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Need CC: Merchant Highlights - Travala


Active Pivian

Requesting Feedback​


I am working on a series of videos that highlight all the different merchants and ways you can spend PIV. This is the first one and will be used as a template going forward.
I am starting with the Youtube Short version, which is by nature shorter. I will be working on the full 1920x1080 version next, which I may make a bit longer to highlight some reviews and exact perks of Travala and insert Merchant name here.

Feedback Due Date​

Youtube Short: Friday Sept. 20th, 2pm PST
Youtube Full: TBD (WIP)


Youtube Short:
After @LeacyMcK shared this (below attached) with the Travala team, they loved it and will promote it once we put it out there. This is a huge win on our part and hopefully theirs - benefiting both parties in marketing and hopefully showing our other vendors that we treat our partners/vendors very well.

