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Archived Luke Fullbrook proposal + REDIRECT TO REVAMP QT


Mar 10


PIVX Core wallet UX/UI design + QT frontend Development Budget & Governance Proposals

This proposal is to have our PIVX QT wallet revamped dramatically. There are already firm candidates with PIVX codebase Experience ready to carry out this work, however fine details are still to be hashed out and we may need an NDA. This proposal will partially fund the following, 2 x UI designers 1 x UX designer 1 x Project manager 1 X Wallet frontend Developer 1 X wallet frontend CSS DEV 1 X Blockchain dev 3 X Testers We expect full turnaround to be somewhere in the region of 3-4 mon…
Hi all posting and submitting this on behalf of Luke.
Brief writeup from Luke
Hello Everybody
This is fullstrength001.
This is my proposal for the next budget of PIVX for the second quarter (April/May/June).
My first three months funding of £250 per month was used for monthly expenses of physio, supplements and also travel and accommodation for the first competition of the year, at London’s Strongest Man.
The London’s Strongest Man competition saw my return to competing after a 12 month hiatus due to injury. This competition was a test to see where I was mentally and physically in order to forecast the outcome of further competitions this year.
I placed fifth in this competition out of 15 competitors. Throughout the whole competition I never really pushed myself to 100% as I was just testing the waters. Had I pushed that extra 15% on a couple of events I would have easily finished on the podium.
Event Results –
Squat – 5th – 8 Reps (there was time for extra reps, however as a previous injury occurred during a squat and fear took over. There was plenty of energy left in the tank for a couple more reps. Had I have completed these, a top three finish was almost certain).
Log Press – 2nd – 150kg (As the second event was log press, and grip strength followed, it was a tactical decision to not attempt a further lift of 160kg).
Grip – 7th – 150kg in each hand – 19.2 seconds (This event was extremely tight, with only a few seconds separating the field. Grip is my weakest event, and this was highlighted during the competition. Had I have managed to hold on for 1 more second, I would have placed much higher in this event).
Deadlift – 2nd – 360kgs (A tactical decision was made during my strongest event the deadlift. The person who finished 1st, had a deadlift of 400kg in him on the day, and it was not worth risking possible injury to finish in the same position).
Atlas Stones – 7th – 3 Stones – 110kg/120kg/140kg (The Stones proved to be a mentally challenging event, being 3rd overall going into the event, a lot of competitors were to contend before me. A tacky malfunction saw the first stone sticking to the floor. This made it incredibly difficult to manoeuvre, and as a result, I ran out of tacky and time by the fourth stone).
As I am now a master (over 40), I will be competing in this division going forward. My next competition will see me compete in Bishop Auckland, Durham, on the 6th April, for the title of England’s Strongest Master. The top 5 from this competition qualify for the next stage of the UK Masters Strongest Man. The UK’s is a competition that see’s the top 5 from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland against each other. This is held 2 weeks after England’s Strongest Master. The top 3 from UK’s qualify for the World’s Strongest Master, held 25th and 26th of May. This event is televised.
I fully expect win England’s Strongest Master, finish top 3 in UK’s Strongest Master, and podium at World’s Strongest Master.
I am looking for 550PIV per month for the next 3 months in order to assist with my physio, expenses, supplement’s to help me achieve my maximum potential without the worry of financial burden. This has increased from the previous quarter, as included is a budget to purchase PIVX apparel which I will be giving away via social media competitions and also to supporters attending my competitions. I already have PIVX apparel which I wear for training, which is filmed and uploaded to social media (Facebook and Instagram) at least three times a week, with the relevant hashtags to ensure maximum exposure.
I am also very good friends with Eddie Hall – World’s Strongest Man 2017. I regularly appear on his social media platforms and other strongman websites wearing PIVX apparel. Just this week we were filmed training log press together for https://www.officialstrongman.com/ 1 which has over 8000 subscribers wearing my PIVX apparel. This may also feature on Eddies Facebook and Instagram, where has close to 1 million followers on each platform.
I am starting to take payment from clients who I PT within the gym, in bitcoin and PIV.
Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal, and I look forward to hearing any feedback.
Luke Fullbrook.
Luke is already planning his next videos and organising some give-aways with swag.
He has also put me in contact with the gym owner of Strength Asylum which is one of the UKs top gym and home to Eddie Hall WSM 2017. I am going get something wrote up with all the information and a proposal for them to start accepting PIV and BTC.
We have been brainstorming ideas of things he can do. Chad(Rhubarb) is finishing off editing a video for Luke of his daily food intake. Apparently chocolate helps you sleep that is why he has 2 chocolate bars before he goes to bed!
He is open to ideas of anything you would want to see him do. So if you have any drop him a message, comment here.
PIVX is becoming a front runner for sporting sponsorships in crypto and getting the brand out there so I hope we can continue this sponsorship on.
By helping Luke get the top spot at Englands, UK and WSM Masters and with following his journey throughout this, push the PIVX brand on a world stage.
mnbudgetvote many 8c60a504eebc50aee4b15c0ca2641913b955602933543565d63b34d5dd055d66 yes
Thanks for your support!