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Active Marketing-Hawtch


New Pivian
Name: Marketing-Hawtch
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 22,225 PIV
Total Amount: 22,225 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Created: June 07, 2024
Status: Pending

Hi PIVX community,

I'm Hawtch. I've been with PIVX full time for the last 3 months. This month I launched our Marketing Campaign "Nothing to Hide? Privacy Isn't Criminal". So far it is going well. I am expecting to learn a whole lot and have a whole lot to tweak for best results. I have also been running Twitter giveaways, Youtube Shorts/Vids, and responsive ads/posts on socials. On top of this, I have been available for graphic design support when I can.



Note: I would like this to extend through August as well for planned work. Ideally this is a perfect balance for what I can handle.
  • 1 Youtube Video (minimum) and 3 per week Shorts/Reels (12 per month minimum)
  • 2 Fastvertising ads
  • 1 Rumble Paid Ad (700 PIV)
  • 2 Paid Twitter Ads (3000 PIV total)
  • 3 Giveaways (1500 PIV total)
  • Analytics
  • Planning for future campaign
  • Ongoing Social Media Interaction and Graphic Support
  • If Time Permits, livestreams

Funding Breakdown​

  • Work Hours: 17,000 PIV { (($50cad x 40) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.47cad per PIV (mth average) }
  • Costs: 1500 PIV for giveaways. 3000 PIV for Twitter Ads, and 700 PIV for Rumble ads.
  • Reimbursement: $8 usd Twitter Premium - 25 PIV
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 22,225 PIV (5225 + 17,000)

Videos + Shorts

Youtube, Rumble, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

  • Youtube/Rumble Full Length (3+ mins): 1 vid per month (if it works out I'd like to do more). Some solid ideas are 'Breaking News' (report on PIVX, global privacy news, and highlighting community), Interviews with core team, livestreams with members, shorter vids that are for events/important updates or news/for fun, 'How-To's' to make barrier to entry easier, and advertising content (DYK?, What does privacy mean to you?, Is crypto dead?, etc.).
  • Shorts/Reels: 3 per week (est. 12 per month minimum) to stay active, measure interaction, and use as an additional ad for all socials.

Marketing Campaign + Ads + Socials

Fastvertising, Giveaways, Boosted Posts, Paid Ads

  • Fastvertising: 2 per month (minimum). I think doing 2 of these per month minimum works best for now. This may be much more when paired with videos/shorts possibly responding to current news.
  • Giveaways: 3 giveaways per month. 2 on Twitter and 1 on Discord. (1000PIV Twitter, and 500 PIV on Discord). Twitter will be to promote using MyPIVXWallet and spending PIV in real life. Discord will be to reward people for being interactive in our Discord.
  • Rumble Ad: 1 for 2 weeks. Review metrics and consider for future.
  • Paid Twitter Ads: 2 paid ads (marketing campaign). 1 every 2 weeks and use to measure metrics/adjust to optimize outreach.

Graphic Support

Helping How I Can

  • Community Support: If the community needs any minor design help or direction, I will make time to try to help.
  • Team Support: If the team needs help with graphics, for instance LeacyMck with a promo, I can help when I have time.

Community Growth

Voice Chat, Meetings, Etc

  • Streaming/Chill Chat: If I have time I would like to go back to having weekly livestreams. It was a great way to connect.
  • Meetings: I will continue to push with @Liquid369 to have meetings and enhanced communication with the teams.


Youtube Vid (1x):

I interviewed Jeffrey and I am currently creating the video. Because I took over the Youtube channel and have been busy with what I now realize was overcommitting my time, I will not have that out until the week of June 10th. Technically I published a Youtube video summarizing the Youtube Shorts I did, but I don't necessarily count this as original content. VIEW HERE

Youtube Shorts (4/ week):

Created 8 total Shorts as of 06.07.24. I received control of the Youtube Channel and full access around May 17th. I am finding creating 4 per week is too burdensome with all the things I am doing. I can manage 2-3 for now and will proceed with that going forward - if I can manage more, though, I definitely will! Trying to set expectations here. VIEW YOUTUBE SHORTS
The Youtube Short vids have been excellent because they also double up as more content to post on the Official PIVX social pages, getting more activity and traffic.

Ad (1x twitter):

Launched as of June 6th. Currently live and paid for with the PIV that was in the quote. It equalled roughly 890USD when I moved it to my card. I have portioned this for the month of June to be roughly $31.50 USD/day for 28 days. This seems small but in the long run will benefit us as this is a low-cost way to figure out how to do current paid Twitter ads very effectively with MORE budget. VIEW MOCKUP

Landing Page:

Created and live with the launch of our first paid Twitter ad. It is going well and will help give us analytics on the success of our ads. This took a bit longer than I anticipated, but I managed to get it done thanks to @Liquid369 VIEW HERE


Created only 1 Fastvertising ad this month. This definitely has room for improvement. I am finding my work load I have taken on to be too heavy to be able to do everything I proposed to accomplish. Like I have said before, this will get easier as I finish the campaign prep and launch it. I believe going forward I'd like to aim to make this more of a priority, so that's why I will be pulling back on some of my original intended things (chill & connect, frequency of Youtube Shorts, etc).


This has been quite successful! We have had lots of people showing off what they have bought using My PIVX Wallet. This promoted PIVX, showed people PIVX can be used IRL, and worked to promote MyPIVXWallet (Labs). It was a great success and our giveaways in June our going to try to continue with this trajectory. GIVEAWAY

Social Pages:

I have acquired a rumble page HERE, and I have continue to post reels occassionally on PIVXMarketing Instagram HERE. Unfortunately due to my lack of time, I haven't been able to give the Instagram the love it deserves by posting as consistently as Twitter. I am looking into social media management software that will allow me to plan and publish posts together. RUMBLE PAGE, TWITTER PAGE, INSTAGRAM PAGE, YOUTUBE PAGE.

Chill & Chat:

I have had to pause this, as I simply don't have time. I would like to bring this back if I can - I just need to lighten my work schedule. Ideally, we need a community manager to do this - work to create connections, welcome new people, set up games, events, and meetings, and rep PIVX in places like livestreams and Twitter spaces.

Graphic Support:

I have helped this last with PalmTree - he asked me to revise the PIVXpodcast branding. VIEW FOLDER. I helped LeacyMck with a Youtube announcement graphic. VIEW FOLDER. I provided a shared folder to the PIVX community to use for templates, graphics, stickers, and their own PIVX memes. VIEW FOLDER


From a new outsider perspective, the team definitely has room for improvement when it comes to togetherness and working cohesively. Regardless of the reason I see this as a necessity in order for PIVX to grow from a small org into a medium/large one. Saying that, steps have been made to improve this and I'm really hoping it helps. @Liquid369 has initiated weekly/every-other-week team calls and has been making efforts to act as a liaison between all of the departments. This has helped me do my job when it comes to planning upcoming content and collaborating efforts effectively. Liquid has done a wonderful job so far and the only feedback I would give would be to keep going - we NEED this in order to grow.


I have shared all passwords to PIVX related accounts with Guapic on a shared encrypted platform, and we have both written them down.


I've created a baseline with Twitter and Youtube this last month. We can use this to analyze growth going forward.


Work Load - Evolving Measurement
Currently working 50+ hours a week. I've found I need to change my work load a bit. I've adjusted my current proposal to what I think will work. This is common when taking on a new job - you aim high and find your limits. Like I've said from the start, there's only so many hours in a day and I'm just one guy, but I'm trying my darndest!

I will be tweaking some of the # of tasks I believe I can deliver because of this. I'm hoping as I continue to work with PIVX, I can get into a rhythm where I work up to being able to deliver EVEN MORE, but for now I don't want to burn out and hate my life haha

Team Members
I know i'm still the new guy, but I'm not new to small-medium business. Please take this in context to me really wanting PIVX to grow and become even greater! I love PIVX and am happy to be here.

I still strongly believe that we need to grow the team in numbers. We need more people helping with promoting, posting, and getting out there. Our current team can't expand their efforts because they are doing all they can (bunch of champs, imo). I would love if the PIVX community were to consider increasing the treasurey for both hiring new workers and expanding our paid efforts (Listings, paid ads, promotional materials, sponsoring PIVians to market at events, etc).
You can increase the treasury but won't that dilute the remaining supply even more? And there would be more sell pressure because people can't pay their rent with PIV