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Archived LeacyMcK Top up payment


Staff member
Name: LMcKTopUp
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 9631
Total Amount: 9631
Author: @LeacyMcK
Receiver: @LeacyMcK
Address: DL9Rrvsa8dtc25dfD4egS26cZZqvGoBwcG
Created: Sept 15, 2024
Status: Active


On June 11th I submitted my proposal for the following 3 months at what I thought was my usual fee of $2500 USD/per cycle. Only I made an error and instead asked for $2500 CAD which created a large short for me as USD is higher than CAD.

On June 11th 2024 the day I submitted my proposal per CoinGecko, $PIVX was at $0.32, I asked for 5631 PIV ($2500 CAD) [Calculations: For 1 cycle = $0.32 x 5631 PIV = $1801.92 USD = approx $2500 CAD.]
What I did to figure out what I am owed is I took the $2500 USD - $1802 USD (the real amount I received rounded off) which = $699 USD.
Then I multiplied the $699 USD x 3 cycles = $2097 USD total. $2097 USD ($2850 CAD)
Therefore I am owed $2097 USD x 0.21 PIV = 9631 PIV.

For anyone not feeling I deserve this top up let me just add that you are getting me at a bargain rate at $2500 USD/cycle for all the work I do. Sparrow and Jeffrey (feel free to ask them) have done comparisons in the past as to what a person with my capabilities and work volume are paid, trust me and them when I say I am underpaid. BUT I am happy with the amount I ask for as I feel that I can honestly say I get paid and volunteer my time.

PIV has dropped over $0.10 since I submitted the proposal in June thus making the amount of PIV I am now needing to be repaid to me, seem like a lot.

Please feel free to work out the calculations yourself, I won't submit this proposal to the network until Monday morning. Update: Proposal now active. Sept 16th Monday.

Thank you! Keep it purple people!


Vote Hash: 95ff8ecc776afe2988a2a5cf9106a0db30b4f0ded2381949fc1bd464c9025ada
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