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Archived Pivit Point-of-Sale Terminal Proposal


Jun '17

What is Pivit POS Terminal?
is a free mobile point-of-sale app designed to run on mobile platforms (Android, iOS), desktop platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows), and standalone hardware terminals. This project is designed for merchants to be able to accept PIV quickly, easily, and securely. In order to further adoption of PIV we need to make it easy for merchants to accept it as a form of payment. This system will enable them to do so.
Budget Breakdown
10,000 piv will be coming from the treasury
, and 20,000 will be coming from @Eric_Stanek and friends.
10,000 piv for client, design, app store submissions, etc.
10,000 piv for server, hosting costs, unforeseen costs
10,000 piv for hardware terminals and other testing hardware
Total: 30,000 piv
More Project Info

official project proposal: click here
demo video: click here

Some FAQ:
  • What is the objective?
    This project addresses a basic need of PIVX - adoption. This project will be a tool to help merchants accept PIV easily once they’ve decided to participate in the ecosystem. Not only will this help those who have decided this, but it may sway others who would like to, but think it is too difficult.
    The objective of this project is to reduce the complexity for merchants willing to accept PIV as payment, and to create a great experience for customers wanting to purchase with it.
  • Why use this instead of a mobile wallet?
    One of the main reasons a merchant would use this app over the standard mobile wallet would be to have an experience they are familiar with. It has been designed to be very closely related to credit card processing machines in this respect.
    The main reason however, besides ease of use and familiarity, is the fact that this terminal is not a wallet. In fact, it only generates the address and payment requests to a wallet that the merchant controls on a different machine. This means that there is no control of the coins from the POS software. This situation works especially well when you have employees that may access this machine as well.
Plus, keeping your private keys offline is always a bonus!
  • What are the features planned for this release?
    -Works on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Linux
    -Compatible with Trezor/KeepKey/Ledger Hardware Wallets
    -Generate a new account on first run. Customize store name, create backups, etc.
    -Enter sale amounts in your local currency and have them converted to an amount in PIVX using http://coinmarketcap.com exchange rate
    -A QR code payment request is generated with your receiving address, sale amount, store name, and ‘use instant’ for your customers to scan
    -Unique addresses are used for every sale that are a part of your HD wallet. One private key
    -Get an on-screen notification when the requested amount is received at your address
    -Detects partial payments and allows multiple parties to pay the total amount owed
  • Are there features planned beyond this release?
    -NFC touch-to-pay with mobile phones using PIVX mobile wallets that support this feature
    -Offline payments system using plastic EMV-type cards for customers
    -Ability to have payments converted to fiat instantly
Voting Info
  • Name: pivit-pos-terminal
  • Hash: 9f9a5d79170edf45f10aa439a66338c58a1b082f7edb571798a82df91544ed24
  • URL: https://goo.gl/EgXSlr 1
  • Total Payment Count: 2
  • Monthly Payment: 5,000 PIV
  • Total Payment: 10,000 PIV
Inside your PIVX Core Wallet go to menu options Tools>Debug Console and copy/paste the commands below to vote accordingly
To Vote YES
mnbudget vote-many 9f9a5d79170edf45f10aa439a66338c58a1b082f7edb571798a82df91544ed24 yes
To Vote NO
mnbudget vote-many 9f9a5d79170edf45f10aa439a66338c58a1b082f7edb571798a82df91544ed24 no
To Get Info
mnbudget getinfo pivit-pos-terminal
License info
This software (client, server, everything) will be released under a free open source license (ISC license). If this project is funded we do not intend to code in any percentage charge to the merchant or any other cost mechanism.
Any thoughts?