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Archived Crowd funding proposal - NEW DATE


Jan 22

From: mistersx12
Date: January 2019
Hello, MrX12 here again. Towards a great start this New Year, compliments
of the season to the PIVX community.
I have been faithfully and diligently working for the IoP internet of people.
Working for PIVX community has ever been my dreams.
I gave my time and also my
money thereby, funding myself monthly for the growth of IoP. I can’t just quit blockchain and crypto for now. I have many ideas and big companies who wants to accept crypto, but it’s looks like time for PIVX.
One of the contact person is company ALVINI, biggest Vape shop chain in Ireland. Second Person, Investor from Latvia, but for now living in UK and he is very active investor in crypto. It is Latvian Business Club in London and it’s means here will be lot of business people, I think both, investors and those who will to accept PIVX, will be here. I will come to event with a banner and a couple booklets, T-Shirts
because PIVX is more than a coin to me, it’s the future of business and networking.
Regarding Russia, I equally need to get some donation, to enable me travel to
Russia. Where I’ve already organize meet-up in end of March(I don’t have fixed date for now), I will take a budget from
my private donation which comes through my full-time business in branding and
graphic design.
So, I am writing this in order to be able to represent PIVX at the Business
Networking in London in March (https://www.ibf.lv/8-febr-2019-latv...-6_lPvQWDu3YTSpDeE-elr_NtpdMdV1w-cYJfhuiOC9t4), were we need to collect the required
funds in a crowdfunding.
If I won’t reach the Goal of minimum 900 € equivalent, and since I can’t predict the PIVX Price, then I will accept the fees and return the PIVX back :pivx~2:
The End Date for the crowdfunding is February the 15th
The PIVX Address is as follows:
_I’m late, sorry ( _
I still remember my first day by PIVX)
P.S Last time in here was Latvian Regional Television.