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Archived PIVX marketing campaign Portuguese


Content in Portuguese and dissemination in channels relevant to the topic, in order to create a larger Portuguese community.
Greater engagement with video production, content, partnerships, support on social networks and Telegram.
We will include three countries that speak Portuguese

-Portugal, Brazil, Angola.

I’ve already done some Meetup, participated in events, translated articles for the Portuguese community and some Portuguese PIVX social networks.
Some of my contributions

-Telegram Group: https://t.me/PIVXPortugueseChat 2

-Medium: https://medium.com/@pivxportuguese 3

-Instagram: https://instagram.com/pivxportuguese?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=139my7k2e9asa 3

I will also create tutorial videos for beginners and advanced (for example, What is PIVX, Review, update, configuration wallet, PIVXpress)
In a few days with the Instagram PIVX Portuguese we reached 55 followers, so we are sure that this number can grow even more
Videos of the PIVX channel on Youtube will be translated into Portuguese, although it has subtitles, videos spoken in Portuguese are much easier to understand and pass on the message 100%.

And this is what I want to do in a more professional way.

So what are we going to do?
• We will translate all the PIVX official news / announcements to Portuguese and published on Facebook, Telegram, Medium, Youtube.
• We will create our own content and translate into Portuguese (explanatory videos, etc.). At least one video per week (maybe more).
• We will publish content on Youtube, Facebook, Medium, Telegram, Instagram.
• We will promote content through relevant sites of Crypto Portuguese Media.
• Provide 24-hour support on all social networks and telegrams that will be created or already existing
• We will also make some gifts with the PIVX logo that will be given to anyone who contributes to PIVX as a shirt, keychain, bottle or sacomochila to give to those who contribute to the Portuguese community.
Create TipBot Telegram

What are our means of dissemination?
• Facebook Page “Bitcoin Brasil” (groups/btcbr/)
135 thousand members, Portuguese group on the crypto world.
• Telegram Group “BitcoinInvestment” (@.BitcoinInvestment)
Telegram Group “Digital Investments” (@.InvestmentsDigitalsFree)
• Telegram Group “BitcoinBrasil” (@.brasilbitcoin)
• Telegram Group “BitNada” (@.BitNada)

All videos and articles will be shared in these groups and channels and some more, as well as all ads (with translation in English).

I will invite one more member of the Portuguese PIVX community to help me in the administration and production of content, to give full support in social networks.
If the fund is approved we will make an investment in partnerships with crypto media site, video production equipment, growth in social networks, gifts and everything we can to expand the community and bring PIVX knowledge to everyone.
Cost: 680 PIVX\month
And at the end of a month will be sent a report of everything that was done and the degree of growth of the Portuguese PIVX for a new proposal evaluation of the community if you want to continue with this growth of Portuguese PIVX, in the future we want to have presence in more events and who knows an event in Brazil exclusively to talk about PIVX.
The proposal will be sent again after one month, as we want PIVX to continue growing and not stop.
In the YouTube channel we will also bring interviews with Brazilian Exchange owners, Event Organizers, Gateway payment crypto, because I understand that this will bring the interviewee closer to the project and consequently benefits and partnerships to grow.
First of all, I know that there is already a member of the PIVX community that is doing PIVXpress in Spanish, Portuguese and Spanish are slightly different languages, Spaniards sometimes speak very fast, just as Brazilians and Portuguese also speak fast because they are theirs native language and this makes it difficult to understand the message of the person on the other side of the screen, the only language that is totally similar to the one spoken in Brazil is Portuguese of Portugal, Mozambique and Angola.