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It's Time PIVIANS - Let's Define Our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)


New Pivian
Calling on all PIVIANS!!! I believe it is time to define our Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG).

Let me start by commending the efforts of everyone - from our kickass Business Dev Lead @Jeffrey to those in marketing, Labs, and everyone contributing in one way or another. You guys are amazing. We've made significant progress in the last few months and I think more than ever, we need to define our BHAG.

I'd define a BHAG as "a clear, compelling, and ambitious target that an organization sets for itself and its employees."


Why Do We Need A BHAG?
I've been in the DAO space for quite some time and I can emphatically state that for every DAO that we label as successful, there are more than 100 others that failed - even those with well-thought-out plans. A lot is going on within PIVX in terms of development, marketing, and business integrations. However, we need to define a "clear" goal to gauge and scrutinize these efforts. Without a clear-cut goal, we will just be firing at random targets and 5 years down the line, things may remain the same.

On the surface, a BHAG would allow us to filter what proposals should go forward, and those that offer no benefit to the network. Secondly, it would enable teams to create KPIs and by extension deliverables. Ultimately, every effort, budget, and dime would in one way or the other be channeled toward achieving this goal.

Possible BHAGs
I already talked about why we need to have a clear-cut goal. The other elements of a BHAG are that it must be compelling, evoking both interest and attention. It must also be ambitious.

Take the vision of ConstitutionDAO, for instance, that was a BHAG even though it failed. Another now-defunct example is the original CityDAO. Their goal was to pioneer decentralized land ownership. They even went as far as purchasing 40 acres in Wyoming. But things didn't go as planned as they couldn't reach a consensus on how to spend treasury funds (a story for another day) and eventually voted to disband things.

That said, these are my thoughts and suggestions on what our BHAG should be as a project that prioritizes privacy.

1. Become a Global Symbol of Financial Freedom
2. Integrate PIVX into 10,000 Retail Locations Worldwide
3. Become a Top 10 Cryptocurrency by Market Capitalization
4. Power 1 Million Daily Transactions
5. Become the Leading Privacy-Focused Cryptocurrency
6. Divest into Revenue-Generating Products
7. Build and Deploy 100 PIVX-backed ecosystems with real-world applications

I must state that these are just random ideas that definitely need a lot of refining but it is a place to start. I look forward to brainstorming with all the bright minds here to define our BHAG. Once a BHAG is adopted, the next step would be to break it down to what and what needs to be done to set things in motion.
My suggestion: an extremely dense one-liner with energy alike to the original PIVX Manifesto, unique only to PIVX, f.e:

[PIVX will...] Put privacy, safety, and identity in to the hands of all.
There has been some interesting discussions and progress on the BHAG on Discord. This update aims to unify everything here on the forum to ensure everyone is carried along and possibly reach a consensus on what our BHAG should be.

A few hours ago, Labs released their vision and goals for 2025. Drawing on PIVX's mission to "put privacy, safety, and identity in to the hands of all," Labs will be focusing on "Building a parallel economy, reachable anywhere in the world." While it's possible to adopt this as a universal BHAG for PIVX, JS rightly pointed out that it was important for Labs to have a complimentary "sub-vision" to that of PIVX as a whole. I somewhat agree with this line of thought.

"The PIVX Manifesto is the ultimate piece, while the Labs Vision is our structured path of getting it done and breaking it in to smaller pieces, and a directive for the Labs team to unify on deliverables," he said.

That said, some suggestions have sprang up regarding a universal BHAG, this is in addition to the earlier suggestion from @PIVX Labs. Our BHAG has been streamlined to these four points.

1. Put privacy, safety, and identity in to the hands of all.
2. Become the People's Money, to separate Money and State.
3. Developing circular economies powered by PIVX, from regional innovation to global impact.
4. Become a Global Symbol of Financial Freedom.

Personally, I am more inclined to 3 and 4. However, I'd love to hear the opinion of others so that we can move past this point. Once adopted, I'll proceed to create a draft of actionable steps (just a recommendation) for each "hub." Labs already has their thing going, which is superb. Other departments can take a cue from there.
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