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Active MultiList + MM


Staff member
Title: MultiList
Name: MultiList
Term: 1 Cycles
Cycle Amount: 45 500 PIVX
Total Amount:  45 500 PIVX
Author: Jeffrey
Receiver: Jeffrey (On Behalf of exchanges)
Address: D93FgdPnQ1cvbgnVkkSPBmK18qcxkPT39Q
Status: Active
Vote Hash: 35205d59c681639f685874c3c38efaee032a267188ae9f65931a818514ee51f8

Hi Everyone!

After quite some discussions I have made a decent listing agreement with various exchanges to help boost PIVX in the asian region and others we aren't known in. This proposal aims to fund these proposals and also top up the MM proposal due to price change. The listings will occur on the following: (Some have already started)
The exchanges above will help us strengthen our PIVX brand with a new target market and potentially get listed on other markets such as perpetuals and margin. It will also help with us expanding to other partner exchanges. Most above have high proof of reserves and are within the top 70 exchanges on CMC.

The goal here is to keep growing the reach of PIVX through exchanges especially smaller ones so that we can get listed while it is cheap. A bonus is we won't be required to provide market making saving us costs.

SuperEx has already done the listing:


The listings will require about $10,000 however due to price decrease and volatility I will be asking for 45500 PIVX which is roughly 11800 USD. This will be pooled towards my other proposal which has now been affected by price reduction. Should any remain it will be used by Armada to provide MM services for PIVX on Binance

Voting Details:

To Vote YES for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 35205d59c681639f685874c3c38efaee032a267188ae9f65931a818514ee51f8 yes
To Vote NO for this proposal:
mnbudgetvote many 35205d59c681639f685874c3c38efaee032a267188ae9f65931a818514ee51f8 no