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Archived Ledger Integration Proposal


Sep '17

Ledger Integration Proposal
The purpose of this proposal is to fund the required fee to integrate PIVX into Ledger hardware wallet devices. The integration includes app for the Ledger Nano S and Nano Blue, PIVX support on the Chrome app, PIVX support announcement on Ledger product pages and FAQ, and a full blockchain node API for the backend.
The cost of Ledger integration is 20,000 EUR in a one-time payment. We are still in the process of collecting donations towards the Ledger integration fee, but currently, we have confirmed there are members of the PIVX community who will donate a total of 1 BTC, 500 PIVX, and 4000 USD towards the integration fee, reducing the cost from 20,000 EUR. The estimated turnaround time is 8 weeks.
This proposal is requesting a total of 4950 PIV, to be used towards funding the remaining costs for Ledger Integration. The amount requested will be in excess of the total amount required to pay for the remainder of the integration fee after taking into account donations, to compensate for changes in BTC and PIV values. Donations will be used towards Integration fee before any funds from the Budget System. The excess PIV will be used for PIVX marketing and given to current Marketing funds under the management of @rhubarbarian @snappysnap @grant (are these who are in charge of Marketing Funds?).
Ledger Integration will also enable us to get 5,000 EUR off 1,000 Ledger Nano S devices, if we ever buy them in the future. The 1,000 Nano S can be either bought by members of the PIVX community and/or through the PIVX Budget System. PIVX community members who would like to donate towards Ledger Integration and also participate in a possible (but NOT guaranteed) future purchase of Ledger Nano S devices, can choose to have their donations toward Ledger Integration reimbursable in the form of reduced cost of buying Nano S devices, equal to what they donated towards Integration (at EUR value at time donation), but no more than the total 5,000 EUR off discount. Please say if you want your donation to count towards a possible future purchase, so that we take no more than 5,000 EUR in Ledger Integration donations that are reimbursable in this way.
Why Ledger Integration
  1. Ledger integration for PIVX is perhaps the second most commonly asked about feature on PIVX Slack (after “When is Zerocoin” of course).
  2. This is a fundamental integration to provide increased security and usability for Community Members. It is also a highly desirable feature for large investors while also very useful for even small investors.
  3. Ledger Integration is essential to new Wallet Upgrades that are in the pipeline but not yet on Roadmap, as per @s3v3nh4cks, Core Developer, to have Masternode Collateral Integration to be able to store PIV on Ledger devices and still run Masternodes, and to eventually Stake PIV stored on Ledger devices as well.
  4. The target is for Development of Masternode Collateral Integration to progress over the next 2 months, while Ledger Integration is being completed, so that we can have Ledger Masternode Collateral capability as soon as possible. Additional expenses to make this work may need to be funded through a separate proposal.
  5. Ledger Integration will also enable us to get 5,000 EUR off 1,000 Ledger Nano S devices, if we ever buy them in the future. The 1,000 Nano S can be either bought by members of the PIVX community and/or through the PIVX Budget System. PIVX community members who would like to donate towards Ledger Integration and also participate in a possible (but NOT guaranteed) future purchase of Ledger Nano S devices, can choose to have their donations toward Ledger Integration reimbursable in the form of reduced cost of buying Nano S devices, equal to what they donated towards Integration (at EUR value at time donation), but no more than the total 5,000 EUR off discount. Please say if you want your donation to count towards a possible future purchase, so that we take no more than 5,000 EUR in Ledger Integration donations that are reimbursable in this way.
PIVX core developer s3v3nh4cks is the only escrow agent for collecting PIVX Ledger Integration donations. Please confirm his PIVX/BTC address is correct before sending. You may ask PIVX slack channels, especially #Ledger channel, or contact s3v3nh4cks, to confirm. The following are links to s3v3nh4cks giving his donation addresses:
PIVX Address: https://pivx.slack.com/archives/C6V7FCC4E/p1504926424000100
BTC Address: https://pivx.slack.com/archives/C6V7FCC4E/p1504926444000043

“mnbudget vote-many 4575ff20ccd1b3ae1adc25b8ff653b727a3a3c8cefe99a5bd847c349e3d7e1bc yes” to vote in favor
“mnbudget vote-many 4575ff20ccd1b3ae1adc25b8ff653b727a3a3c8cefe99a5bd847c349e3d7e1bc no” to vote against
“mnbudget getinfo ledger-redo” to check the status