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Archived Pivx Stations, More than an ATM


Sep '17

Dear PIVX Community Members,
After the difficulties I had faced with buying my first coin, I decided to manufacture the first low cost Fiat/PIVX ATM, where the user may buy/sell PIVX’s in real time, in addition to the latest news advertising screen.
The subject project will contribute positively on approaching different segment of user and to simplify the process of converting the fiat currency into PIVX’s.
We are aiming to create the first PIVX station where the user may exchange, pay, receive and deposit PIVX’s as easy as a click.
We are aiming to invest 221K$, and looking for 123K$, in order to proceed.
I had worked in one of the fast growing retail bank in the region, I’m having over 10 years of branch management experience with an IT degree I would like to utilize my knowledge, experience and skills to transfer the PIVX ATM into one stop station where the user finds all of what he needs in one click (Buy-Sell-Send-PIVXS latest News).
Votes are so important to proceed the project, I will invest my saving on the subject as soon as I see enough interest.
The main objective of raising capital for the subject project is not to just to build PIVX ATM, We are aiming to build a multiple of stations that’s contents all of the user’s needs of PIVX’s videos, news, merchants, payments gateways all in secured all in one stations.
We are looking to have many unique features that’s will be implemented in phases such as:
-Live Video customer service intro action with users
-Bank account transfer
-Utility payments
-Addressless PIVX to cash transfer where the users may send PIVX against fiat currency to any user without even having a bank account or wallet address
-Issuing of PIVX cheque’s, where the users may issue and print addresses via the station against cash with any amounts desired and will be verified and transferred to the cheque and the users may cash it any time
-PIVX Branded station
-120+ Fiat Currencies Supported
-Direct PIVX/ Fiat
-PIVX Advertising Screen
-Instant Bank Account transfer
-Utility Bill Payment
-Two-way ATM with banknotes dispenser Deposit/Withdraw (Bi-Directional)
-Support NFC wallet/card
-QR Code scanner/ Mobile or Email
-Finger Print Supported
-Support exchanges
-Support hardware wallets
-Code Lock safe
-Remote Management and Monitoring
-Remote Software Upgrade
-Compact Size
-Support 15+ Languages
-User Friendly
-Lower charges transactions
-Touch screen display
Team Members
  1. Ali J, CEO
10 years of branch management experience with an IT BSc, PM, and Finance Masters degree, decentralised economics enthusiast
2.Tareq Bahar Managing Partner & Consultant
Over 30 years of professional banking experience and holds a postgraduate certificate in Business Management from Nottingham Trent, UK and other qualifications from University of Cambridge, University of London and the English Tutorial College. His notable achievements are - Barwa Bank, Qatar where he set-up and managed the complete retail banking group. With International Bank of Qatar (IBQ), Qatar he successfully set-up the Islamic window for the bank.
Its pleasure to have anybody from the core team on board, From our study we understand that there are huge potential of such stations in the region.