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Archived PIVX Business Development Q2



Hello Pivians!
It has been a slow month but we are making progress behind the scenes.
The stuff I am currently working on, have been working on and plan to be working on are :
• Working on a negotiation with a large exchange – Price is too high so working on getting volume and marketing done to lower it.
• Exchange listing work for a couple other exchanges/top 30
• Discussions with a payment processor to list PIVX
• Hitting up content creators who have had their videos and social media deleted or taken down, figuring out how to set them up with the ability to accept PIVX donations.
• Been added to a few masternode hosting sites.
• Globee is researching us and will get back to us about listing.
• Making sure that everyone has been updated to wallet version 3.2 – This has been very tedious but we are making great progress.
• Talks with a group of gambling/betting sites that are all under 1 parent group.
• Talks with cryptobetfair.com 1 about listing us as a payment method
• Another major exchange/top 10 discussions on listing, already talking to the right people there, so hope for some good news on this front soon.
• Discussions with a site that allows people to buy giftcards with crypto in CAD, USD and EUR.
• Talks with an exchange we have already financed - Working through regulations stuff to be on at launch.
• Working on launching the PIVX Foundation – This is a fair amount of work but wwill be very beneficial.
• Added to bitcoinrush.io gambling site.
• Trying to find funding to get into a large Korean star’s music video.
• Trying to find funding to attend Consensus and Magic Crypto Conference In May in New York.
• In Negotiations with Wirex crypto card payment processor.
• Helping out with PIVXGives initiative.
• In Talks with CoinDAQ Terminals.
• Trying to get USDT markets and BNB markets on Binance.
• Talking with a large Indians Exchange BitBNs.
• Targeting Turkish Exchanges for listings.
• Gave a talk at Cambrian College about PIVX – crypto security and compliance.
• Initial talks with Ivendpay.
• Discussions with major news outlets in the US and Central America to have PIVX featured on some TV shows, major Youtube Channels and other places.
• Attending events at Blockchain Week in Toronto at the end of April.
This is the majority of what I am working on at the moment. Things are starting to look up as the markets are going in the right direction again.
I am looking for 2500 PIVX a month for the next 3 months in this proposal. I am not asking for the submission fee back.
Thank you for your time and consideration Pivians. I look forward to keeping it Purple.
John M
Head of Business Development
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“mnbudget vote-many 625c092bd19ac044cffa5485552f3bf1252f587b9f14f17b6d1b4150139f5edf yes” to vote in favor
“mnbudget vote-many 625c092bd19ac044cffa5485552f3bf1252f587b9f14f17b6d1b4150139f5edf no” to vote against
"mnbudget getinfo BizDev” to check the status