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NEED REVIEW: To The Moon (Vid Ad)


Active Pivian

To The Moon (Video Ad)​

PLEASE DO NOT SHARE VID LINK. It’s a work in progress version.


In 2020 the crypto culture of ‘To the Moon’ and ‘Moonshot’ coins started. you guys probably remember the ‘BITCONNEEEECT’ guy. Or someone telling you it’s gonna be the next 100x or whatever. That’s what this is meant to bring up, show what it was actually like by using an abrupt and absurd change in tone (music, imagery, words, font, alignment, etc). This is meant to set up the pitch so the campaign tag line ‘Down to Earth Crypto’ makes sense and knocks it out of the park. It’s a joy to finally deliver this for review after a lot of hours spent on it.

Goal + Intention​

We have worked on this video for a while. Finally up for review. We intend this to be an ad meant to be boosted on YouTube and accompanied by static ads (will post later) to put on other ad platforms (faucet, coinzilla, etc). This is aimed at crypto people: degens, those who were a part of ‘Moon Shot’ rise/falls, and anyone who has been promised + hoped for profit and instead got rugged.
Note: spelling errors during the ‘moon’ silly text is intentional.

Need Review​

I’d like it if you all watched the video (only 1 min) and gave feedback on:
- how easily you understood the message
- General feelings + thoughts
- Errors found (spelling, music, video transitions, etc)
- Suggested changes in imagery, placement, or pacing.

PLEASE SHARE with others to get as much feedback as possible - we want to make sure the message hits home and makes sense.

Feedback Due Date​

Wednesday, March 12th 4pm est.

Hızlı geçiyor.png

The video looks pretty good. The only issue is that in the part where the song and text speed up, nothing is fully understandable.
The intent is to show that PIVX has so many amazing features, that you can't even take them all in right away. It is intended to also get people to repeat or pause the video to see the details - or to go to our site and learn more ;)
Got it, I was trying to leave feedback.

The average watch time for videos (YouTube ads, etc.) is usually around 20-30 seconds. Would it make more sense to place some key information within the first 20 seconds of the video?

In the analysis report you shared, the average watch time is between 15-25 seconds. That's why I shared my opinion.

I have so much to learn from you
Sometimes the trick is to get people to watch it multiple times. That increases the view count, which helps it get seen by more people. Rinse and repeat.
Got it, I was trying to leave feedback.

The average watch time for videos (YouTube ads, etc.) is usually around 20-30 seconds. Would it make more sense to place some key information within the first 20 seconds of the video?

In the analysis report you shared, the average watch time is between 15-25 seconds. That's why I shared my opinion.

I have so much to learn from you
You are right about people's attention span. I am trying to grab people's attention using two things within that 25-30 seconds.
1. The absurd change in music and text at 6 seconds.
2. The hype music starting at 11 seconds directly speaking to the viewer.
3. This leads to at the 30 seconds leading up to the phrase 'Crypto that makes sense' and begins the sequence of benefits.

If we find the attention span of viewers continues to be this drop off period, we will refine it so the main info comes in sooner. Thanks for the feedback!