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Need Community Help to Review Old Articles


Hello Pivians, as part of my role as a new writer for PIVX, I'll like to rewrite all the old and outdated articles about PIVX.
There are over 200 articles on the official PIVX website (dating back to 2017). I know a lot of progress has been made since then and the information on some of these articles are now outdated. And this is where I need your help.

Every eye matters, yours too. So, if you find any false, confusing, or seemingly outdated info about PIVX, do well to leave a comment on this thread and I'll get to work immediately. It's time to straighten things out and reach for the moon where we belong. Thanks in anticipation!!!

Clement S.
This is huge even though it might not seem like it to some!

@clem you're killing it with your writing abilities. My team and I are very impressed. Really happy to have you on the team helping with this! Keep it up.
Thanks @Hawtch, I am happy to help. I look forward to more amazing things.
This is huge even though it might not seem like it to some!

@clem you're killing it with your writing abilities. My team and I are very impressed. Really happy to have you on the team helping with this! Keep it up.