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Ad Idea: "DON'T Invest in Crypto. Sincerely, a Crypto."


Active Pivian
I would love some feedback or "Yes and..." to this idea.

"Investing is B*llS**t" or "Why NOT to Invest in Crypto. Sincerely, a Cryptocurrency"​

Explain the track record and history of the stock market and how crypto reflects a trading market even as far back as the roman days. Use that to swing to a trade of goods and useage being the true underlying currency.

Now follow up with how PIVX has usecase via spending, shield, staking, etc.

Explain we aren't telling you to invest. We are saying you should use the product or tool that works best for the job.

Vacation? PIVX. Coffee? PIVX. Groceries? PIVX. Reliable? PIVX.

End with CTA for them to NOT INVEST in PIVX, but instead invest in your mental health - join a crypto that makes sense.

PIVX Outro.

Jeffrey/Guapic responded in DM with:​

“Investing is OVERRATED”​

For centuries, markets, whether stocks or crypto have followed the same patterns seen as far back as ancient civilizations. From the Roman Empire to today, trading goods and services has always been the foundation of true value. Real currency on ther other hand? It’s always been about utility, not speculation.

That’s why we’re talking about PIVX
a privacy focused cryptocurrency and tool with real-world use cases. Spend it on your morning coffee while reading the latest fud, buy groceries, SHIELD your transactions, or better yet stake it! PIVX is designed to be a solution for everyday people like you that value their privacy and want a utility to do so.

We’re not telling you to invest. We’re just telling you to use the tool that works best for the job

Vacation? PIVX
Gift Cards? PIVX
Groceries? PIVX
Privacy? PIVX

So don’t invest in PIVX, Instead invest in your mental health by utilising a crypto that makes sense.

PIVX outro.