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NEED FEEDBACK: Poloneix Listing Vid


Active Pivian


This is the promotional vid for the upcoming Poloneix listing.
I think it needs to be tweaked a bit, but would love to hear what you all have to say.


Feedback on the video. I need to know if you all feel it is impactful and does the exchange justice.

Due Date​

Need Feedback by: Nov.6th, 2024


Looks awesome Hawtch!

Half expected to see the text "When Polo?" in there. Lol. But, this is professional and that would be out of place.

Great work!
haha thanks! Appreciate the encouraging feedback.
Awesome video!

So for the hype during the first intro PIVX is pleased to announce perhaps right below


then after 1 second line through it / erase WEN and change to NOW POLO

I would also edit the earn part as we don't have earn campaigns yet planned for Poloniex