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Open Do I need staking=1 in the config for cold staking?


New Pivian

Is it okay to add staking=0 to pivx.conf file so it can't stake its own balance but only stake the delegated cold staking balance? I want this wallet to be able to cold stake but not do staking for it's own balance.

This is what getstakingstatus looks like;
  "staking_status": false,
  "staking_enabled": false,
  "coldstaking_enabled": true,
  "haveconnections": true,
  "mnsync": true,
  "walletunlocked": true,
  "stakeablecoins": 2,
  "stakingbalance": 0.99988000,
  "stakesplitthreshold": 500.00000000,
  "lastattempt_age": 1711143113,
  "lastattempt_depth": 4312307,
  "lastattempt_hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "lastattempt_coins": 0,
  "lastattempt_tries": 0