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Archived Convention Funding Q4 2017


Sep '17

We are asking for 2,000 PIVX a month for the following three tranches (Throughout Q4 2017) to cover the costs of:
  • event attendance and PR/sponsorship at said events (Consensus, etc.)
  • travel for said events
  • lodgings & food during the events.
  • Schwag (t-shirts, cards, banners, displays, etc.)
among others.
The funds will be managed by @buer and will go exclusively towards Conferences of Events as described below.
For any suggestion or venue funding request, please contact me via slack @buer of through forum PM. These funds can be used for both hosting and attending meetups, though the majority of funds is reserved for the latter.
With this proposal, I also pledge to update the community and executive team of all activities and to keep a detailed expense table to be published every quarter the fund is renewed.
I along with select high exponents of the PIVX community have in plan to start roaming the earth preaching the PIVX / crypto word as well as networking with and learning from new emerging projects around the world. The optimal way to do so is targeting well-known summits where savvies, regulators and investors come together and share the latest bleeding edge technologies and applications.
Bringing some purple into the mix will not only brighten the monotonous praxis the “convention” embodies but will advance PIVX’s claim to supremacy and help the crypto sphere progress leaps and bounds in the institutional realm.
I, @buer, have been charged by the holy ghost of PIVX future to scour any blockchain/cryptocurrency/decentralization/etc. related convention list such as the links as follow, to select the optima for the piv swarm pervasion.
The blockchain events directory:
Want to get together with other people who are passionate about bitcoin and blockchain technology? Check in here for information about upcoming events, conferences and workshops.


Given our limited budget and otherwise employed membership, I adopt a wide array of tactics to individualize and target the most apt conventions to be part of. A few factors I take into consideration are the following:
  • Local PIVX community available to attend without cost of travel or language difficulty
  • Summit scope, I tend for non exclusively cryptocurrency meetups as they become mostly redundant and involve individuals who already have the taste of the cryptoverse. My preferred are “Institutional Tech” style. Economy meetups made up of regulators and the most influential firms, and Venture Capital conventions, as a few examples.
  • Summit Dimensions, the more, the merrier. The aim is to touch as many people as possible while optimizing time and efforts. I find the larger summits, the more cumulative human and monetary capital and although the attendees might have thicker skins and less time to waste understanding each startup in the floor, we sweep broadly and gather network and capital unlike any smaller set up could provide.
  • Summit legitimacy / correspondence with our ideals, as a project though non political or partisan, we must abide by a set of ideologies which makes us who we are. We feel that authoritarian conventions, gray retrograde policy standpoints, and old guard crypto deniers not only aren’t fertile grounds for the piv seed, but might also taint our fundamentally “freedom-centered” standpoint.
  • Scam? When an event is listed in one of the four directories listed above, it’s most likely been vouched and countervouched on end. Most there are established meetups held by respectable organizers for reasonable prices. This although isn’t always the case and throughout our brief history we’ve been confronted as a project with absurd claims to hundreds if not thousands of our hard earned dollars in exchange for some banner in a 20 people summit in a remote area. I take it upon myself to make every dime count and shall not tolerate any useless expense or waste whence acting on behalf of our great purple sigil. By this principle I’d like to conclude that we do not deny any somewhat minor meetup frequentation: we merely shall not accept to pay incredible fees when 1st Our name and publicity is what mainly attracts attendees hence profits to the summit; 2nd Work on our part is required to support the summit organization; 3rd The event aspires more towards immediate benefit for the organizers rather than establishing it as a future reputable trademark or tending to attendee satisfaction.
By these principles here follow a list of “Must attend” conventions with relevant details and PIVX contingent specs.
WEBSUMMIT November 6 to 9, 2017 | www.websummit.com
“The largest tech conference in the world” - Inc.
Event Specifics
Where: Lisbon, Portugal
Organizer: Connected Intelligence Limited
Attendees: 60,000 +
Speakers: 1,000 +
Senior Management: 68%
Journalists: 2,200 +
Countries: 160 +
Useful Links
Schedule: https://websummit.com/schedule
Speakers: https://websummit.com/speakers
Featured Attendees: https://websummit.com/attendees/featured-attendees
News Stream: https://blog.websummit.com/
What we could have:
PIVX has been selected to host a 1-day long stand as a startup in the “Fintech startup” floor with three people one of which will be myself @buer, the other two yet to be determined.
s3.amazonaws.com MC-319+Startup+Stand+Renders_ALPHA.pdf
937.08 KB

With this startup ticket @buer and @snappysnap earned following a 15-minute long interview with the Websummit Lisbon startup floor organizer, we have access to the three-day long venue with all the goodies reserved to select startups as one to ones with Mentors, VC and general investment institution directories for us to contact and much more.
PIVX would be represented and has been signed up as a “Startup”.
DECENTRALIZED November 2 to 3, 2017 | www.decentralized.com
Event Specifics:
Where: Limassol, Cyprus
Organizer: the University of Nicosia, a global leader in blockchain education and research, as well as providers of the world’s only full academic degree in blockchains (MSc in Digital Currency, www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain).
Attendees: 500 +
Speakers: 50 + “from leading blockchain corporations, financial institutions, start-ups, investors, academics and policy makers, thus positioning the conference as this year’s premier Blockchain event for Europe and the Middle East.”
Useful Links
Schedule: https://www.decentralized.com/agenda.html
Speakers: https://www.decentralized.com/speakers.html
Organizer: https://www.decentralized.com/whoweare.html
What we could have:
This is the institutional realm. University Symposium meets the crypto push. I can’t think of anything more poetic. Along with incredible speakers such as Andreas Antonopoulos (<3), Ian Grigg (EOS), Avi Sela (EToro), I find this event an excellent opportunity for less savvy (crypto-wise) but extremely well educated and influential individuals to come together and learn of this emerging ecosystem. Bear in mind there’s little to none crypto project attending as most believe it’s too big a leap to gather foreign intelligentsia into such an intricate sphere in just a couple of days. I say these people have signed up to learn more and what better way than contextualizing the gifts of blockchain technology into a concrete solution such as a cryptocurrency. Hey! That’s us! They’ll go nuts for PIVX.
I @buer will be accompanied by a leading law professor from Italy to namely network and bring new thinking minds into our community.
We will be attending as “Persons,” not officially representing PIVX
World Blockchain Summit October 24 to 25, 2017 | www.dubai.worldblockchainsummit.com
“World Blockchain Summit aims to connect global blockchain gurus and technology players in this space including emerging startups – with regional business and IT leaders from across key industry verticals.”
Event Specifics
Where: Dubai, UAE
Organizer: Trescon
Attendees: 100 + (?)
Speakers: 35 +
Useful Links
Speakers: https://www.dubai.worldblockchainsummit.com/#speakers
Colossal convention trademark, great names and by starting off in a smaller venue, ie Dubai we get inserted in the great ecosystem the world Blockchain Summit has grown to be without the excessive competition as met in other sites (Moscow / Hong Kong). PIVX will be put in a spotlight as the only present functional cryptocurrency attendee, in competition with semi-shams as “https://debitcoin.io/” or “https://telegraf.money/”.
Given the event temporal vicinity it might be best to sign up as Persons rather than as the official project. I will keep you updated on this
And many more as described in the directory links above and corresponding to the reported standards.
Closing Statement
As PIVX grows out of its infancy into a hecta-million dollar endeavor resources are accrued, and friends are made. To keep the upward trend sustainable an everlasting effort is required from all. Luckily through our masternode system, we can elect and incentivize willing representatives to work on our behalf.
Everyone here is doing their job networking, expanding PIVXs horizon and resources but why not have a select crew and a global budget to bring this process to the next level?
Name: Q4Summits
Hash: e95db6d7245244ef327555e99698a267f29ef5994deb7c655db59c2a102ebbc1
mnbudget vote-many e95db6d7245244ef327555e99698a267f29ef5994deb7c655db59c2a102ebbc1 yes
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mnbudget vote-many e95db6d7245244ef327555e99698a267f29ef5994deb7c655db59c2a102ebbc1 no
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