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Active Feb-Apr25-Liquid369


Name: Feb-Apr25-Liquid369
Term: 3 Cycle
Cycle Amnt: 30,000
Total Amnt: 90,000
Author: Liquid369
Receiver: Liquid369
Address: DBU5v5ey9MHZgQEi4ELm2yPdjtSiuTxZkV
Created: 02-10-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 18dfcfe325390196bf7abcc3c257790f7a74c4035342585eff4394d80c76127b

Liquid369 Proposal

This proposal outlines what has been done as an update to users and what will be continued in the next portions. It outlines some ideas for users and the responsibilities entailed overall. This year will be a focus to finalizing 6.0 and getting us seen in more spaces. Other feature sets will be progressing more AFTER we see MPW in a 1 to 1 to PIVX Core wallet so we can make use of every feature and ease of onboarding to new features.

Last Proposal Report

We have started implementing monthly meetings to work together better in a fashion of a group vs individuals.
Taking some input from discussions on the forum, working on outlining procedures that are best and collection/recovery processes of PIVX-related accounts. This will be an ongoing process to decentralize this because it requires the compliance of many volunteers.

[Draft] Implement rawchainlocksig and rawtxlocksig (#2930)
[Draft] Fix flushing of rejects before disconnecting
One is closed and being redone, while the other requires some other work to get merged to push it forward.

Integrated us into POLONIEX

New Developers
We have been working on vetting many people that have been coming across, we had put some posts out not too long ago regarding this. Most in return from the space currently are just cloning nonsense and trying to get paid before submitting any work. This has been deemed a waste of time because we need to build connections.
We have discussed in another thread about us getting PIVX around more and having a budget for events etc, we will start to focus on recruitment at these events and am looking into with the current administration to hit up college campuses once again as they will be more favorable to crypto again.

Ledger Progress
The stalling market seems to be an issue still with everything, but it is improving, we need to continue pushing through their partners and pushing PIVX.

6.0 DMN's
- The team is progressing through identified backports from Alessandro to prepare us for testnet preparations when all developers are available again.

Mobile Wallets
Working on a basic integration into Cake Wallet to submit. Will open it up to testing when/if ready.

Everything reported here will be continued during this upcoming cycle.


- Maintaining PIVX Core and Repositories under PIVX-Project organization
- Coordinating between Core and Labs
- Reviewing and testing code submissions in both Core and Labs (organization rules is 2 approvals and reviews needed for anything to be merged from non-authors)
- Research and improve current code for optimizations
- Research and improve backports for our perpetual updating to BTC Core
- Maintain networking infrastructure and build some analytics
- Maintain explorer servers
- Supporting Community/Exchanges/Services/DEX all in technical regards for PIVX
- Coordinating with Marketing to bring accurate technical representations and promotions for PIVX development
- Maintaining regtest network servers for testing and infrastructure for others to use in testing new features
- Maintaining testnet network servers for testing and infrastructure for wider community testing features and new implementations
- Making overall PIVX Project development updates
- Maintaining ElectrumX servers for DEX's
- Coordinating with Business Development to ensure smooth and timely listings to evaluate markets for optimal liquidity for PIVX health and market retention
- Assisting market makers alongside jeffrey with inventory verification, management as well as decision making
- Assisting exchanges and integrations with technical information, rpc integration and more to ensure proper integration of PIVX into their platform
- Vetting potential new members for development
- Establishing a presence for PIVX in the Crypto conventions
- Participating in events that require a technical viewpoint on behalf of PIVX


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For console users, use one of the below commands.

To vote yes:
mnbudgetvote many 18dfcfe325390196bf7abcc3c257790f7a74c4035342585eff4394d80c76127b yes

To vote no:
mnbudgetvote many 18dfcfe325390196bf7abcc3c257790f7a74c4035342585eff4394d80c76127b no