Name: LMP - Labs Pool
Term: 1 Cycle
Cycle Amnt: 7,500
Total Amnt: 7,500
Author: JSKitty
Receiver: PIVX Labs Reward Pool
Address: DLabsktzGMnsK5K9uRTMCF6NoYNY6ET4Bb
Created: 20-3-2025
Status: Active
Vote Hash: eea802f5e7a0827a8c35c94ae5ea71a7e8cb13076a7e83ba68383bba1c0c1c05
Proposal Abstract
This is an all-in-one proposal for the PIVX Labs Reward Pool (located here:, which provides the funding necessary for all Labs Incentive systems such as the PIVX Rewards platform, Labs Quality Control, and Community Events and/or Sponsorships.
PIVX Rewards
The PIVX Rewards platform entered a temporary debt of ~1,000 PIV towards users due to an excess of PIV outflows from the Labs Reward Pool in early 2025, the majority of which was incurred due to two separate issues:
- PIVX Price: the decline caused an increased amount of PIV-value to be rewarded by the platform, to counter-weight the loss in satoshi value, this vastly sped-up pool depletion.
- PIVCards Outage: the PIVCards outage between Februrary-March took a surprising hit to the pool: without any PIVCards fees, the pool had almost nothing replenishing it.
- (Lack of) Labs Ads Inflow: Labs Ads does not have the visibility necessary to garner enough advertisers, and we do not have the team size to manage the networking such a tool requires, this, again, has not gone to plan, making up for less than 1-2% of the platform's funding.
As of current, a 75% reduction in PIVX Rewards value has been enacted, and will continue to stay active, until the platform is deemed properly sustainable again - this relies on the work being done by the Labs Team (primarily Rushali) to create a sophisticated platform admin dashboard that allows us to properly guage usage, reward flows, target malicious users (botters, etc) and create prediction models based on the platform's reward data that allow us to know *how much* PIV is being expelled for *how many* real-world users being gained.
Once these tools and models are implemented: we can revisit the marketing drawing-board with a data-driven approach, rather than blind attempts at finding what sticks.
Tough to say; PIVX Rewards has not been as successful as I'd have hoped, and to that tune, it will be lowered in funding (by 75%) and development priority, with the focus being pressed on the Labs Vision goals of completely non-custodial platforms, absolute privacy, and more business-oriented usecases.
Quality Control
The Labs Quality Control improvements from the previous year have seen an effect!
My PIVX Wallet PR-tests had their rewards doubled: which has assisted with increasing user interest in participating in testing, thus slightly speeding up our push-to-prod flow.
PIVCards Testing is now granting users a $10-20 "testing allowance", plus a flat PIV reward for their first order - for each testing session, giving a much needed QC-boost.
Vector testing has also rewarded users with 20-50 PIV for each of it's iteration cycles, which as of current, has only been a single January testing session.
All-in-All, Quality Control is likely to consume the majority of the Reward Pool from now: given it helps speed-up and stablise Labs development, it is of high priority, and will continue to be adjusted to result in the highest participation rate.
All users for all tests are required to submit testing results (preferrably in media: images and videos) as well as provide feedback on their tested project.
Community Partnerships
PIVX Labs has partnered with two separate Game Hosts, with a total of three separate game servers, of which offer in-game or event-based PIVX rewards, and bring users to the PIVX community.
The following Game Servers have an official partnership with PIVX Labs:
- Project Zomboid (Cryptech) - in-game PIVX loot drops.
- SCUM (FUN) - event-based PIVX prizes.
- DayZ (FUN) - event-based PIVX prizes.
These events are typically a very small amount of the pool, with a max outflow of around 200-300 PIV a week, assuming constant weekly events: these are more than often covered by PIVCards fees on a high-volume day, for example.
Decreased Pool Size
Despite the market conditions: the Reward Pool proposal has been decreased, as the PIVX Rewards platform decrease will make additional room for us in the next few months while platform administration is revamped. Until then, it's funding is slashed by 75%, and Quality Control will consume the bulk of the remainder.
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