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Archived Content Strategist

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Nothing has changed.
Everyone here is my friend.
I have been the same activity level for years.
You still haven't figured anything out.
I feel sad for you.
Luckily your nothing but another masternode owner with a different view which I said would change eventually.

Maybe I'm an Oracle? I definitely ain't stupid and leacy has changed her posts to not say 10 - 20 hours. Which is what I commented on and was my only reason comment.

You're missing the point. Even if I wasn't a MNO at all, it changes nothing. The DAO is not defined by MNOs.

Let's summarize on this proposal.

1. Years ago, you made it blatantly obvious you don't understand Social Media at all. You exhibited this by trying to 'buy' Follows/Likes with that utility from the other coin project (CoinKit?).
2. Then, you blamed LeacyMcK for blocking you from searching on the #PIVX hashtag, even though that is technically impossible and would break Twitter if it were.
3. Along the way you struggled to gain followers and make posts - because you realized how much effort it takes. Yet, above, you claim it is easy.
4. You now admit you have deleted your socials (good for you - I am close to doing the same thing) yet somehow in addition to 1,2 and 3, you can now intelligently critique this proposal without accounts?
5. You logic is; 'something' is wrong. Full stop. Vote it down. You don't care if there is high value in the rest of the proposal, or that there is no one to replace the person?
6. Also, guess what ... no one is perfect and EVERY proposal has 'something' wrong with it. So, why are you not voting everyone of them down?

On the positive side, I had noticed you changed your tone over the past few months, and were asking fair questions, and being respectful when doing so. I would further suggest that you make another change. Give constructive feedback, and support LeacyMcK regardless. If she fails to follow your suggestions, then perhaps someone else will step up to help in those areas. Maybe eventually that person replaces LeacyMcK. In that way, we can GROW PIVX instead of CRIPPLING it. This is how it works. This is what a Meritocracy is. This is the DAO. ALL your frustrations come from the fact you work against it, instead of with it. You are trying to push water uphill. The entire PIVX Community pays the price for that.

You are lucky I give you all this critical feedback. I'm the only one who is holding on to the hope that one day you'll figure it out. Everyone else has moved on - leaving you in the dark because you make zero sense and they don't have the time to waste.
Leacy did block me on twitter, not for pivx hash tag. The social accounts she controls. Again can't prove it as I didn't screenshot. Spanish also did thr same and was unblocked on that when new person took over.

I can see posts just don't interact or engage with them.

She blocked me commenting on her forum post because she can't take criticism and has admitted to blocking me.

Why do you need to hold her hand all the time and talk for her?

The only problem I had was the price for hours put in yet then I get attacked. Accused of harassing her for questioning why she's asked for more money when her previous proposal said 10-20 hours which again I can't prove it was there and has been edited out but it 100% said that before.

Maybe it's you and leacy that needs to change how you talk to me and not see it as an attack and only a masternode owner asking for information. I have been as diplomatic to not see my comments as an attack yet your straight on the defensive and throw digs and attacks at me?

Like you have said multiple times masternode owners only control the budget. No one can be forced to give information I or anyone else asks for but it is and will be reflected in the votes. I only asked why your asking for more money when your previous proposals said 10-20 hours which has now been edited out. I even said if your doing more you should be paid more. That could of been end of.

Votes were changed yet you attack and insult me and accuse me of harassment. What's next racist? Sexist? You leftards love throwing your insults around.

I'm done with this conversation now. I look forward to the report or not it doesn't matter and I'm not forcing anyone to do something they feel they don't need to.

Good day sir and well done trump!
Re: "She blocked me commenting on her forum post because she can't take criticism and has admitted to blocking me."

I agree with her approach here. You offer nothing of value and are terribly misinformed. All you do is cause stress and make it hard to grow PIVX.

Re: "Why do you need to hold her hand all the time and talk for her?"

I am not holding her hand. That is your lame attempt to make me stop shining a bright light on your incompetence. Further, I already answered this point, which once again proves you are not listening, when I gave this response; "You are lucky I give you all this critical feedback. I'm the only one who is holding on to the hope that one day you'll figure it out. Everyone else has moved on - leaving you in the dark because you make zero sense and they don't have the time to waste."

I also saw the "10-20 hrs" and can't find it now. So, I agree it was there. I also agree that mistake should have been acknowledged and accountability taken. Difference is, I knew it had to be a mistake, and ignored it. Instead, I voted based on the effort I see happening, and the value of the proposal as a whole.

The practice of voting NO and then last minute changing them to YES, after your ego is pumped, is extremely damaging to PIVX. No one new wants to join the team when that is the way things are run. Plus, those that are here, raise their proposal amounts to offset the risk. Can't blame them for that.
So your saying the proposal amounts are inflated so should be less than they are asking? Gotcha 👍

Masternode owners job is the budget. Great to know some maybe taking the piss with their requested amount and we're paying over the odds.

The forum post asking for the information was at the start of the cycle. It wasnt provided so my prerogative as a masternode owner was to vote no as i didnt get the information requested. I vote off what i see. I asked very basic simple thing to be provided.

Why was more money asked for 10-20 hours that was stated she did? She had plenty of time to reply. The no votes appeared near the end of the cycle as she couldn't even be arsed to reply. The votes were changed back after she saw she was getting voted out and replied.

Maybe just reply next time?

If you don't want discussions and expect people to just pass without scrutiny continue down this route and we will see how the votes shift. Blocking anyone from asking questions especially a masternode voter is wrong and to agree to that is showing your Canadian democracy bred into your view of how you want this dao to work....but unfortunately that's not how it works.

If you'd of just left it as my final message and my vote change to yes that I agreed she should get more if she's working more and just confirmed that none of us would of wasted hours out of our day.

I'm more inclined to vote no now after these attacks on myself. You've implied I'm a piss head, ive been accused of harassment, have blocked me and said i shouldn't be allowed to question people on budget matters, confirmed proposals are inflated to offset the risk of being voted out. This hasn't gone the way you may have wanted it to go. You've just shown your colours.

Just reply next time OK?

Spent far to much time replying now so leave it there. Have a terrific day 😀
You've once again proven why no one else engages with you. Everything said to you, is twisted and spun and makes zero sense.

Risk and reward go together. This is a known axiom. You are adding more risk with your failed logic when voting. That increases costs. I am confident everyone would be happier and feel more secure with less risk and stable rational thought applied to Yes/No votes. Then, we could expect proposal prices would decrease over time as that risk component is removed.

You've only got yourself to blame for the lack of response to your feedback. Everyone has tried to help you with that. I think pretty much everyone has given up.

Discussions are welcome and very healthy. But, they require a proper approach. Just owning MNs doesn't make a MNO an expert on anything, especially communication.

Being Canadian has nothing to do with this. How many years has it been? How many years will it take? Eventually you are going to realize that the DAO is Community driven, and that can't be changed, even if ALL the MNOs wanted it to.

I see. So, because you are upset with me, you are going to vote proposals down? Plus, you are actually saying that in the same breath when arguing people should be able to speak freely? Double standards much? Classic projection.

I have no problem with you being able to engage. I have major problems with your failed logic, ignorance, ego, and frustration, all impacting your ability to act properly as a MNO. You are constantly damaging PIVX. Not cool.
You can view my replies however you want i dont care. What i do care about is getting the most money out of the budget which you have even said the people are inflating their price just incase they get voted out as a buffer.

If you were to decide if someone should be paid or not and you got abuse off them would you pay them?

Again why didn't you all just leave it where I voted yes after the reply i asked for? You have started this back and forth and the only person losing is leacy as you think your defending her but you actually making things worse. Just let her speak for herself. Could of just been her accusing me of harassment which is pretty bad in itself but I can get over that, when I only asked about hours worked. Leacy didn't have to rant after either but you both can't control yourselves. You obviously like drama.

I'll go off the reporting as I always do but to continue to attack me for calling out your twisted view isn't going to stand with me. Insult after insult. I have been fair with my questions, short and sweet, no insults yet I cant even get a reply?

Fyi I don't want your help or anyone else's on how to talk/interact with you all. I don't change my views because its not the stasus quo. I don't need to be involved with the "click" working atm to shape pivx as my votes control the direction as do everyone else who owns a masternode. If your still blind to that I don't know what else to say?

If someone doesn't want to give feedback to basic questions that's fine but it will reflect the vote which is the funding. People don't work for free. See how many no cycles it takes. Some people it maybe a few, others it may be immediate but it is a guarantee.

Anyway leacy good luck 👍 look forward to the report or not whatever the choice is yours.
You add massive risk to proposals. We can't know how much that affects price, but it does. You seem to imply you want to get rid of that 'extra' amount, but your behavior is the root cause of it. So, just stop it.

Re; "If you were to decide if someone should be paid or not and you got abuse off them would you pay them?"

Absolutely. In fact, LeacyMcK is a perfect example. I was blocked from being able to DM LeacyMcK for months. She pissed me off on an issue, and I let her know how I felt about that. I then got blocked. That's her right. Only in the past week or 2 have I been unblocked. Point is .... during all that time, I still supported her proposals, even though I was upset with her. Why? Because her proposals are separate. My votes are based on value added to PIVX. Not my personal feelings based on how I am treated.

Here's another albeit trivial example, but one I bet would piss you off. I rarely get a response from DMs to JSkitty. That's fine. I get it. He is super slammed for time, and requires massive focus to stay efficient. So, I take the hint and just let the issue drop, if it isn't important. But, if it feels really urgent, I reach out to Liquid, and he typically replies quickly. He is actively involved in almost every effort, and can save JSkitty the interruption. The net effect of JSkitty ignoring me is he stays efficient, Liquid vets my comments and filters them to remove the stupid ideas, and everyone wins. Should I be upset JSkitty ignores me? Nope! Exact opposite actually!

Clearly you are not separating how you are treated from what the value is for PIVX. You just proved that. Now, combine that with the disrespect you constantly dish out to everyone, and therein lies the problem. Let me make it super clear. Here is what happens.

Step 1: You piss people off.
Step 2: They push back.
Step 3: You get upset.
Step 4: You vote them down.
Step 5: Go to Step 1.

At one point or another over the past year, you have targeted each and every single proposal author there is. Often multiple times. This insanity needs to stop. PIVX is on the verge of a massive rise, and you are holding us back giving everyone PTSD.

Enough. Get out of the way, and let us grow the team. Then, normal competition will make changes. That's Meritocracy.
You started this back and forth. I only asked why the increase in funds and got no reply? If I had got a reply "I'm not doing 10 - 20 hours it's more like 35-40" whatever it is and showing that, the end and I would of voted yes and all this wouldn't of been out in the open. When I did I changed them back. Not hard for a quick reply?

I don't care if she likes me or not. I don't even care if she replies but if she doesn't for a proposal question especially as basic as the question i asked and its just ignored it effects my vote. Isn't my only job to pass proposals and funding according to your meaning? If I ask for information that I feel is required to know how I am voting am I not entitled to ask for it? It doesn't even need to be provided but again that will effect my vote. I have even accepted this is all I can do. Mine and your view of the dao should be run is completely different but this is how it's working atm.
Nope. I didn't start it. I replied to you properly with my rationale and logic. I agreed with you that the question about the hours was fair and made sense. Then LeacyMcK gave you the answer you were looking for. She also gave you an explanation on the delay in getting you an answer. Then you went into full attack mode! That's what started this. Do you not see how incredibly insensitive that is? Seriously! What is wrong with you?

That history is here for everyone to verify.

Moving forward, I will be checking every piece of logic and fact you present, for every single proposal. Totally cool if you have a different opinion based on subjectivity or a different interpretation. But when you get the facts or logic flat out wrong, I'm going to call it out. Every. Single. Time.
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

But first a note,
Twitter is not my only job, I spend a lot of time networking, planning and talking with others so we can host events and cross-market with other parties. I have upped my game a bit on Instagram but need to do better, we do have new followers finally! Medium is finally where I want it to be, thanks to clem's articles along with the posts/articles I will continue to publish there. I am not giving up on Twitter but making sure the posts I do create will work best on CMC community feeds where we have a new larger audience. There is great discontent on Twitter among even the gold premium accounts as they too see their metrics not doing as well as before so instead of worrying about that, I am putting my energy into building around it.

- Binance report completed for Sept and soon Oct. This takes approx. 3 hours to get the information together and to write it out, as long as I have all the material easily available.

-I joined BlueSky recently at the request of Fuzzbawl's who could see what was going on in Twitter. Recently a mass exodus of over 1.2 million Twitter accts joined BlueSky so I am slowly going to grow this account to see how it does.

- I'm pleased to announce that we are receiving an increasing number of requests to cross-market with exchanges, projects, and PIVX's third-party services. This is a result of both @guapic and I building relationships with them over the past few years, which we reciprocate by supporting their requests. These relationships are important and needed to keep PIVX growing globally. 

- Networking and becoming friends with SmartCrypto1, an Educational Crypto Twitter acct with 57K+ active followers years ago has been very fruitful for PIVX. They have upped their game in promoting our newsworthy posts which their followers then have to comment about to receive crypto rewards. eg. Recently they reposted with quote one of PIVX’s post which was viewed over 12K+ times. 

- Private Roundtable XSpace events: Our next event is scheduled for November 20th. A few of our lined-up guests include representatives from Zcash, DarkFiSquad, and Ghost. The whole premise of Privacy Roundtable is to support other privacy projects, promote privacy coins, and grow our niche. 

- Travala contest in full swing, reposting and new posts created during the month. Winners to be chosen Nov 15th.

- Cross marketing with StealthEX on socials. 
The are strong supporters of PIVX.

- Cross marketing with Change Hero; Halloween educational crypto contest. 

- Cross marketing with Hellex.io re: PIVX newly listed there and contest promoted.

- Cross-Marketing with ChangeNOW, planning new marketing events such as promote a blog they write and publish to Medium. Emphasis was given to them that the article to be posted on PIVX’s acct needs to be equally about PIVX. In the past we have had accounts wanting to publish on Medium with very little mention of PIVX. 

- WhiteBit has contacted us for a marketing event, waiting to hear more. 

- To support PIVXLabs I have been not only reposting their posts but also creating individual posts for socials when they get overly busy.

- Continue to mentor and support team members, especially social team and ambassadors when needed. eg. Donated 250 PIV from slush fund to @elena for PIVX En Español Halloween contest to encourage more entries.

- PIVX perspectives; interviews with notable PIVians season 2 have all been published except for 1 interview. In January 2025 I will be interviewing 4-6 more team members for season 3.

- Naomi Brockwell, a well known privacy advocate offered to follow accounts that wrote pri/acc beside their name. As I have been wanting her to be more aware of PIVX for awhile, I updated the Twitter accts name, Naomi then followed.

- Plans are all set with Bouilla who will be representing PIVX in Lisbon next week to attend WebSummit. Many projects from around the globe attend. I gave Bouilla 2000 PIV from slush fund to help with expenses as he needs to fly and lodge there, this was documented under the slush fund proposal.

- Clem is now set up in Discord and on Medium where he submits his articles, I proof read then publish while also working with Meerkat to get graphics created in a timely manner to compliment the articles.

- Continuing to bring old PIVX graphics and my ideas to Meerkat and RedByrd who then create the graphics and at times animate them. These have shown to be popular on socials and especially on Instagram.

- Attempting to gain new social team members as we desperately need help out on Twitter.

- CoinBureau article will need to be rewritten unless I can get my laptop fixed within the next 2 weeks. I have had a lot of irl hits over the last 8 weeks along with my laptop acting up, not making excuses just explaining why this hasn't happened yet. I am aiming to have it submitted by the end of November, early December. I apologize for the hold up.

Contests created and published:
- Monthly contest "Taste the world with PIVX" remains, some of the team have been entering which is great for PIVX members to see.
- Name a word that starts with the letter P keeping PIVX in your mind. 5 winners of 50 PIV each, 1 winner has joined Discord.
- ChangeHero Halloween contest; Cross marketed
- Halloween contest in which entrants are encouraged to submit a meme.
- Hellex.io exchange contest to celebrate PIVX being listed. Cross-marketed.

- Plans for the upcoming month will be noted when I submit my proposal.

𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬:

PIVX Coin specs

Be in control of your money and know your wealth is secure.

PIVX core v6.0 udpate

PoSitively Private 

PIVX Perspective; Fuzzbawls Core Dev Lead.

Supporting Travala with Skyscanner


Road Trip with PIVX


This isn’t fine, marketing video

Turkish PIVX community event


PIVX ToolBox Update V3

Hummingbot 4 Week Liquidity Mining Campaign 


PIVX integrated into NOW Wallet


Privacy Roundtable with Luke Parker Lead Dev Serai DEX.

PIVCards Update

Masternode Proposals


Turkish PIVX Community doing good out in the world. 


MPW v2.0 is now LIVE


Labs Oracle

Using trending news with humour.

Bring your own wire. (The graphic in this post was updated from an older Rhubarb graphic I gave Meerkat, then RedByrd animated it brilliantly.)

Hellex.io listing

Please note that I have and always will submit updates so that our members can see what is being done. I am late with these updates and will try harder to make sure they are submitted in a timely fashion. Thank you for taking the time to read.
ps. The forum doesn't like me lately either, I am unable to use any of the Forum writing tools for some reason. Thus the update not being as easy to read.
This is the reaction we're getting. This abuse shouldn't happen and defo the posts shouldn't be viewed. You surely have a notification on replies? Immediately delete it!

As a talk but don't produce lifeline you all keep saying I know nothing about socials for you I will also throw my hat in for full access over all socials for 2 free months work. I will show my progress from the start of the months till the end but i expect no interference. You can continue to get paid for the 2 months you usually propose and I will take over your role. Consider it a holiday and to grieve? I am surely trusted enough to not go full blown kamikaze?

I need the same access to resources and contacts with whoever your working with. Discord, full access to the forum channel's (probably is no extra as its not used anyway).

If I'm shit and haven't improved more than you have been progressing each month then I will hold my hands up and say ye it's harder than it looks, I don't know what its on about and the only thing i can then say is we need someone who does know how to do it. But what I'm seeing multiple times is poor management of them.

Obviously need the information you already have, what you do each day/month. Appreciate your more detailed reply recently.

Look forward to the reply to this. This is your chance to shut me up and prove I know nothing about socials and it costs you nothing!

First, please note that April 1st is just over 20 weeks away. You are a bit early.

Second, the Turkish Community is a very different culture. They can be extremely aggressive. I think that is because of the recent crazy government actions that they have suffered. I note that there are multiple responses to that post, all 4 or 5 hrs ago. That's pretty quick. Plus, one is in Turkish, and given the difference in their culture, that is probably best.

I was part of the Turkish Telegram for a while - I even paid for real-time translation. There were Turkish Community members that thought we had someone on the team who just printed more coins, whenever we wanted. It was incredibly difficult to prove they misunderstood. We ended up getting the PIVX Economics Whitepaper translated into Turkish to help them understand. It worked on that issue. This one isn't as clear. My guess is this Tweet above, is probably someone who was planning on selling, and then got upset they missed the pump this morning.

If someone dox's somebody, or spews hate etc. or just constantly and repeatedly creates chaos, stress and division for no valid reason, then their post should be deleted. But, just a different view-point isn't a valid reason. Plus, it is an opportunity to engage them and convert them to strong PIVX supporters. (We have done this in the past!) Or, if not them, those that are watching how we handle things.

It's too bad you deleted your social accounts. Otherwise, this would be a good opportunity to support PIVX by replying yourself.
Third, that X user has only 42 followers.

Fourth, YOU said; "This abuse shouldn't happen ..." .
While I totally agree with you, the keyword is "shouldn't" and this is some random person on the Internet. However, I would emphatically state abuse should NEVER come from a MNO. Think about that.
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This is the reaction we're getting. This abuse shouldn't happen and defo the posts shouldn't be viewed. You surely have a notification on replies? Immediately delete it!

As a talk but don't produce lifeline you all keep saying I know nothing about socials for you I will also throw my hat in for full access over all socials for 2 free months work. I will show my progress from the start of the months till the end but i expect no interference. You can continue to get paid for the 2 months you usually propose and I will take over your role. Consider it a holiday and to grieve? I am surely trusted enough to not go full blown kamikaze?

I need the same access to resources and contacts with whoever your working with. Discord, full access to the forum channel's (probably is no extra as its not used anyway).

If I'm shit and haven't improved more than you have been progressing each month then I will hold my hands up and say ye it's harder than it looks, I don't know what its on about and the only thing i can then say is we need someone who does know how to do it. But what I'm seeing multiple times is poor management of them.

Obviously need the information you already have, what you do each day/month. Appreciate your more detailed reply recently.

Look forward to the reply to this. This is your chance to shut me up and prove I know nothing about socials and it costs you nothing!

View attachment 2274

You are so confusing. "This abuse shouldn't happen"? You write just as mean things to me in the forum here first off, and think it is okay, yet this is abusive to you? Secondly, you know I can't delete it. Free speech and all that, and besides we both know that if I had deleted it you would have come after me for that instead. It doesn't threaten life and one can tell it is written by someone that bought the spike then got upset because they lost what they invested. They were replied to and the message was hidden as is the protocol. I don't know how you saw this message when you wrote that you closed your social accounts but glad you did, you can see what I put up with on a weekly basis. And if you do have your accounts open, can you help us promote please?

Let's break your request down.

1- You want to give me 2 free paid months of vacation yet every few months you say I am getting paid too much. If I get paid too much for all of the work I do, then don't you think getting paid for nothing is a bit silly? Kind of contradicts what you are trying to get everyone to believe about me.

2 - We don't just give passwords out to anyone, and especially not to ones that have constantly showed us they can't be trusted. That is the key with all of our work amongst our team, the PIVX family, is that we trust each other which is needed when working in this field. My goodness, aggressiveness one minute and the next you're a contributing community member, and then the next you're like a little bear with a sore paw... come on, even you wouldn't give you the passwords.

3- I have patiently and respectively built these relationships or as you call them, contacts over the past 7 years of which I spent a lot of time doing. I network with these accounts and individuals, we support each other, so in effect there is no way I will be handing these over to you. Again, you wouldn't do this either.

4 - I know, hand me the keys to your home and your car(s), let me use them for 2 months. "It's not like I am going to do anything. "

5 - Sticks and stones... " poor management of them." " leftard"

6 - This whole charade of yours has cost me over an hour of my time, who should I bill this to, you? This is all of a ruse of your usual request of getting into PIVX's Discord, which for the umpteenth time can't be done. You and only you are to blame for it was Discord not Discord.PIVX.org, that fully banned you. Take it up with them.

7 - I am now closing this down and I will not be paying attention to votes etc. My time and energy is best spent on working on my poor management of the accounts is it not?
Testing ...

My forum account is still not allowing me to do anything but reply and post, I am unable to use writing tools or paste. It is being looked into.
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