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Happy Satire Vid/Ad: CC + Review Needed


Active Pivian


This is for a promoted video or possibly an ad. If it's going to be a paid ad it needs to be shorter. I wanted something that was super happy but satire - using the end of the video to flip it around and show all the viewers that their precious moments and memories are being sold, exploited and monitored by govs and corps.


Feedback on the video. I need to know it's effective. Satire requires alot of nuance.



Big question - what should the Call to Action be?​

  1. Join our Discord
  2. Visit our Website (Shield Protection page, Join PIVX page, Home Page)
  3. See our easy Wallet (MPW site)
  4. Download Wallet Today Website Page (Mac, Linux, Windows)
  5. Other (Please comment suggestion)

There are 3 types of Youtube Ads:​

Skippable in-stream video ads, Non-skippable in-stream video ads, Discovery ads, Non-video ads.

This is for a non-skippable ad, since most milennials will have ad-block and couldn't be bothered. This is supposed to be engaging enough for them to watch all the way through.


Hoping to get this paid ad running in the next week or so if I can.

Which of the three different thumbnails do you prefer?​

1. https://cloud.pivx.org/s/QJtgWPTnNTyWXEj

2. https://cloud.pivx.org/s/oPGJ7pYqR9X6ZCq

3. https://cloud.pivx.org/s/qQpPN4FgfNSWEzL