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Archived Pivo for Pivx! Campaing to become Nr1 crypto for payments in Czech Republic


Jan '18

Hi guys,
My name is Marek Fiser and I come from Czech Republic. The country that invented pils beer and is topping the world´s ranking of per capita consumption of this beverege, which we call PIVO in our langage. As a marketer and PR guy, who has been in crypto lately, I see a big opportinuity to massively promote PIVX as a means of payments in this country with the use of this similarity between PIVX and PIVO. Many attractive slogans and other means of communication can work very well.
The time for this is also very favourable, as our prime-minister Babis has been tightening the policy regarding payments, he made electronic evidence of all purchaces mandatory, which pisses off a lot of interpreneurs, especially in this industry and many of them, and their clients, are looking for anything revolting. This is for example how I started running a beerbike in my home city (very successful so far), how a friend rented a place for 30 years for “filming a documentary movie about the life of smokers” once the ban for smoking inside pubs took place and so on. We Czechs are very inventive how to fuck with authorities. Check a book Good soldier Svejk for reference

Also, I have been working in the industry for the past couple of years, with one of my clients Pubquiz.cz, that runs weekly Trivia nights over the country. In the pubs. As we have couple of thousands people attending our quizzes weekly, I see a big potential of working together too.
And now what my plan is. I would like to make beer branded PIVX, there are a lot breweries here and it can be done pretty fast. As I pilot I would start in our local pub, where I have been closely working together not only bringing pubquiz, but also organizing weekly crypto-beer evenings etc (first pub in the country where we already accept PIVX btw). I have been building the community already and the feedback here is positive. Another company that I am a minor shareholder of, Funky Donuts, decided to start with PIVX payments the very next day and more people are getting curious and interested.
I would like to start offering PIVX beer and PIVX payments for the partnering bars, clubs and restaurants and let the snowball rolling. I would also run a bicycle with a beer tap in the city, with PIVX payments etc etc.
Last but not least, I am active in the soccer business here. I was leading volunteers for the Luzanky stadium project that won Community and Responsibility Award at Stadium Business Awards in 2016 in Madrid (look it up!) and now we have a full 90min documentary movie ready to present at International Football Films Festival in Berlin in March. Cant go to the details yet but it wil be huge and PIVX as a potential partner of the movie can really be seen and make difference.
I like the coin, I am ready to start., I have the ideas and the connections, I speak languages (5 fluently, 9 in total somehow). The only thing is that I do not have much resources for this project and if this should be successful, it cant rely on volunteers. I will need to invest, I will need to pay people for their work. In other words, Im looking for a team and possible investors.
I would really like your feedback on this and am more than happy to answer your questions.
Thank you.