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Archived Double Marketing Effort


Aug '17

Note: This post was written by Chad Ballantyne, but submitted by Eric Stanek since Chad is on vacation this week.
Our Goals:
The Rhubarbarians (RhubarbMedia.ca 5) are presenting this proposal to take on (again) the official creative content design and continue to collaborate with the marketing support team in delivering awesome, relevant and impacting content every week.
This includes a revised marketing/communications plan to strategically roll out some campaigns throughout the year. We have the capacity, the team and the knowledge to do what we did for PIVX when we launched and during the ride up thus far. Our goal is to provide the best and blast the market with a cohesive, creative, professional, approachable message in order to see PIVX take the next leap forward.
We will include in the proposal the opportunity for other professionals in the community to come along side on certain projects for web, video, ads and other PIVX related needs. We believe those of you who started this before us and have joined since, having experienced our abilities and saw our work and impact up till now, know the value we bring to the table and will support this.
The goal for this next round is to double our capacity and output by including new people and adding more marketing channels and opportunities under our leadership and care.
We will continue to protect the brand and its message and helping PIVX move to global brand awareness and product acceptance via design for web/social media, print, product design, merchandise, video, event marketing, sponsorships and more. We will help create a strategic plan for creative in line with the Marketing Support team to make sure all deliverables are on brand and on time.
We bleed purple.
Chad Ballantyne
Value Drivers:
Rhubarb Media is a creative studio established 12 years ago. We gave birth to the PIVX name and brand and delivered the creative designs contributing to PIVX’s rapid growth along with a dedicated team of support. We feel we’ve proven our worth, not only by our creativity and quality, but through our passionate commitment to see PIVX as a ‘Top 10’ coin. We also bring a strong strategic communications background in looking at new ways to market PIVX and improve our offerings. We have direct access to other creative providers and PR and marketing support agencies within TheCreativeSpace.ca (Coworking Community)
To see all of what we have created so far beyond the branding, website, video, please see this DropBox folder.
Shared with Dropbox

We will provide timely creative designs for:

  • Electronic documents, ppt templates, etc.
  • Illustrations (Infographics, PIVX Panther creations, etc.)
  • Social Media designs – Design for Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Web banner/graphics - Provided needed designs for upkeep of PIVX.org.
  • Merchant Graphics (PIVX Accepted here, Stickers, info cards, etc.)
  • Wallet design support (Desktop, mobile, hardware)
  • Video production (Film, animation, explainers, etc.)
Print Media:
  • Business Cards
  • Handouts for conferences/meetups
  • Stickers
New Clothing Designs:
  • T-shirts
  • Hats
  • Hoodies
  • Etc.
  • Advertisement for web or print as needed.
  • Business Card Templates for all to order their own and add their names if they like.
  • Vehicle/building details/wraps.
  • Merchant Adverts for signage, window wraps, etc.
  • Campaign Creation – 5 to 6 per year.
Project Management Support:
We will continue to utilize TEAM WORK, our online tool for keeping all individuals and team accountable and on task. Reports can be created each month.
New! Weekly audio call scrums (15 mins) with marketing leads and a bi-weekly meeting with the development team as they can attend. Spock has volunteered to represent.
NEW! Device Marketing and Merchant Support:
  • PIVit - We’ve taken on the marketing for PIVit and will wrap a campaign around it to included merchant materials, how dos and best tip videos, etc.
  • PIVX ATMs - The next machine is the ATMs via Coin Outlets. Wrapping machines and creating a marketing campaign around the launch.
New and Improved Events Support:
  • Design Support - Signs/Banners in regional languages , T- shirts/clothing/shwag items.
  • Marketing the events - We’d create campaigns for each one.
  • Creating educational material and give-aways to help spread PIVX the way we do it best – relation ally
  • Additional time for design, management and translation if needed.
  • New Budget for purchasing of materials (PIVX shwag, promo and present- ational material)
Internationalization and Training:
We will prepare more source files for all the above creative, so that they can easily be translated into any language by community members. This will make it much easier to leverage all the prior effort as PIVX grows the international community.
Hanna has begun translating these files on her own through training from the Rhubarb Media team. As part of multiplying our reach we’ll be looking for PIVXPromoters (name by @pivxpromoter - Mark) in each major region and along with the work Hanna is doing, help equip them with all they need to reach their people groups as it relates to graphics, promo materials, presentation templates created in their own native languages.
NEW! PIVXsports – Sponsorships:
We were able to solidify a pro bodyboarder in Australia who is not only a crypto-nerd, but is eager to spread the love of PIVX around the word.
Through videos and social graphics, we will help promote the sport as well as look for 3-4 other boarders to support this coming year and especially in developing countries and with riders who truly need a leg up. We’ve been in talks with a Polish Soccer team and have heard of the proposal for rock climbers and cyclist. Not looking to sponsor the best - looking for those with a great story!
VIDEO PRODUCTION for Sponsorship marketing - Rhubarb will collect sponsorship videos and compile them for marketing purposes - this will be an extra level of video compilation, editing and marketing.
CREATIVE SUPPORT for equipping the athletes with the PIVX wear and other materials they need, including Press releases and marketing and promo materials as needed.
Sponsorship Fees are estimated around $2,500 USD/year for one athlete or 100 PIV/month.
The Polish team submitted their own budget, but we’ll be working with them on designs, videos, etc.
NOTE: I’d like to add to our Budget a 400 PIV/month Sponsorship bursary, which athletes and teams can apply for as opposed to going through the proposal system. But thought maybe it could be treated as a separate line item and distributed as submissions come in. Looking for guidance for the Masternode Owners.
PIVXgives is in the works (more to come) but we’ll be branding and helping to develop a service to help those in the world helping others!
NEW! - PIVXpodcasts:
We will brand and help launch a weekly or bi-weekly podcast featuring some of our amazing devs, marketing team and other PIVX Tribe members. Grant has volunteered to be one of the hosts. Prepping the branding now and will hopefully launch in October, 2017
NEW! Public Relations Support for Canada (Catalyst CC):
We’re working with a local PR firm in Canada, Catalyst CC, to bring PIVX to the mainstream media. Our first pitch is to CBC Radio for a new show called “The Disrupters”. The PR pitch is in the making and we will leverage this exposure through all our marketing initiatives. Approx 500 PIV per pitch.
NEW! Social Media management Support:
This is something Catalyst CC will provide to keep all content writers and creative on task and schedule the posting to Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and Facebook. We will be paying them out of our budget. We’ve worked with them for years. Approx 300 PIV per month.
The success of our creative work is reliant upon the delivery of it via social, forums, blogs, etc. We need to see a solid team ready to support the campaigns via writing content, posting and moderating the different forums and social channels.
Expanding Team:
Design and Web:
Myself (Chad Ballantyne) as Creative Director and Designer, Dan Hotchkiss as Co-Lead Designer, Mario Trunz and Steedan as Web Developer.
Adding some community Members to help with the load as well in areas of web, design and video.
Project Management:
Chad and Joelle Crossley as project manager.
Video editing production:
Chad. (Hoping to hire an apprentice in September)
PR (Canada) and Social Media management:
Amanda Sutton (Catalyst CC) and team as PR and social media managers.
All are PIVX investors. We may throughout the tenure of the proposal do a call for extra support as need from the community of other creatives committed to the PIVX cause.
Proven from the moment we started back in November, 2016. We are not only the lead designers for PIVX, but Chad has personally poured countless hours into communications and moderation of the Slack community. All while vision casting and shaping the core messaging at every step. Our commitment goes beyond just pixels!
Our team would like to continue to produce all PIVX official ads for social, banner graphics, web ads for other sites as well as product design, clothing, decals. We would work close with the Dev team to provide UI/UX for desktop and mobile wallets. We would be on call for any request from the Marketing Support team around new exchanges or apps adding PIVX, providing professional on-brand designs for promotion. If approved there will be a steady stream of ads, marketing materials, document templates and more.
Success Metrics:
Success will primarily be measured by the continued rapid growth of the PIVX brand and market. It will be seen by the number of clicks, hits and comments. When we see the community inspired and invested in PIVX, we will have succeeded our goals.
  • Technical Excellence
  • Users Adoption
  • Community Development
Funding for this proposal is 2,500 PIV per month, for 3 months for all the hours on creative, (print, web, video) management, PR and social media management, sponsorship management, etc.
Plus an extra budget line item of 400 PIV per month for Sponsorship Bursaries. We will manage and provide design support for this as well, as mentioned above.
Plus an extra budget line item of 400 PIV per month for promo materials for events such as banners, handouts, cards, T-shirts and promo. This is to cover printing and shipping aiming for at least 1 event, conference, meet-up per month globally.
Given the size of this proposal, we are not asking for reimbursement of proposal submission fees, which total 100 PIV.
Therefore we are asking for a total of 9900 PIV total or 3300 PIV per month, for 3 months.
We are basing this off the current PIV price, and if there is a decrease, we will absorb that cost. If there is an increase in the PIV price, we will add more hours to the project effort.
At the end of each month, we will report out with how many PIV were spent, and what items/tasks that paid for. We realize the PRL (Proposal Reporting Level) Guideline is not completed yet, but we are going to provide as much reporting as possible. The idea being that the more we report out, the better an example it will be for what the PRL should include. It may also prompt design decisions for the PRL itself.
We will report out on metrics that are directly linked to our efforts, and also metrics that we would have had influence with, and perhaps empowered others, but that we are not the only ones responsible for.
Vote Details:
Proposal Name:
Vote Hash:
To Vote YES or in favor:
mnbudget vote-many 541b8316f43ff5c607d929c918f309bf0c88e65d8d6e0d7cfd550d810828f677 yes
To Vote NO or against:
mnbudget vote-many 541b8316f43ff5c607d929c918f309bf0c88e65d8d6e0d7cfd550d810828f677 no
To check status:
mnbudget getinfo double-marketing