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Active LRP - Rushali


Staff member
Name: LRP - Rushali
Term: 3 Cycles
Cycle Amnt: 12,500
Total Amnt: 37,500
Author: JSKitty, Rushali
Receiver: Rushali
Address: DQHajggqx1XXZPWuchWBB5jS4pmiT3LNJN
Created: 16-2-2025
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 1d051c12f4cee94aebd052f423a86128697a321e5f4efa828a8f5fd8819af645

Role and Introduction
Rushali is the latest trial member at PIVX Labs - utilising her vast computing-academia to push the development of Labs Oracle, PIVX Rewards and PIVCards further, particularly in areas of frontend work.

Progress Report

PIVCards Storefront - Ready for Quality Control!

Rushali has completed the bulk of the upcoming PIVCards Storefront - a fully explorable, customisable catalogue system designed to improve the way you search for - discover - and find cards tailored to you, without any tracking or privacy intrusions.

A quick example of the 'Category' list, allowing you to narrow down for specific usecases; food, fuel, hotels, and more.


Currently, the project is awaiting on PIVCards' supplier to grant API access before we can launch the tests, and thus the project is at a short external impasse until we're provided the data necessary to continue, but once acquired, we'll launch PIVCards Storefront via Labs Quality Control, run a couple iterations with feedback and improvements, before finally launching it to the public.

Proposal Plans
These plans are ordered by priority, with the top-most items receiving the most attention and lower-most being "spare-time" ventures.
Plans may also change or expand during the proposal's timeframe, all work in which will be documented by PIVX Labs and reported on accordingly.

PIVX Rewards - Admin Dashboard
As of current, without the necessary interfaces, it's very difficult to monitor the usage, growth and anti-cheat effectiveness of the PIVX Rewards platform, as it's only admin capabilities lay directly at the DB and Configuration level; this makes it very difficult to maintain and track.

As such, Rushali is tasked with building an admin panel, and a basic user "risk analysis" system, weighting the average user's reward streams to detect anomalies and patterns, such as botting, self-referring, and other malicious acts that harm the platform's economics and growth.

The system will comprise of:

  • Statistic Charts (Daily Outflows - Daily Users - Daily Claims - New Users, etc).
  • The "Anomaly Richlist", essentially, a risk assessment system that highlights the users with the most abnormal reward patterns.
  • Admin Tools: a frontend interface that allows Labs admins to quickly act on decisions; banning anomalous accounts, adjusting reward values, and more.

Labs Home - Finalisation and Launch
Rushali will assist with the finalisation and launch of the Labs Home website, which is complete in design but only partially-functional, with charting systems needing to be finished with Labs' real-time data feeds for various Labs and Public data: like the Labs Cold Pool's staking power, the distribution of PIVX's staking addresses, user growth statistics from Labs Platforms such as PIVX Rewards, and more.


The ideal timeline is launching the Labs Home during this proposal's remaining cycles.
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