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Hello PIVX Community


New Pivian
Hello Everyone,

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself :)I am a 40-year-old woman with 2 children :). I’ve been following the PIVX project for about a month. I lived in Germany for many years and speak German. All my relatives are still there, and I try to visit them every summer.

My interest in crypto started around 2022. I even bought small GPUs for mining :) When I spoke with Talha, he mentioned his involvement in the PIVX project and explained the project's vision & mission in detail. He also told me that there are ambassadors in many countries and that I would receive a warm welcome if I wanted to learn more about PIVX.

Based on this, I’d like to join the project and introduce myself :)

I’m excited and eager to translate resources into German and build a local community.

So, if it’s okay with you, I’d like to start by creating PIVX Germany social media accounts and organizing visuals and texts starting September 5th.

A warm welcome would make me very happy :)
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Most every English graphic post on social media is available to translate and use. Once you have proven yourself and built some trust, you will get access to those.

Also, you will find material you need here. Please read the Social Guide specifically.

Have fun!