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Awaiting Feedback PIVX Turkey Local Event and Promotion Proposal

Love that this proposal is so well organized and specific.

I'm not sold on the efficiency of a physical meetup though. I think Digital meetups should happen first. Physical later. Let me explain.

In short, the cost of the above is approx $57 to $95 USD per attendee. (Assuming 15 to 25 attendees.)
From that, we may only get 3 to 5 new PIVians. That then works out to $285 to $475 USD per new PIVian.
That's extremely expensive.
It will also take significant effort for you to arrange and manage. Each time you do this, it will still be a lot of work.
As such, physical meetups don't scale very well.
All benefits are completely indirect too.
This makes it near impossible for MNOs to monitor.

I am however VERY interested in what you picture as a DIGITAL meetup.
This could be done many ways. There could be a series of Digital Meetups, that people need to register for, with a limited number allowed. Each Digital Meetup could be super short. Maybe 15 mins max. The platform can be Jitsi (Privacy honoring Zoom like platform) that PIVX can provide.

The Digital Meetups could be:

Meetup 1: Introductions; PIVX Ambassador introduces himself and core values/mission of PIVX. Attendees each give a vague intro of themselves. Following Meetups are described.

Meetup 2: Creating a wallet with MyPIVXwallet.org. What a seed word list is. How to encrypt the wallet. How to get a receive address QR code. Ambassador sends everyone $5 of PIVX.

Meetup 3: Sending and Receiving with MPW. Each 'student' could take turns holding their QR code to their camera, while others send them a very small amount of PIV. At the end, most everyone has the same amount of PIV they started with, minus fees.

Meetup 4: Recovering a wallet from seed word list. The Ambassador could force everyone to test their backup of their seed word list. This gives them confidence to hold larger amounts.

Meetup 5: How to use PIVX.promo. ......

Meetup 6: How to use PIVcards. ......

Meetup 7: Why they should join the PIVX Discord .....

Meetup 8: What is Staking and how it works. ......

Meetup 9: How to buy PIVX .....

The above are just examples. I can think of many more ideas.

But here are some key points .....

Each Meetup is in ONE Language, but is NOT restricted geographically. So, a native Turkish speaking person currently in Canada can join if they like. Plus, they are SHORT 15 min meetups, and almost anyone can fit that in their schedule. It also means the Ambassador can have MANY of these Meetups, and the Attendees can pick which they join.

Each Meetup can start with Introductions. "Hey, my name is Ayşe, and I currently live in Toronto." or "Hello, My name is Ahmet. I am a C-Level Manager in Technology currently in Australia."

Not everyone will be able to attend the same time slot for each Meetup. So, each person is going to be exposed to approx 20 other Turkish people each Meetup. This means they start seeing a large community right away.

It should be possible to track attendance, and make sure Meetups are attended in order, and not repeated (scammers will try that for sure to grab more PIV.)

It is unlikely that all those who start with Meetup 1, make it all the way to Meetup 10. But, when they do, THEN they can be rewarded with another $10 of PIV.

Each session can be recorded as proof that the Meetup took place. Plus, they can then be analysed to see what can be improved, and what needs to change to prevent scammers from scamming.

Once the set up Meetups/Lessons is mature, and proven to work well, then it should be very easy to replicate for other Ambassadors globally. In fact, many of those that complete the 10 Meetups, may feel confident enough to run the Digital Meetups moving forward. They can be paid to do so. At that point, the Ambassador can 'Level Up' and manage those 'Meetup Leaders' who each staff Digital Meetups, bringing more and more and more and more PIVians onboard. Plus, the Ambassador can then connect with all those Attendees for PHYSICAL Meetups. Those can be much larger at that point, but they will already be PIVians and people will feel more comfortable having met others online already. Further, they may be willing to cover cost of coffee/drinks/snacks/meals etc. themselves, knowing that PIVX isn't a rich corporation, but a freedom movement. Having said that, there could be door prizes for merchandise. In fact, it could be higher quality and more expensive merchandise.

This also opens up a new Role for 'Digital Meetup Champion' who can take over the development and management of the 'Meetup/Lesson scripts/steps/plans and related marketing material' so that EVERY Ambassador can easily translate and stay current, with the material, and provide feedback that helps EVERYONE following these plans.

The above is me doing a 'brain dump' of my thoughts. They do not have to be followed. In fact, they should be developed from scratch, and reviewed carefully. Then executed on a test group, and constantly (lots at first) improved. The point is, that a DIGITAL Meetup plan will SCALE WAY WAY faster, with WAY WAY less effort, and VERY LOW COST. Plus, it can be replicated globally.

It will bring people up the learning curve so quickly and easily, in such a welcoming and friendly manner, that any time they venture into another crypto project, they are going to feel so uncomfortable, that they will come RUNNING back to PIVX.

I am curious what others think of this idea. I can see that a group of PIVians here now, would love to be the first 'Attendees' to help make sure the first version is well thought out before being deployed to brand new crypto users.

THANKS for reading that wall of text!

I could write so much more ... but that's all I have time for right now. lol

First of all, thank you for your detailed feedback and constructive suggestions! I truly appreciate your recognition of how well-organized my proposal is, and it motivates me even more.

You are absolutely right that physical events come with higher costs compared to digital ones. However, I shared this proposal because I believe that organizing an initial physical event will lay a strong foundation for future digital meetings.

Before responding further, I’d like to ask: Has any individual or community ever implemented a similar idea before, or is this a completely original concept developed through your creative thinking? It would be great to know!

That being said, I absolutely love this idea, and we can move forward by reaching a consensus on how to implement it.

Why Start with a Physical Event?

  • Increased Engagement: People who interact in a physical setting tend to feel a stronger connection to the project.
  • Guaranteed Participation in the First Digital Meetup: By hosting a physical event, we can ensure that at least 15+ participants will join our first digital meetup.
The main goal here is to create an impact by organizing a physical event, capturing photos and videos from it, and sharing them on social media with a message like:

"Hey, PIVX has successfully hosted a physical event! We provided valuable information to participants and distributed rewards. Now, we are transforming this initiative into a digital series, where people can continue learning about PIVX and privacy while also earning PIVX!"

With this approach, we can build momentum and aim for at least 25-30 participants in our first digital meetup.

Your initial cost assessment is accurate for the first physical meeting, but it doesn’t fully reflect the long-term plan. After the first event, I aim to host two or three digital meetups every month.

As part of the physical event, I already planned to guide every participant through the process of creating an MPW wallet and provide them with an incentive to explore PIVX further by gifting 10 PIVX to each attendee.

Incentives for Growth:

✅ Bonus PIVX Reward: Any participant who joins the first physical event and then brings a family member, friend, or acquaintance to the next digital event will receive an extra 5 PIVX. This will create a self-sustaining growth loop while helping participants learn how to utilize their PIVX.

After the physical event, I fully intend to transition into a structured digital meetup series to reach a broader audience.

Of course, we can discuss your ideas further and even consider postponing this initiative if needed. The most important aspects are community feedback and budget considerations.

Looking forward to your thoughts!


Interestingly, I keep getting a "file size too large" error when trying to upload images, even though I have already reduced their size.

In the past, we organized a social event. My wife and my brother were with me. We went to Istanbul’s Taksim Square with a car covered in logo stickers. We wore t-shirts with QR codes encouraging people to download the wallet. We walked around for hours, handing out brochures. During that period, many people joined the community, and even though the numbers gradually decreased over time, new members kept joining.

We engaged with the people we gave brochures to, had short conversations, and even helped a few of them create wallets. Of course, we live in a digital age where everything progresses online, but physical activities are also a fundamental building block.

More comments, more ideas to develop...
Love that this proposal is so well organized and specific.

I'm not sold on the efficiency of a physical meetup though. I think Digital meetups should happen first. Physical later. Let me explain.

In short, the cost of the above is approx $57 to $95 USD per attendee. (Assuming 15 to 25 attendees.)
From that, we may only get 3 to 5 new PIVians. That then works out to $285 to $475 USD per new PIVian.
That's extremely expensive.
It will also take significant effort for you to arrange and manage. Each time you do this, it will still be a lot of work.
As such, physical meetups don't scale very well.
All benefits are completely indirect too.
This makes it near impossible for MNOs to monitor.

I am however VERY interested in what you picture as a DIGITAL meetup.
This could be done many ways. There could be a series of Digital Meetups, that people need to register for, with a limited number allowed. Each Digital Meetup could be super short. Maybe 15 mins max. The platform can be Jitsi (Privacy honoring Zoom like platform) that PIVX can provide.

The Digital Meetups could be:

Meetup 1: Introductions; PIVX Ambassador introduces himself and core values/mission of PIVX. Attendees each give a vague intro of themselves. Following Meetups are described.

Meetup 2: Creating a wallet with MyPIVXwallet.org. What a seed word list is. How to encrypt the wallet. How to get a receive address QR code. Ambassador sends everyone $5 of PIVX.

Meetup 3: Sending and Receiving with MPW. Each 'student' could take turns holding their QR code to their camera, while others send them a very small amount of PIV. At the end, most everyone has the same amount of PIV they started with, minus fees.

Meetup 4: Recovering a wallet from seed word list. The Ambassador could force everyone to test their backup of their seed word list. This gives them confidence to hold larger amounts.

Meetup 5: How to use PIVX.promo. ......

Meetup 6: How to use PIVcards. ......

Meetup 7: Why they should join the PIVX Discord .....

Meetup 8: What is Staking and how it works. ......

Meetup 9: How to buy PIVX .....

The above are just examples. I can think of many more ideas.

But here are some key points .....

Each Meetup is in ONE Language, but is NOT restricted geographically. So, a native Turkish speaking person currently in Canada can join if they like. Plus, they are SHORT 15 min meetups, and almost anyone can fit that in their schedule. It also means the Ambassador can have MANY of these Meetups, and the Attendees can pick which they join.

Each Meetup can start with Introductions. "Hey, my name is Ayşe, and I currently live in Toronto." or "Hello, My name is Ahmet. I am a C-Level Manager in Technology currently in Australia."

Not everyone will be able to attend the same time slot for each Meetup. So, each person is going to be exposed to approx 20 other Turkish people each Meetup. This means they start seeing a large community right away.

It should be possible to track attendance, and make sure Meetups are attended in order, and not repeated (scammers will try that for sure to grab more PIV.)

It is unlikely that all those who start with Meetup 1, make it all the way to Meetup 10. But, when they do, THEN they can be rewarded with another $10 of PIV.

Each session can be recorded as proof that the Meetup took place. Plus, they can then be analysed to see what can be improved, and what needs to change to prevent scammers from scamming.

Once the set up Meetups/Lessons is mature, and proven to work well, then it should be very easy to replicate for other Ambassadors globally. In fact, many of those that complete the 10 Meetups, may feel confident enough to run the Digital Meetups moving forward. They can be paid to do so. At that point, the Ambassador can 'Level Up' and manage those 'Meetup Leaders' who each staff Digital Meetups, bringing more and more and more and more PIVians onboard. Plus, the Ambassador can then connect with all those Attendees for PHYSICAL Meetups. Those can be much larger at that point, but they will already be PIVians and people will feel more comfortable having met others online already. Further, they may be willing to cover cost of coffee/drinks/snacks/meals etc. themselves, knowing that PIVX isn't a rich corporation, but a freedom movement. Having said that, there could be door prizes for merchandise. In fact, it could be higher quality and more expensive merchandise.

This also opens up a new Role for 'Digital Meetup Champion' who can take over the development and management of the 'Meetup/Lesson scripts/steps/plans and related marketing material' so that EVERY Ambassador can easily translate and stay current, with the material, and provide feedback that helps EVERYONE following these plans.

The above is me doing a 'brain dump' of my thoughts. They do not have to be followed. In fact, they should be developed from scratch, and reviewed carefully. Then executed on a test group, and constantly (lots at first) improved. The point is, that a DIGITAL Meetup plan will SCALE WAY WAY faster, with WAY WAY less effort, and VERY LOW COST. Plus, it can be replicated globally.

It will bring people up the learning curve so quickly and easily, in such a welcoming and friendly manner, that any time they venture into another crypto project, they are going to feel so uncomfortable, that they will come RUNNING back to PIVX.

I am curious what others think of this idea. I can see that a group of PIVians here now, would love to be the first 'Attendees' to help make sure the first version is well thought out before being deployed to brand new crypto users.

THANKS for reading that wall of text!

I could write so much more ... but that's all I have time for right now. lol
I'm in agreement with eric here. Your own numbers are saying with can get 15+ people there. I can go to the pub down the road and get more engagement than that. They would love a free top or whatever and listen to whatever is spoke. Think bigger for events. I would rather see you approach the crypto people in your country social people to get discussions going, social posts, podcasts, comments etc. the problems are always language barriers. Be the Türkiye translator connection is my advice.
I'm in agreement with eric here. Your own numbers are saying with can get 15+ people there. I can go to the pub down the road and get more engagement than that. They would love a free top or whatever and listen to whatever is spoke. Think bigger for events. I would rather see you approach the crypto people in your country social people to get discussions going, social posts, podcasts, comments etc. the problems are always language barriers. Be the Türkiye translator connection is my advice.
Receiving feedback is great! I never hesitate to present my counterarguments because the free discussion of differing opinions is the best way to achieve stronger progress.

Focusing on assumptions may seem simple and logical, but in practice, it can fail. For example, if you go to a pub and offer 50 people a beer in exchange for joining the PIVX group, they would probably accept. However, the next day, they would leave the group and never return because their main focus is having fun and drinking beer at that moment.

Have you actually tried this method to see if it works?

I completely agree with the idea of growth, but I believe that a solid infrastructure must be established first. I am a proposal owner, and I am doing my best to fulfill everything I have committed to for the Turkish community. PIVX invests large budgets in marketing, which shows that marketing is an essential pillar of the project.

So why are we spending effort getting others to tweet or make videos for us? Instead, why don’t we build our own vision, creating a culture that can sustain itself for years?

The two pieces of feedback given to the proposal are both constructive and critical. This is a good sign because in some communities, even receiving feedback is difficult.

The real question we should focus on is how to grow both global and local communities. There are nearly 150 million Turkish-speaking people in the world. Meanwhile, the number of English speakers is in the billions. But it’s still not too late to establish the right system.

Let’s brainstorm a little:

My vision for PIVX is to establish a sustainable and trackable organization. For example, we could create a structure called PIVCAST. This would start in Turkey and gradually grow into a global organization.

Instead of paying influencers to make videos or tweet about PIVX, we should focus on building our own culture, allowing it to grow organically over the long term. Of course, strategic paid YouTube and Twitter collaborations make sense. However, if we set up a solid infrastructure, within 3-6 months—or even sooner—people would start reaching out to participate in our podcast events.

This process could:

  • Start in Turkey and expand globally
  • Or begin globally and spread to local communities
  • Be managed from a single source, with one dedicated YouTube channel and possibly a small physical office (This could make sense for in-person podcasts, like a PIVX Base. Just an idea.)
  • Include official, regular content updates
  • Have subtitles added to all podcasts for international reach
  • Attract university students, privacy enthusiasts, crypto investors, bankers, and many more people from various sectors
All of this can become a reality through the right foundation and vision. I have actively participated in many projects, carried out many successful initiatives, and continue to do so.

The DAO system in place here is a huge advantage. I am fully open to discussion. However, while so much is being spent on marketing, I believe we should also be proactive in building a long-term structure.

I could write more, but I prefer to keep it short. I prefer to move forward with all the feedback I receive.



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You've expanded and explained very well. A base/store is a long way away. Podcast is a good idea and can be done from someone's own room like most others.

Subtitles would be great. The website still needs bringing upto multi language but finding people with he skills to do this is hard.

It's great your so enthusiastic. A great addition to get pivx seen in Turkey.
Has any individual or community ever implemented a similar idea before, or is this a completely original concept developed through your creative thinking?
Not sure if you are asking about PHYSICAL or DIGITAL meetups. But, I have experience with both.

Early in the life of PIVX, a few other PIVians and myself held 3 or 4 in person meetups. Most were at a Co-working facility where we could control the environment, and there were approx 30 to 40 people each time. Another 1 or 2 were informal at local pub. That was super hard to be efficient, because it was too loud for anyone other than the people immediately beside you to hear you.

While I do not have any experience with crypto DIGITAL Meetups, as a stay at home Dad, I witnessed my son attend high school online classes in a Zoom style interface. Granted, the kids weren't completely enthusiastic, because they were there only because they had to be. If you invite people interested in crypto and PIVX, and keep each session short, the dynamic will be totally different and extremely efficient. The people who attend will want to be there and will be eager to learn.

I remain convinced that DIGITAL meetups are the direction we need to go if we want to scale quickly and globally.

From the people who attend the DIGITAL meetups, and learning what they do in real life, it would make sense to have PHYSICAL meetups with them, perhaps to learn how they can integrate PIVX into their business, and what PIVX can do to help make it happen. For example, after many DIGITAL meetups, you may have a list of 50 retail business owners. Then design a meetup designed specifically for them.

I hope this makes sense.

Good luck!
PIVCAST: A Privacy-Focused Podcast Project Expanding from Digital Turkey to the Global Stage

PIVCAST (1).jpg

Project Name: PIVCAST – The Voice of Privacy

PIVCAST is a podcast series that aims to start in Turkey and expand globally, focusing on privacy and financial freedom. It is designed to introduce PIVX’s core values and privacy-focused solutions to a broad audience. The series seeks to raise awareness about financial privacy while also attracting new users to the PIVX ecosystem.

Project Scope:

  • PIVX-Centric Content: In-depth discussions on PIVX’s technology, use cases, and privacy solutions.
  • Privacy and the Crypto World: Conversations about privacy-focused crypto projects and regulations.
  • Expert Insights: Interviews with industry experts to provide reliable information. (In future phases)
  • Community Engagement: Content shaped by questions and feedback from the PIVX community.
  • From Turkish to Global: Initially, the episodes will be in Turkish, with subtitles added in English and other languages to reach an international audience.
  • Social Media Integration: Podcast content will be distributed across various digital platforms to reach a wider audience.
Digital Platforms for Broadcast:

  • YouTube – Video content with subtitles for wider accessibility.
  • Spotify – Audio-only format to reach music and podcast listeners.
  • Apple Podcasts – Providing a quality podcast experience for iOS users.
  • Telegram Voice Chats – Interactive discussions within the community.
  • TikTok & Instagram Reels – Short and engaging clips to appeal to a broad social media audience.
  • Medium & Blog Posts – Written content to enhance SEO and provide an alternative way to consume information.
Key Advantages of the Project:

  • Global Reach: By adding English and other language subtitles, PIVCAST will attract international listeners, increasing PIVX’s recognition beyond Turkey.
  • Long-Lasting & Sustainable Content: The podcast will cover evergreen topics, ensuring its relevance for years and continuously attracting new audiences.
  • Community-Driven Growth: PIVCAST will not just be a podcast but a foundation for building a strong community. PIVX supporters can share the content, contributing to organic growth.
  • Highlighting Privacy & Financial Freedom: PIVCAST will raise awareness of financial privacy, one of today’s most critical topics.
  • Professional Collaborations: By featuring experts from the blockchain and finance industries, the podcast will become a trusted and authoritative source of information. (In future phases)
  • Education & Awareness: Beyond promoting PIVX, the series will help improve financial literacy and educate users on privacy-focused financial solutions.
Long-Term Vision:
Over time, PIVCAST has the potential to evolve into a globally recognized privacy-focused media platform. Collaborations with universities and industry professionals in finance and technology can enhance knowledge sharing. Additionally, podcasts can be transcribed into blog posts and e-books, making the content more accessible to a wider audience.

Future phases may include live Q&A sessions to increase community interaction. PIVCAST will create an interactive space for both content creators and listeners. In the long run, the project can host international events, further expanding its reach and influence.

This project is not only a promotional initiative for PIVX but also a significant step towards raising awareness of financial freedom and privacy. PIVCAST will establish itself as a powerful digital platform, supporting PIVX’s growth and securing its place in the blockchain ecosystem.

While the initial content will be in Turkish, PIVX community members worldwide can take the initiative to create their own regional podcasts. This will enable multiple language subtitle options, further expanding the project’s reach.

Through this podcast series, PIVX will be recognized not just as a cryptocurrency but as a movement, fostering a global community.

Would you like to discuss this further?

@Eric_Stanek @Gerrald ETC.
PIVCAST: 1-Month Work Plan
(Updated Schedule with Two Podcasts Per Week)

General Strategy:

This 1-month plan is designed to ensure the regular and sustainable progress of PIVCAST. A total of 8 podcast episodes will be released, with two episodes per week. The first month will focus on establishing the content, increasing community engagement, and expanding the podcast’s presence on digital platforms.

Week 1: Preparation and Initial Releases

Day 1 – Planning and Content Preparation

  • Define the podcast format and episode structure.
  • Determine the main themes for the first 4 episodes.
  • Select topics:
    • Episode 1: What is PIVCAST? Purpose and Vision
    • Episode 2: The Importance of PIVX and Financial Privacy
  • Choose and prepare intro and outro music.
  • Complete the technical setup (microphone, recording software, editing tools).

Day 2 – First Episode Recording and Editing

  • Episode 1: "What is PIVCAST? Purpose and Vision" is recorded.
  • Audio and video editing is completed.
  • Subtitles are added.

Day 3 – First Episode Release and Promotion

  • Episode 1 is published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
  • Promotional posts are shared on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Short clips are created for TikTok and Reels.
  • Community feedback is gathered.

Day 4 – Second Episode Recording and Editing

  • Episode 2: "The Importance of PIVX and Financial Privacy" is recorded.
  • Audio and video editing is completed.
  • Subtitles are added.

Day 5 – Second Episode Release

  • Episode 2 is published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
  • Promotional and engagement-focused content is shared on social media.
  • A discussion is initiated in the Telegram community.

Week 2: Community Engagement and New Episodes

Day 6 – First Week Analysis and Planning

  • Performance analysis of the first 2 episodes.
  • Evaluation of community feedback.
  • New topics for the next episodes:
    • Episode 3: Privacy-Focused Cryptocurrencies
    • Episode 4: Regulations in the Blockchain World

Day 7 – Third Episode Recording and Editing

  • Episode 3: "Privacy-Focused Cryptocurrencies" is recorded.
  • Audio and video editing is completed.
  • Subtitles are added.

Day 8 – Third Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
  • Social media promotions are carried out.

Day 9 – Fourth Episode Recording and Editing

  • Episode 4: "Regulations in the Blockchain World" is recorded.
  • Editing and subtitle additions are completed.

Day 10 – Fourth Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.
  • Discussion is initiated on Telegram and social media.

Week 3: Deepening Content

Day 11 – Evaluation and New Topics

  • Performance analysis of the first 4 episodes.
  • New topics for the next episodes:
    • Episode 5: Cryptocurrency Security and Wallet Usage
    • Episode 6: The Technological Infrastructure of PIVX

Day 12 – Fifth Episode Recording and Editing

  • "Cryptocurrency Security and Wallet Usage" is recorded.

Day 13 – Fifth Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Day 14 – Sixth Episode Recording and Editing

  • "The Technological Infrastructure of PIVX" is recorded.

Day 15 – Sixth Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Week 4: Community Feedback and Future Planning

Day 16 – Evaluation of the First 6 Episodes

  • Identify the most popular episodes.
  • Gather suggestions via a community survey.
  • New topics:
    • Episode 7: Anonymous Transactions with PIVX
    • Episode 8: The Future of Cryptocurrencies

Day 17 – Seventh Episode Recording and Editing

  • "Anonymous Transactions with PIVX" is recorded.

Day 18 – Seventh Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Day 19 – Eighth Episode Recording and Editing

  • "The Future of Cryptocurrencies" is recorded.

Day 20 – Eighth Episode Release

  • Published on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

Final 10 Days: Expansion and Future Steps

Days 21-25 – Content Distribution and Social Media Marketing

  • Re-sharing all episodes on social media.
  • Organizing engagement activities with community rewards.
  • Creating Medium and blog articles summarizing podcast content.

Days 26-30 – Future Planning and Community Activities

  • Hosting live Q&A sessions.
  • Planning for expert interviews.
  • Testing English-subtitled episodes for international reach.
  • Creating the content schedule for the next month.

Conclusion and Future Steps:

This 1-month plan will result in a high-quality 8-episode podcast series. PIVCAST will increase its recognition in both Turkey and the international space, contributing to PIVX’s transformation into a privacy-focused community movement.

Planned Actions for the Next Month:

  • Developing new content based on community suggestions.
  • Expanding global reach with English and multilingual subtitles.
  • Increasing knowledge depth through expert interviews.
  • Strengthening community engagement through live events.
📢 I created this progress plan with my personal insights and ChatGPT’s assistance to make PIVCAST more effective. What do you think?

Do you think I should open a new discussion topic for this?