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Issues with complexity of proposals and their updates.


Well-known Pivian
This post is being linked to from both Turkish proposals.

I have created this feedback as a separate post, to avoid cluttering up feedback to both Turkish proposals, and to perhaps promote general discussions about how Proposals and Updates can be formatted to help MNOs and the Community complete their Due Diligence.

Please realize we have the awesome problem of MANY proposals (21 this cycle). But, they are always very technical, and take time for MNOs to review and understand. If I were to ask just a few questions per proposal and per update, this can easily hit 20 hrs per month or more! Plus, since Proposals and Updates don't happen at the start of the cycle, this 20 hours often needs to be squeezed in during the 2 weeks prior to Super Block. That is significant, but doesn't sound that bad until you realize questions don't typically get answered quickly - so that delay can create a 'crunch time' for all of us, who each have other things going on in real life.

Now on to the reason I am writing this post.

I believe in both Turkish proposals. But, I personally need to see things change moving forward.

The proposals and updates are full of points that can be categorized as:

1. Here is what I would LIKE to do.
2. Here is what I HOPE to do.
3. Here is what would be COOL to do.
4. Here is what (other proposal) will do.
5. Here is the difficulty I ran into for ____.
6. I didn't get to ______ this cycle, but will soon.
7. I hit an issue with ______ but should be able to solve that.
8. This task for _______ is way harder than expected. It will take time.
9. The regulations prevent me from ______, so we need to rethink things.
10. .etc. etc. etc.

This is largely because the proposals are far too complicated, covering multiple areas of effort. They are also over optimistic in terms of what can be completed in the time available.

Now, please understand, the above categories can be helpful in providing a status update, but they shouldn't be the bulk of the update, or a 'cloud' that makes it hard for a MNO to see through it to judge progress. Here is what I mean.

At the most basic definition, a proposal needs to include answers to these 2 questions:

Q1: What WILL this proposal cost PIVX?
Q2: What WILL this proposal buy PIVX?

Now, the answer to Q1 is a number. It may be deemed too expensive, causing your proposal to be voted down, but there is nothing there to 'update' on or clarify. The number is the number is the number, and the network pays it if the proposal passes. Done. No details for anyone to really review there.

Any complexity is always in the answer to Q2 in the proposal and the updates for it.

THAT is the complexity the needs to be addressed.

If we were to split the answer for Q2 into 2 parts; one for the proposal and one for each update, then we would have these CLEAR statements:

Proposal A2: Here is an itemized list of things I WILL complete.

Updates A2: Here is an itemized list of what I COMPLETED.

Maybe this is an opportunity to rework your proposals. Perhaps start fresh with a brand new forum post, and at the end of the existing post, provide a link to it, and then close the existing post to comments. Or not ... let's see what others think.

Please consider the English idiom; "Ideas are easy. Execution is hard." I think we all agree you guys have great ideas, work hard, and are sincere trustworthy people. But unfortunately, that's not what you are paid for. What you are paid for is to GET THE JOB DONE.

So, what I am asking, is that you make it EASY for MNOs to see what you accomplished each cycle. Frankly, doing LESS but getting it completed WELL, is far more valuable.

Hope this helps!