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Active Content Strategist


Staff member
Name: CSJFeb25
Term: 2 cycles
Cycle Amount: 13447
Total Amount: 26,894
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DA4sf9mPP79WFFEvn3jCknTfcFWAnvHwK6
Created: Feb 20, 2025
Status: Active

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Please find my prior work with weekly and monthly tasks, and recent highlights here: https://forum.pivx.org/threads/content-strategist-nov-dec-24.2481/.
The forum is still not allowing me to use their writing tools so if links don't work, please search here in the forum for my past proposals.
Though I only worked 25-30 hrs/week due to irl issues I took the month off without submitting a proposal. I am back to my full-time hours and thus submitting now.

Content Strategist; Cross marketing with exchanges and 3rd party services, planning and implementation of events.โ€จContent creator
Lead for PIVX official, PIVXcommunity, Medium, Instagram and now BlueSky.
Community and Social Team lead and Mentor to all new members onboarding into working with PIVX.
Founder of Privacy Roundtable in which PIVX (Yenechar) is an active speaker representing PIVX. We discuss everything privacy. Firo, Particl and BasicSwapDEX also participate.

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- Happy 9th Birthday. โ€จRequested graphic and wrote article.โ€จ

- January Privacy Roundtable; Year Review
โ€จ โ€จ

- Requesting to be listed on Exodus wallet.

- Working closely with Clem in making sure the graphics he needs are created and he receives them in a timely fashion. Articles are planned ahead and we work together to keep the flow moving. eg. Once he has submitted the article to Medium, I proof-read then publish it. Once he shares the titles of the articles I give them to Meerkat who then creates the graphic. I then share the source file with the social team of which they translate. I then post said graphic with copy I write, I reach out to the social team and they share to the accounts they run, or own.

-Work with Jeffrey and exchanges on cross-marketing.

Random posts using older graphics.

Celebrating Data Privacy Week

To encourage more engagement I held a contest via PIVXcommunity in which followers were encouraged to share a privacy quote of their choosing which will be added to a graphic and promoted. The 6 winners received 50 PIV each and will get credit when the graphic is posted.

I shared my idea of "Easily Live Off Crypto" with Meerkat who created fantastic graphics. These were shared with Robyn who then created an amazing video.

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- Working on a AMA with MeileDVPN to happen in early March. yenechar will represent PIVX. โ€จ
- Planning March's Privacy Roundtable with a special guest speaker.
- X just keeps getting worse so I will focus more on CMC by engaging and continue to post to BlueSky. We have had many scam accounts impersonating PIVX core members of which we have been reporting, to no avail.
- Continue to give Meerkat ideas for content.
- Follow-up with Coin Bureau and get the PIVX article finally published.
- Work with exchanges on further promotions and/or cross-marketing.
- I think it would be good if everyone that runs a social account were to collaborate on a few key areas, particularly syncing our posts and videos to the best times across our social media platforms. Ideally, With how socials are governed lately I think if we can work together on coordinating all posts and videos from all accounts, this will maximize their impact.
- Continue to lead and mentor global community accounts when they need support, while also making sure posts/graphics are created so they can share the copy and graphic easily on their accounts.

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. I will leave this open for comments BUT if I am badgered with non-productive comments such as "you're useless" again I will not hesitate to close this down. I will also not tolerate my proposal getting hijacked for anything other than my work again. At the end of the day we have a global community that reads our forum and professionalism is a must.
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Forgot to add:
- Edge Wallet reached out to me to ask to be one of our upcoming guests on Privacy Roundtable. The co-founder and maybe lead dev will be on. Dates to be announced soon.
- That I intend to post more of Clem's articles to PIVX.org. I had issues in that I couldn't post the graphic to accompany the articles to the News section but I am receiving support for this so this will be fixed soon.

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- Coinomi to be a guest speaker on Privacy Roundtable, planning for March or April.
- Re: MeileDVPN Xspace on March 7th, 11:00 am est. I requested the graphic then promoted event along with creating Xspace link. Sentinel will be joining this event also.
- PIVX is no longer standing alone; rather, itโ€™s now part of a vibrant community of like-minded projects. We collaborate with our partners through Xspaces and cross-marketing efforts to promote PIVX, while also lending our support to their initiatives in return. Privacy Roundtable has helped immensely with growing these relationships.

- Cross-marketing event with Guardarian being worked on presently. They will announce first and rep PIVX, I will follow up less than a week later with our promo of Guardarian. Graphics requested.

- Working with letsexchange alongside Liquid and Jeffrey: AMA completed, joint cross-promo done per their request. They followed up with a post today but it had to be taken down as they had incorrect information about PIVX on it. I reached out to them concerning this and they removed said post and will create a updated post soon.

-Worked with PIVX Turkey, Talh and Batuhan by giving support to their accounts. Plans for a contest to be held later on in the month will occur, slush fund will pay out the winners fees.

-Created my first post for PIVX Coinmarket's account! Once they verified me they stopped promoting PIVX's X posts. I will see about getting the posts automatically added again. Having access to the PIVX cmc feed allows me to reply to comments and to help bolster PIVX posts. Update: Unable to automatically post due to CMC wanting access to PIVX official account. We make it a rule to not let 3rd parties into this account as there is more chances of hacks and someone taking over the account. Will have to manually add all posts moving forward. Posting to CMC takes more time than other social apps, more engagement and attention is paid to this account from outside sources then any other social app we run. We get more views on CMC than most other social accounts PIVX runs.

-Posted the first article to CMC. https://coinmarketcap.com/community/profile/PIVX/?type=Articles Every Friday I will post Clem's Market recap in its entirety to this feed so cmc followers have easy access vs if they were to click on the Medium link.

-Posted weekly market news to PIVX.org, which I will do each Friday as well as posting to Medium, CMC, Twitter x 2 and Instagram.
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Created this post because my highlights of this cycle shown above aren't showing up on the feed when I complete them. ^^