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Archived LRP - Duddino


Staff member
Name: LRP - Duddino
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 30,000
Total Amount: 90,000
Author: JSKitty
Receiver: Duddino
Address: DShxa9sykpVUYBe2VKZfq9dzE8f2yBbtmg
Created: 7-08-2024
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 727f5b9ac1d08be65e7cd92f93d0c11f0cc30fba98f1287eccf66c8793523b25

This is a continuation of my previous proposals, the last one being here.

Returning Note
This proposal is a follow-up of the previous 1-month proposal, with the same plans being followed, for more info, check out Duddino's previous proposal; now returning to the regular 3-cycle work pace, therefore there's little to report this month.

Additional Plans
Work to continue the MyPIVXWallet Vue port goes ahead with Duddino now working on porting the Governance Dashboard in to Vue rendering.

To follow this work in-depth, check out his work repository for the Governance Vue branch:
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