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Search results

  1. P

    Archived BizDev Q2 2020

    Title: BizDevQ22020 Name: BizDev Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 6000 PIV Total Amount: 18000 PIV Author: John M Receiver: John M Address: DFpsfNaGAJBQNh2Lq63dmvpPHTvZwyS1Ag Created: 2020-04-02 Status: Pre-Proposal Hello PIVians! It's time for my quarterly proposal. It's been a hectic couple of...
  2. P

    Archived BizDev Q1 2020

    Title: BizDev Q1 Name: BizDev Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 5000 PIV Total Amount: 15000 PIV Author: John M Receiver: John M Address: TBA Created: 2019-12-30 Status: Pre-Proposal Hello PIVians! It's time for my quarterly proposal. It's been a hectic couple of months, but hectic is good :) We...
  3. P

    Archived BizDev Q4

    Title: BizDev Q4 Name: BizDev Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 6000 PIV Total Amount: 18000 PIV Author: John M Receiver: John M Address: TBA Created: 2019-10-08 Status: Pre-Proposal Hello PIVians! It's time for my quarterly proposals. This has been a busy few months, and we have had some time...
  4. P

    Archived BizDev Proposal - John M

    Title: BizDev Q2 Name: BizDev Term: 3 Cycles Cycle Amount: 6000 PIV Total Amount: 18000 PIV Author: John M Receiver: John M Address: TBA Created: 2019-06-29 Status: Pre-Proposal Hey Pivians! It has come time for me to submit my quarterly proposal for Business Development. It has been a very...