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Free Cold Staking service by me


Staff member

Please note it is always beneficial and recommended for you to run your own cold staking node, This way it further assists decentralization on the network and you can control the stake split threshold.

If you are unsure of what cold staking is or how to cold stake please see our official guide here.

Cold staking is a secure way of staking your PIV without the need for your funds to be on an active PIVX wallet 24/7. There are some providers for this already however for the sake of further decentralization I am also going to be providing free cold staking on 2 servers.
You may delegate to one of the following addresses:


Once you have delegated please reply here that I can accept the delegation and stake on your behalf.

Stake split is set to 1000 PIV.
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Traducción por ONeZetty:

Ten en cuenta que siempre es recomendable que ejecutes tu propio nodo de Cold Staking. De esta manera, ayudas a la descentralización de la red y puedes controlar el umbral de división del Staking.

Si no estás seguro de qué es el Cold Staking o cómo hacerlo, consulta nuestra guía oficial aquí.

El Cold Staking es una forma segura de hacer staking de tus PIV sin la necesidad de que tus fondos estén en una billetera PIVX que necesite estar activa 24/7. Ya hay algunos proveedores de este servicio, pero, buscando una mayor descentralización, también proporcionaré Cold Staking gratuito en 2 de mis servidores.

Puede delegar en una de las siguientes direcciones:




Una vez que hayas delegado, realiza un comentario en esta publicación para aceptar la delegación y realizar el staking a tu nombre.

La división del staking se establece en 1000 PIV.
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Cold staking nodes updated to 4.3.0
If you also want to setup your own cold staking node feel free to open a ticket in the support section of the forum.
Everything is correct :) It is already staking on your behalf. Nothing more to do.
awesome! so if I ever want to spend my balance, does it automatically withdraw from the cold staking address? Also, how/where do I see my staking rewards at? (using pivx core)
awesome! so if I ever want to spend my balance, does it automatically withdraw from the cold staking address? Also, how/where do I see my staking rewards at? (using pivx core)
Your staking rewards automatically go to the owner address (The address where your PIVX is stored on your wallet)
The cold staking node has no access to your PIV.