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Archived Marketing-Hawtch


Active Pivian
Name: Marketing-Hawtch
Term: 1 cycle
Cycle Amount: 21,750 PIV
Total Amount: 21,750 PIV
Author: Hawtch
Receiver: Hawtch
Address: D6Ma7Zp8cVGVcMeYkvENGwzYg1tnJ9Yd1G
Created: July 07, 2024

Hi PIVX community, Hawtch here!

I've been full time with PIVX since earlier this year. I work on Marketing PIVX to outside and within the crypto space and ,as you can imagine, this isn't an easy task. It is, however, one that I am proudly stepping up to do. I have enjoyed my time thus-far and look forward to much more!



  • 1 Youtube/Rumble Video (minimum) and Shorts/Reels (10 per month minimum)
  • 2 Quick News / Fastvertising ads/shorts
  • Youtube Paid Ads (2500 PIV) - static and/or vids.
  • 2 Giveaways (500 PIV total)
  • Consistent Request for Revisions format in both Discord and PIVX Forum.
  • Focused efforts on supporting Jeffrey and what he is doing.
  • Planning for Future Campaigns/Growth (September)
Note: These may fluctuate more or less given big news, last minute priority tasks, or anything else that may take precedence demanding design/marketing help. I give a list of Deliverables because it gives a task of substantial items to work on and show to the community - this and it also keeps me accountable to you all. In no way am I intending to do LESS, but I feel like this should be said because there is a level of flexibility that is necessary with these types of roles. This is my ideal and intended schedule. Saying that, I will still be putting in the same hours and effort!

Funding Breakdown​

  • Work Hours: 18,750 PIV { (($50cad x 30) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.32cad per PIV (mth average) }
  • Costs: 500 PIV for giveaways. 2500 PIV for Youtube Ads
  • Cycle Length: 1 Cycle (1 month)
  • Total Quote: 21,750 PIV (3000 cost + 18,750 pay )

Last Month Summary​

  • Rumble - Created and launched the Official PIVX Crypto Rumble.
  • Videos - 3 Youtube Videos (Julian Assange, Rumble Announcement, PIVX Shorts Compilation), Created 9 Youtube Shorts (used also on Insta and Twitter), and the original Intro videos on the new Rumble account (Here and Here).
  • Marketing Campaign - Ran for 4 weeks. May move to other platform due to Twitter constantly halting our ads (they don't specify why).
    • After 4 weeks of ads: Says we have a large quantity of clicks and impressions from our ads.
    • Link: Ad Example
    • Impressions: 550k est. and Link Clicks: 1900 est.
    • Conclusion: I don't think we saw much results for our money, despite what it reported. I would like to consider other platforms. The UI is old school and janky. They randomly halted our ads many times throughout the month. In order to edit my campaign after launching it, I had to essentially make a new one. It was very frustrating to use. On top of all of this, Twitter is going down in popularity vs the competing social platforms.
  • Twitter- Paid for Premium and interacted all month. I wasn't flawless when retweeting and liking PIVX Official, but that wasn't primary focus. Ads went decent. I would have liked to see more tangible results, but that is part of advertising and building a brand.
  • Giveaways - on Twitter incentivizing sharing PIVX. These have been very successful as far as engagement. Made video to show you can use PIVX IRL: Video Short.
    • I would like to continue to do giveaways on Youtube, Rumble, and Discord.
  • Support - I was available to help. Offered some UX/UI reviews on something PalmTree was working on.
  • Revisions/Feedback - Consistently posted my work in the PIVX Discord, asking for review.


Work Load -
Sharing time! My wife and I have been applying to become foster parents for almost a year and we are finally starting. Due to this, I will be having to bring my work hours down by about 10 hours a week. My deliverable items and quoted working time reflect this. I'm not going anywhere, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.

Moving forward I think I would like to lean more towards video work and helping @Jeffrey however I can.
Will post in this proposal too.

@Hawtch are you both working together you and @LeacyMcK better and have more of a 1 view of how it should be done? Or is there still an unopened arms approach happening? This is very important for casting votes. If you can't work together then one needs to fold and follow the other or voted out...

Your fostering! That's great! Congratulations. I understand this will take more of your personal time but can you explain why only 10 hours? Do you have another job/work? Does your Mrs work full time and your going be full time child? I have 2 children myself and I know how much time they take but everyone still has to bring in the bacon.

You haven't appeared to address you working hours vs funding your asking for to.

"Work Hours: 18,750 PIV { (($50cad x 30) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.32cad per PIV (mth average) }

Its not x 30 its x 10 x 4 so I suggest you adjust as currently your proposal is asking for ALOT more so if your only going to be working 10 hours a week.

The current proposal as it is will and should be voted down with those calculations.

I will ask again to Unban everyone who questioned/envisioned a different view of how the dao works/doesnt get on with the supposed core in Discord because the lack of communication/days for replies is ridiculous. @LeacyMcK i think now doesnt even engage in these discussions.
Will post in this proposal too.

@Hawtch are you both working together you and @LeacyMcK better and have more of a 1 view of how it should be done? Or is there still an unopened arms approach happening? This is very important for casting votes. If you can't work together then one needs to fold and follow the other or voted out...

Your fostering! That's great! Congratulations. I understand this will take more of your personal time but can you explain why only 10 hours? Do you have another job/work? Does your Mrs work full time and your going be full time child? I have 2 children myself and I know how much time they take but everyone still has to bring in the bacon.

You haven't appeared to address you working hours vs funding your asking for to.

"Work Hours: 18,750 PIV { (($50cad x 30) x 4 wks or 1 cycle) x $0.32cad per PIV (mth average) }

Its not x 30 its x 10 x 4 so I suggest you adjust as currently your proposal is asking for ALOT more so if your only going to be working 10 hours a week.

The current proposal as it is will and should be voted down with those calculations.

I will ask again to Unban everyone who questioned/envisioned a different view of how the dao works/doesnt get on with the supposed core in Discord because the lack of communication/days for replies is ridiculous. @LeacyMcK i think now doesnt even engage in these discussions.

Yah I think both LeacyMck and I are focusing on growing PIVX and that remains the focus for each of us. Regardless of opened or unopened arms, there is still a consistency of posting content I make on the main official. In that way we are working together and it seems that is enough. I have no problem transitioning to other platforms - divide and conquer and all that ;)

Thanks!! We are getting our final approval this week. Super nervous and excited.

I think you misunderstand what I mean. I said "Due to this, I will be having to bring my work hours down BY about 10 hours". I didn't say TO 10 hours. Meaning in the quote amount before it was $50cad x 40 in past months. Now it's $50cad x 30 (the minused 10 hours).

Concerning the unban I'm not in control of that. I can, however function in what I can control - which is post feedback and be more communicative here. I'm trying to do this. I'm sorry to hear about the lack of engagement. Quite frankly, that's something you will have to figure out with others - if I dwell on conflict resolution too much I'm not going to be in a headspace where I can get anything done.
Ah sorry misread then down 10 hours then. If leacy is voted out your there ready to step up then if you already are creating the content anyway for socials?
Ah sorry misread then down 10 hours then. If leacy is voted out your there ready to step up then if you already are creating the content anyway for socials?
To be 100% honest with you - no. I will not have time to do her job. She is valuable as what she does is different than what I do. She researches, connects, and posts. I do marketing and content creation. We both need each other but they are very different roles. She is good at what she does so I would suggest against it. The role will simply be unfilled - but if you still want to that is the beauty of the DAO, it's up to you. I do understand your perspective and why you are asking/saying these things.

We mentioned it before - if roles need to change or people need to transition away, I highly suggest bringing in new people to be prepared for those positions rather than any sort of hard stop. Removing someone without a viable replacement will definitely have negative reprocussions for PIVX, in my opinion. Unfortunately the solution isn't black and white, although life would be pretty easy if things like this were haha
Or another perspective is you remove someone and then someone steps up to take on that role. We can't fall into this hole where we feel a person is needed and if they are not invovled things will fall apart.
RE:" @Hawtch are you both working together you and @LeacyMcK better and have more of a 1 view of how it should be done? Or is there still an unopened arms approach happening? This is very important for casting votes. If you can't work together then one needs to fold and follow the other or voted out..."

Enough with the threats @Gerrald. The fact of the matter is that none of us were aware at the beginning, that PIVX marketing was starting up a twitter account, IG account etc., because if we were we would have suggested to start a Twitter account only. Reason being that Hawtch then gets recognized for his work and also we see new marketing material for PIVX from its actual source. There has never been an unopened arms approach and I would like to know why this thought is even being entertained. When Hawtch started we were under the impression he would be creating new marketing material only and that according to each one he created, it would be promoted via PIVX official twitter, PIVXcommunity Twitter and all other PIVX accounts as they both have different formats in what is posted. We weren't apprised to what his plans were at all times. I was supportive when Hawtch wanted access to the YouTube channel and asked him to take it over as it had been neglected over the past year. He agreed and took off running with the account and is doing well on it. ALL youtube videos he created have been promoted via the accounts I run.

Just goes to show how much your personal vendetta thoughts toward me shades your logical 'what is best for PIVX' thoughts. And because I am having to defend myself now once again, go look at all 3 accounts... PIVX official twitter, PIVXcommunity Twitter and PIVXmarketing twitter and let me know who reposts whose content and who doesn't. Also, I work hard trying to get PIVX news out there, though I may not have the capabilities of creating the amazing videos Hawtch does or banners but what I have been coming up with, along with the people I bring to PIVX isn't too shabby.

Last but not least, I actually spend an hour or more a week looking at the accounts gaging the best times, posts, days etc in which we can get PIVX posts noticed the most. I do this weekly and have been doing this for over a year because posting at the wrong times does affect views. It isn't my fault that a well known social platform aka Twitter is failing its users and going down in popularity. All I can do is build up the other accounts I run.
RE:" @Hawtch are you both working together you and @LeacyMcK better and have more of a 1 view of how it should be done? Or is there still an unopened arms approach happening? This is very important for casting votes. If you can't work together then one needs to fold and follow the other or voted out..."

Enough with the threats @Gerrald. The fact of the matter is that none of us were aware at the beginning, that PIVX marketing was starting up a twitter account, IG account etc., because if we were we would have suggested to start a Twitter account only. Reason being that Hawtch then gets recognized for his work and also we see new marketing material for PIVX from its actual source. There has never been an unopened arms approach and I would like to know why this thought is even being entertained. When Hawtch started we were under the impression he would be creating new marketing material only and that according to each one he created, it would be promoted via PIVX official twitter, PIVXcommunity Twitter and all other PIVX accounts as they both have different formats in what is posted. We weren't apprised to what his plans were at all times. I was supportive when Hawtch wanted access to the YouTube channel and asked him to take it over as it had been neglected over the past year. He agreed and took off running with the account and is doing well on it. ALL youtube videos he created have been promoted via the accounts I run.

Just goes to show how much your personal vendetta thoughts toward me shades your logical 'what is best for PIVX' thoughts. And because I am having to defend myself now once again, go look at all 3 accounts... PIVX official twitter, PIVXcommunity Twitter and PIVXmarketing twitter and let me know who reposts whose content and who doesn't. Also, I work hard trying to get PIVX news out there, though I may not have the capabilities of creating the amazing videos Hawtch does or banners but what I have been coming up with, along with the people I bring to PIVX isn't too shabby.

Last but not least, I actually spend an hour or more a week looking at the accounts gaging the best times, posts, days etc in which we can get PIVX posts noticed the most. I do this weekly and have been doing this for over a year because posting at the wrong times does affect views. It isn't my fault that a well known social platform aka Twitter is failing its users and going down in popularity. All I can do is build up the other accounts I run.
Threats? These are discussions that are needed as we have already from discussing found problems and solutions.

Whole goal is to be working off one page and by the looks of your reply you didn't have a clue or engage in what was expected so maybe reflect instead of considering this an attack on you. Not everything is about you to let you know. This was a department failing which you are part of/in charge of! and up until now have refused to engage.

Any department that is not working together and not playing off the same hymn book would and should be either restructured or cut. Maybe next time someone is pushed to do a role that has huge ties to everything you do, you actually discuss it publicly instead of your closed group so more eyes can spot these problems.

Also you do have to defend yourself and your track record. It's part of the dao process. So if I or anyone else asks questions it's part of your job to reply and not just ignore.

I assume jeffery informed you to write this statement that I requested as I want to as a masternode voter be informed of what's going on and make sure you all can actually work together with to quote Hawtch " with open arms" this time.

If you didnt just see this as an attack and looked at what has been said about how unwelcoming hawtch felt, not having access to things, posts refused, these are major red flags and you can see why the discussions has gone in this direction.
@Gerrald Can you please clarify what you mean by this statement?

"We can't fall into this hole where we feel a person is needed and if they are not invovled things will fall apart."

I ask, because there are at least 8 people on the team that PIVX absolutely needs, and if any one of them left, things would fall apart very quickly.

I feel that this is because we are a small team, comprised of highly skilled very valuable people. The only way to insulate ourselves from the risk of any of them leaving, is to GROW the teams and have overlapping skill sets within those teams.

To do that, we need to attract new people, and also the right people. So, we need to foster an environment of respect as well as recognition and acceptance of the skills and experience these people bring.

Quite frankly, your voting patterns and statements greatly undermine that environment we are all working to create. Instead of building PIVX up, you are tearing things down.

For 8 years, PIVX has grown with people joining and helping where they can; first by volunteering, and then completing proposals. I would love to see us give professionals a chance to jump in with smaller proposals to prove themselves first, skipping the volunteer stage. This may result in some 'false starts' but should overall allow us to grow faster, and take the PIVX DAO to the next level. Regardless, even volunteers are apprehensive to work hard in this current environment, so it can't be good for professionals checking us out either.

The simple fact is that if we grow teams, the DAO has more choice on who to fund for roles within those teams. But, if we do the opposite, no one from inside or outside PIVX will want to fill the void created by a toxic environment.

Please bias to building PIVX, even if there are some perceived 'bumps' along the way. Then we all win.
@Gerrald Can you please clarify what you mean by this statement?

"We can't fall into this hole where we feel a person is needed and if they are not invovled things will fall apart."

I ask, because there are at least 8 people on the team that PIVX absolutely needs, and if any one of them left, things would fall apart very quickly.

I feel that this is because we are a small team, comprised of highly skilled very valuable people. The only way to insulate ourselves from the risk of any of them leaving, is to GROW the teams and have overlapping skill sets within those teams.

To do that, we need to attract new people, and also the right people. So, we need to foster an environment of respect as well as recognition and acceptance of the skills and experience these people bring.

Quite frankly, your voting patterns and statements greatly undermine that environment we are all working to create. Instead of building PIVX up, you are tearing things down.

For 8 years, PIVX has grown with people joining and helping where they can; first by volunteering, and then completing proposals. I would love to see us give professionals a chance to jump in with smaller proposals to prove themselves first, skipping the volunteer stage. This may result in some 'false starts' but should overall allow us to grow faster, and take the PIVX DAO to the next level. Regardless, even volunteers are apprehensive to work hard in this current environment, so it can't be good for professionals checking us out either.

The simple fact is that if we grow teams, the DAO has more choice on who to fund for roles within those teams. But, if we do the opposite, no one from inside or outside PIVX will want to fill the void created by a toxic environment.

Please bias to building PIVX, even if there are some perceived 'bumps' along the way. Then we all win.
No one is irreplaceable. It might be a bumpy transition but it can be done on everything. I'm not singling anyone out with my statement.

From these discussions we have shown there was a lack of communication with what was expected, what was going to happen, what hawtch was going to do and the buck stops with the person in charge.

I understand and realise @LeacyMcK does alot and is a valuable asset as can be shown from the discussions above from hawtch and I know we don't see eye to eye most of the time the socials have been great recently.

Remove all views on who's proposal it links to, your feelings towards them and you have to agree the red flags mentioned are worrying when going off only this information provided so as a voter this gets reflected.

The main thing now is is it sorted out? Are you all going to work together more efficiently? I see no reason why either proposal cannot pass. This is why I asked jeffery to relay information on to start these discussions but it was seen as an attack immediately.

You cannot just ignore hawtchs comments about an unwelcoming atmosphere even if you refuse to believe it.
You cannot just ignore hawtchs comments about an unwelcoming atmosphere even if you refuse to believe it.
True. But I have also seen contradictory statements. Plus, Hawtch clarified the issue was his expectations (Not obligations) that everyone would be available to brainstorm etc. with him. That's not easy when everyone is under so much pressure, or with timezone differences, or IRL obligations. Further such 'friction' always exists in every organization, and a DAO with everyone remote, is going to be even more difficult.

Even if you want to hear the statement "It's all been sorted out." that can't possibly cover all future discussions that are unknown, because they haven't happened yet. They will work things out, one way or another. But, at the end of the day; "It takes 2, to tango" and both sides have a responsibility to resolve differences. As such, following your logic, you should vote them both down, or both up.

My logic to decide how I vote is this:

Value to PIVX = Value of Pros - Value of Cons - Cost

If I feel the Value to PIVX is positive, the proposal gets my vote. Doesn't matter if they don't like me, or I don't like them, if we get along, or not.

Every single proposal is going to have a 'Con'. If I vote them down because of that, then I might as well write a script to vote NO to ALL proposals.

Also, back to my original request for clarification of your statement. Here it is again for reference:

"We can't fall into this hole where we feel a person is needed and if they are not invovled things will fall apart."

Your response; "No one is irreplaceable. It might be a bumpy transition but it can be done on everything." doesn't clarify things.

Let's use Jeffrey as an example. Quite simply, Jeffrey has saved PIVX. Without the incredible amount of Business Development he has done, PIVX would have died 18+ months ago. Currently, Jeffrey is indeed irreplaceable. If he were to get 'Hit by a truck' tomorrow, I would immediately start planning my exit from PIVX. It would be impossible to replace him. The talent pool out there to do what he does, with the knowledge of PIVX he has, is extremely small. The incredible network of Industry connections he has made, are all based on his reputation and character, can not just be 'transferred' to anyone. Even if we find someone like Jeffrey, it would take 6 to 12 months, if we are lucky, and then it would take that person 2 years to develop the connections and relationships Jeffrey has.

What we can do, is help Jeffrey, and ALL other departments, build their teams. Then if an individual does get 'hit by a truck', there are multiple people with overlapping skills and knowledge, who can fill the gap until they get as efficient as Jeffrey, or we find someone else.

Having said that, I am aware that some of the 8 people on the team that PIVX absolutely needs, have had offers to work elsewhere, for more money than here at PIVX, plus they know they will have more respect and less toxicity there. The reason they are still at PIVX is because they have purple blood in their veins. But, that can change; because like you've often said; "People need to eat."

So, while I agree with this statement for a strong large organization; "No one is irreplaceable. It might be a bumpy transition but it can be done on everything.", I disagree with it when applied to PIVX, because PIVX is too small and not strong enough yet. We lose a key person, and it won't be a bumpy transition, it will be a fall from a high cliff.

Let's aim to help teams build larger, and therefore for PIVX to get bigger and stronger first.
Last edited:

Let me be 100% clear. I cannot handle continuing this narrative.​

I have not been able to get work done because this stresses me out to the point of burn out. After this comment I will not be responding to this any longer. I responded simply to defend why I did what I did, because without the full story it seems like I'm not doing my job properly. This an explanation FROM THE PAST, not currently. I have said my full perspective and thoughts. I feel like I'm beating a dead horse.

1. My statements about starting experience is past tense. Not now.​

I have since put comments explaining the current situation and how I'm adapting.

2. I don't think @LeacyMcK should be fired or down voted.​

I have shown this repeatedly by explaining how she valuable, good at her job, and is an integral part of PIVX. This conversation has become more like an interrogation to catch the criminal, rather than a conversation to see how we can all improve and grow as a crew. My opinion of her IS REFLECTED HERE.

3. Yes, I feel it wasn't with open arms from some. THAT'S OK for me to express that. That doesn't imply they were aggressive or intentionally did anything malicious. It also doesn't imply it was neglect.​

It could be busy work schedule, culture of PIVX DAO/proposal system and (we now know) a lack of a Marketing Manager. I've already stated that I expected more of a studio/design department level of communication/teamwork, but that didn't happen. That's partially on me for expectation, and partially on the team. Honestly there is nothing wrong with giving this feedback. However, I believe there IS something wrong with FREAKING OUT with any measure of criticism and also something wrong with being quick to even MENTION downvoting someone (ie denying their livelihood despite years of hard work, volunteering, and dedication). This conversation shouldn't be happening in this tone and intensity. This should be a gentle and calculated approach, with the perspective of growing and strengthening where we are weak - not cutting it off or cauterizing some sort of festering wound.

4. Let me clarify again - I don't think unwelcoming feelings I got were malicious or intentional.​

I don't think anyone needs to be fired. I expressed this because I was explaining the reasoning behind creating a different Twitter vs the existing one. In fact, I think everyone in PIVX are wonderful people who mean well and are trying to do a job. I've had personal talks with all of them and every one of them reflected 100% awesome human beings (including LeacyMck). I don't think there is any sort of level of hostility or bad intention behind anything. I also find it frustrating on all sides that I need to explain this.

5. I hold no ill will. I have been frustrated. Yes. But I want PIVX to succeed and I want us all to succeed.​

I hold no hostilities or subtext. I am not trying to hurt or tear down. All of this is birthed from an intense passion for us to work as a team - thus allowing us all to work less, do MORE, improve quality, and be way more happy as a whole. This has gone off the rails. My intention was/is good - but I think the misplaced expectation on the team I had, and specifically the person I misunderstood to be the Marketing Manager, has caused me to subconsciosly grow frustration. What I have written, looking back, reflects this and I apologize. I am normally a rather positive person.

6. This was NEVER about a lack of reposting. If I said that or that became your impression, I apologize.​

I had a problem with communication and I had expectations that I thought were standard (more collaboration and working as one collective team, and consistent conversation/feedback), but I didn't understand the full nuance of a DAO and it's proposal system (It's more like individual freelancers working solo for the whole). When someone puts in a proposal, they expect to do just that, so it's reasonable for people to feel confused with any further expectation. I simply want to do my job and make cool shit for this badass company PIVX - working together with the team. Since my start I've grown in communication and I've grown to be a part of the team.

7. LeacyMck is not the marketing manager. AND THAT'S OK. This is a miscommunication, but obviously not done with malice.​

She is responsible for communicating/correcting this publicly as soon as it is said to her. Yes. This caused me to have a misplaced expectation. Yes. BUT GUESS WHAT??? That's ok! She is allowed to make mistakes without fearing for job. I don't think in any way she was intending to deceive anyone. Sure, it's rough to not have a department head and that misplaced expectation, but I don't think the poor girl deserves to be canned for it. We have since clarified and adjusted. Like I said - let's build, not tear down. My comments about changing roles were for the benefit of the individuals - we should

Again, I have expressed my opinion In This Forum Comment.

I'm sorry I haven't been clear enough. Each time I try to clarify, the conversation goes in a new direction. I'm done. This whole thing has burnt me out to the point where I can't even get my brain to work with design. Borris I understand you are asking me for answers, but , with all respect, I have provided my answers in the way I know how multiple times. I know you want clarity, but I'm gonna have to ask you to be satisfied with what I say - if you need more info please investigate further with others. Back and forths like this are very hard for me when they are involving naming and grilling others - this was never and will never be my intention to tear down the team or point fingers.

Finally, let me say this; We need LeacyMcK. She has posted everything I have requested, and if she is voted down, it impacts my proposal and PIVX as a whole negatively. If we want PIVX to grow, we need to build up, work together, and foster an atmosphere of trust & goodwill.
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Created a graphic response to Vik Sharmja in collaboration with Jeffrey, Eric, and the communities collaborated info.

Original Post:

Edited image linked below. To be posted soon.

Pill Bottles Image

I have created and posted in the last 1-2 weeks​

- Tag n' Pay Giveaway
- XeggeX Listing Video
- Changelly Listing Video
- MEXC Listing Video
- 'Bought with PIVX' Full YT Video
- Pill Bottle Fastvertising graphic
- KoinBX Listing Video

Working on​

- A new Hype intro video for PIVX channel that we can use for Youtube Paid Ads
- Olympic Announcement Vid
- Finishing Jeffrey Interview part 2
- Rethinking how to do Giveaways for efficiency and growth
- Templates to make most important posts on Twitter into video versions