite focused on getting larger work done, quality over quantity and all that. I assure you I've been working diligently (as seen above). I felt like the above post was needed to show that. - Redbyrd has been an amazing help and definitely has a skillset noone else in PIVX...