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Archived PIVX Journal: Video vlogs, video creation, and news PIVX


Jan '18

Hello PIVX )
Watch our video, and you will immediately understand what we are talking about:

Video message for PIVX - Speak Russian - На русском языке
Video message for PIVX - Speak English

Video message for PIVX - Speak English - На Английском языке

We want to participate in the PIVX community.
I am the project manager + Journalist + Video developer + Web developer
In my team there are:
1 workers Journalist + Video developer + Web developer
1 worker Marketing (Advertising)
Total in the team 3 people.
We would like to combine animated promotional videos plus interesting video blogging.
To complement the proposal, we want to create a website with news, articles about the PIVX crypto currency for the Russian speaking population - http://www.pivx.online
We are in Ukraine, we speak Russian and have translated this video into English specially for you so that you can understand what we are talking about.
We cover such countries as: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, everyone here speaks Russian.
We will provide PIVX for Russian-speaking people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_distribution_of_Russian_speakers
For the Russian-speaking population, you need a Russian blogger. Only he will explain what PIVX is, making the video how to combine the day-to-day financial transactions with the cryptocurrency.
Need as many bloggers as possible to fill the market.
Vote for us and press the button YES if you want us to join PIVX.
With your support, we can do more!
510 PIV month. for 4 months. (Submission fee of 100 PIV included) .
We are basing this off the current PIV price [pivx @ 10 bucks], and if there is a decrease, we will absorb that cost. If there is an increase in the PIV price, we will add more hours to the project effort.
Learn More:
510 PIV -25 PIV [out of 100 PIV] contribution = 485 PIV month.
485 PIV х10usd (dollar rate) = 4850 USD
PS: Also do not forget that to withdraw PIV to MasterCard, is lost on exchanges and commissions of approximately 5% (25 PIV)
485 PIV - 25 PIV = 461 PIV = 4610 USD
1 month

Quality sound - 300$
Camera - 1000$
Company tax - 180$
Office rent - 400$
Advertising - 200$ (building links to video)
Staff - 1 month: 2530 usd \ 3 people (1 people 843 USD)
  • I am the project manager + Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 workers Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 worker Marketing (Advertising)
2 month
Company tax - 180$
Office rent - 400$
Advertising - 300$ (building links to video) (advertising in other sites on the promo video)
Staff - 1 month: 3730 usd \ 3 people (1 people 1243 USD)
  • I am the project manager + Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 workers Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 worker Marketing (Advertising)
3 month:

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This month we want to participate in “BLOCKCHAIN SUMMIT KYIV”

Blockchain Summit Kyiv!
Blockchain Summit Kyiv 2018 - это событие, в котором встретятся 30 экспертов из сферы крипто валют и технологии Blockchain, чтобы обменяться опытом в разработке интересных решений с использованием технологии Blockchain.

(Ukraine, Kyiv 26 APRIL 2018)
PIVX would be a great addition to these conferences, which in exchange would have a great turnaround to our project.
I called, and learned the prices for participation, and the placement of promotional products at

Blockchain Summit Kyiv!
Blockchain Summit Kyiv 2018 - это событие, в котором встретятся 30 экспертов из сферы крипто валют и технологии Blockchain, чтобы обменяться опытом в разработке интересных решений с использованием технологии Blockchain.

Approximately, it was necessary to calculate 470 PIV.
Logo on the site - 150$
Logo on the brand-volle 250$
Printed materials in packages of the participant 300$
printed materials at the reception desk 300$
  • I need to create printed materials 300$
Banner (roll-up) in the conference hall 550 $
  • I need to create a banner (roll-up) 50 $
Banner (roll-up) in the conference hall 450 $
  • I need to create a banner (roll-up) 50 $
Separate mailing (15 thousand participants) 700$
Place for the stand at the company’s mall 700$
  • I need to create a banner (roll-up) 50 $ + buy a table for flyers 50 $
= Total: 3800$
our team consists of 3 people, and for the event, we will take each 300$ x3 person = 900$
= TOTAL: 4700$ (470 PIV) (price 1 PIV = 10 USD when the offer was created)
The remaining PIV will go on to continue creating the video this month. (40 PIV)
Photos from the past event 2017:
facebook.com GrowUp
GrowUp. 869 likes · 145 talking about this. GrowUP - это команда, которая стремится вывести украинские ивенты на новый уровень. Мы занимаемся организацией конференций, саммитов, закрытых встреч,...

4 month
Company tax - 180$
Office rent - 400$
Advertising - 300$ (building links to video) (advertising in other sites on the promo video)
Staff - 1 month: 3730 usd \ 3 people (1 people 1243 USD)
  • I am the project manager + Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 workers Journalist + Video developer + Web developer)
  • 1 worker Marketing (Advertising)
We are basing this off the current PIV price [pivx @ 10 bucks], and if there is a decrease, we will absorb that cost. If there is an increase in the PIV price, we will add more hours to the project effort, and new people.
Vote Details
mnbudget vote-many 9e3a583775dc79187ed6b60863cd2a770e1aba7bc097c8f19ddae2a0ed7cccd4 yes
to vote in favor
mnbudget vote-many 9e3a583775dc79187ed6b60863cd2a770e1aba7bc097c8f19ddae2a0ed7cccd4 no
to vote against
mnbudget getinfo PIVXJournalVideoVlog to check the status

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