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Active Marketing - Ellamell Feb 2025


New Pivian
Name: Marketing-Ellamell1
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount:11500
Total Amount: 11500
Author: Ellamell
Receiver: Ellamell
Address: D5QbcDGHeafEYQpaxby5S6v84LPmoRH1uE
Created: Feb, 7th, 2025

Hi PIVX community! My name is Ellamell!

I started volunteering my time with @Hawtch and @RedByrd back in December 2024. I have been assisting them with marketing related projects including: video editing, promoting content, reviewing marketing analytics, running the PIVX TikTok account, and creating video content.

I have managed to learn some valuable skills from my time with the PIVX community so far! Some of the things I have contributed is:
  • Creating videos for the TikTok account, managing, running, and promoting the TikTok account. Through this we have managed to begin to build up a following with regular postings twice a week, sometimes more if there is a popular trend or breaking news we want to post immediately.
  • Promoting YouTube videos and YouTube Shorts using FaucetPay and VieFaucet. Through this I was able to figure out the most optimal and price friendly way to boost our views. We have had views skyrocket with 50k new views overnight when we only paid for 5k views, this seems to indicate that we are getting more human clicks as well which is spreading the word about PIVX!
  • Creating AI Voice Narration for the how-to video collection being worked on by Hawtch and Redbyrd.
  • Researching optimal marketing strategies, video styles, trending topics, and popular content related to crypto and TikTok. TikTok is a platform that needs a different style of video because it tends to have a younger audience and they have a much shorter attention span.
Note: Analytics report will be attached in comments.



Note: For the last 2 months I have already been doing most of the following deliverables. I’m excited to continue working with the team to promote PIVX and learn more.

Create, Post, and Advertise on TikTok​

  • Post 10 videos min. (+1 extra/week if time permits).
  • Boost videos to optimize reach (Analytics report in comments of up-to-date growth).
  • Consistently post 1 video every Mon & Thurs.
  • Content Breakdown (based on 10/mth):
    • 6 Meme/Funny
    • 2 Ads/Promo
    • 2 News/Informative

Promote on Faucet Platforms​

  • Boost video views and bring in new watchers.
  • Refine and Improve efforts based on Analytics and market testing.
  • We will be boosting all of the new and some of the old YouTube videos. Additionally, we will mimic this on Rumble.
  • YouTube Shorts. This will help keep our shorts on the algorithm for longer.
  • Social Posts + Others. Promote popular and high priority social posts on X.com, Insta, Medium, etc. This is important to give support to the other branches of PIVX in their efforts.

Assisting Hawtch - YouTube, Analytics, and Promo​

  • Helping upload, post, and promote YouTube videos.
  • Assisting with projects to help free up time for the team to create content.
  • Helping to read and gather analytics.
  • Expanding software/design skills and marketing knowledge.

Create a Twitch + Gaming Channels​

  • Commission a V-Tuber avatar (PIVX branded).
  • Promote PIVX through the gaming community.
  • Stream 3x per week for 3hrs = a total of 9hrs of streaming every week on a consistent schedule.
    • NOT INCLUDED in quoted hours. Testing its efficiency first before including it in paid efforts.
  • Contests + Promotions. Have contests and promotions that make viewers join our Discord server. Bringing new people into the PIVX community.
  • Multiplayer games with our community to increase connections and just have fun.

Recent Work​

Tik Tok​

  • Help to create and brand the new official PIVX Tik Tok account.
  • Post and then boost videos with Ad Fund using specific target markets, trending hashtags + topics, and viral imagery.
  • Consistently posting 2 or more videos per week since its creation.
  • Hopping onto the trend for a meme involving Negan from the show “The Walking Dead”. The Negan Video ended up having a 39.8% match to the search query “when i’m being held at meme” which means that it was trending and showing up under that search query. It also held one of the highest retention rates of any of our TikToks, holding 4% of viewers at 7 seconds in, this may not seem like a lot but it was a simple image with text to read so most people would have finished reading it within 3-5 seconds. This means we had people stop and read the text and look at the TikTok vs other TikToks without being boosted will hold an almost 0% retention rate. See comment below for attached Analytics Report.

Faucet Platforms​

  • Helped to consistently promote YouTube videos.
  • Used to test what works and what doesn’t. We have started to see success in the last month with our most recent videos (Poloneix, SuperEx, and more). We spent less than $500 on ads and got over 107,000 views collectively. I’m happy to have helped the team learn how to promote in the right way, at the right time, using the right methods to get these results.

Learning and Training​

  • Adobe Premiere Pro. Video editing to create my own Tik Tok memes. Assisting the team with projects.
  • Adobe Illustrator. Help edit text and build storyboards.
  • Marketing psychology, tips, and strategies.
  • Algorithms of Tik Tok and YouTube.
  • Deeper understanding of crypto and what makes PIVX awesome.

Becoming a Part of the Team​

  • Attending meetings twice a week with Hawtch and Redbyrd. Discussing our most recent week and what we have done, then planning the next week of work together.
  • Learning about PIVX and Crypto, and the different options they offer compared to normal crypto. Specifically involving privacy, it is very valuable - especially with how the world is today.

Funding Breakdown​

Details: $0.23/PIV(cad) x 25hrs/wk x $25/hr(cad)
Total: 11,500 PIV


I am really excited to continue to help the community grow. I have had a really warm reception and I can’t wait to continue to meet more and more people! I am hopeful about the Twitch + YouTube gaming account and really trying to break into the gaming community. I believe that there is a ton of untapped potential in there since most crypto people and millennials are gamers. The marketing team consisting of Hawtch, Redbyrd, and myself all believe in this project. That is why we are each putting some of our personal funds towards commissioning the V-Tuber creation.