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PIVX Ad: Brainstorming


Active Pivian


I am wanting to create a satirical video that I can use for Youtube video ads and general promotion. The intent is to use happy, bright music and use nostalgic imagery to set the mind of the viewer on good times and those they love. The video text will then abruptly change to talk about gov/corp surveillance and exploitation. The music will remain happy and the imagery may become a bit too happy - the intent is satire.I am starting this because I think I need many heads on this in order to do it properly.

Proposed Script​

We Make Special Moments
With Friends
Our Kids
Our “Special” Friends
We Take Big Trips
and Even Bigger Opportunities
We Create New Ventures
and New Memories
For Ourselves
and The Next Generations
Now for Everyone to See
Now for Advertisers to Exploit
Now for Corporations to Sell
Now for Big Brother to Watch
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- https://pixabay.com/music/happy-childrens-tunes-advertising-219404/
- https://pixabay.com/music/rock-energetic-indie-rock-115484/

- Attached is wip-boards-01.png. This shows the scenes based on each line, put into numbers.


  • wip-boards-01.png
    131.3 KB · Views: 75