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Archived Official Steemit account @pivx


Jun '17

Hey guys the proposal for an official managed steemit account is active.
Here’s the pre-discussion
And here is the proposal information
and just incase you cant be bothered to read all of that here’s a very quick rundown of key points
  • Steemit account is already active and level 52, being run by me CryptoSI with some help from elisha and decentralized it can be found here
  • 200 PIV per month will be the compensation paid to the team or individual who takes over the account, I personally will not be accepting this payment, so the longer I’m the charge the longer the bonus for the first team will grow, at a rate of 200PIV per month.
  • All earnings from this steemit account will go towards powering up the account until we reach level 65 or 70, but this is my personal wish and subject to change in other peoples proposals should they submit one
  • there will be 1 post and 10 comments every 48hr period from the account, and upvoting on pivx related articles as often as possible to gain those tiny curation rewards, every little helps
  • Proposal is for one month
  • This will be the first decentralised account on Steemit and another example of why our governance model is helping us to build rapidly and incorporate the best cutting edge technology
Funding for this proposal is 200 PIV per month, for 1 month.
We are also asking for an additional 50 PIV for reimbursement of proposal submission fees.
Vote Details
mnbudget vote-many 0578e3e516653fe166356cbef8dfe34c10073bf0a0b401a13613711da087daa2 yes
(to vote in favor)
mnbudget vote-many 0578e3e516653fe166356cbef8dfe34c10073bf0a0b401a13613711da087daa2 no
(to vote against
mnbudget getinfo PIVX-Steemit (to check the status)